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Everything posted by yikai

  1. for me, it always happens when i add in a new BIG wrasse. but it will only last for the first 1-2 days until everything is settled down. i have absolutely 100% no aggression with any of my wrasses now. I just throw whatever wrasse i want in and they just sort out the heirachy status themselves. for your case, remove the tomato clown if it get's too bad. they are fierce. laboutei is fierce as i have mentioned before, and for me its no problem since it was the last big wrasse to be added in. yours might pose a problem to future wrasses. if that's the case, temporarily trap it first. it did try to go after my new female rhomboids, but the big alpha male always saves the day "paws off my ladies" he says.
  2. flame wrasse and lineatus are the only two upper tier wrasse that i do not have at the moment. can't possible collect them all since there are so many species, so i'll forgo the more common and easily found ones like exquisite, etc, though i like them all. will look for a flame and lineatus slowly. flame wrasse quite common so don't have to worry. lineatus is the one i'm after. but for now, saving money for my rhomboid harem :-)
  3. my two favourite shots. looks natural.
  4. all my fishes are spoilt. i think if i release them back to the sea they'll probably die lol. can be hand fed with mysis and pellets. completely lost the most important survival factor, i.e "fear" use hands to catch also can.
  5. went to kitchen for a drink of water and happen to see THIS when i was walking past. gave me a serious fright. i had no idea how BIG it is now!!! been at least one and a half years since i got this. there's my index finger for comparison.
  6. try and cultivate the white zoanthid on its own if the sponge die and see how. imagine a bed of white zoas. will be very nice
  7. Sarcophyton Ehrenbergi. Tentacles are longer with large flowery tips.
  8. Terryz, photo abit dark because lights are dimmed now, but you can see the bubbles quite clearly. strange huh lol
  9. yah saw that thread also. hopefully it can remove it. otherwise i dunno how. it has attached to my giant rock and removing it will be quite a challenge. and poking it with a needle is too hard. coz its too slippery. fingers crossed maybe its like pop eye.
  10. nice sponge justin. its very very challenging to keep it alive. i have seen threads where the orange sponge dies but the zoanthid survives, and they grew it separately. but needs to be fed and i'm not sure how long the zoa can last without the sponge.
  11. i tried to, but fail. too slippery. i hope it can expel. i dunno how it got into the tentacle.. if into the body from the mouth still believable lol.
  12. yes its really bubbles. imagine a little bubble at the tip of the anemone. i tried poking a hole using a needle but the tentacle too slippery. i'll leave it and see how tomorrow.
  13. a moonlight shot of the LHS of my tank. RHS is still WIP so no photos yet.
  14. yes ur right. it didnt move much. but there are bubbles trapped in some of the tentacles!! i dunno how come this happened :/ or how to fix it..
  15. New baby! haven expand yet.
  16. true octos aplenty at iwarna. transparent with green dots.
  17. don't think i have given jacky any warning points before. but i can't not give them out when they are due, its my job lol.
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