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Everything posted by yikai

  1. from iwarna right? this is a very nice piece
  2. that was my guess too. problem with cirrhilabrus is that some look rather similar to flashers when juvenile. pin-pointing the exact shipment or LFS can greatly help in eliminating suspects
  3. Hi, may i know which shipment or which LFS you got the wrasse from? interested in it but i need some clues to ID what it is first. looks like a female/juvenile of some sort..
  4. Looking for Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis, orange back fairy wrasse. anyone see? thanks
  5. lionfishes are one of the handful of fishes that don't have scales, so keeping them ich free is quite hard. dont copper it though. scaleless fishes are more sensitive to copper.
  6. are the tentacles suppose to be this stubby? -.-
  7. haha. i love my avatar too. the blue hat was designed by fred butler, and is one of my favourite pieces of gaga's.
  8. first one, nuisence crab. get rid of it. 2nd one picture very blur. a sharper picture would be better. is there tentacles at the mouth? looks like a sea cucumber.
  9. very nice D. fragilis. and a very uncommon colour too! $22
  10. definately not sunflowers. should be a dragon eye morph. i really have no idea
  11. the water in the sea will always be cooler than that in our tanks. even at surface level. but then again, i guess it's safe to say that the coral can survive at RTP, if it's harvested at the surface level in local waters. then in that case, it will be unfair to say that he acclimate it to RTP, and then this thread would be a lie.
  12. yes. fairy and flasher wrasses are very famous for jumping. one of the leading cause of death in most aquariums is because of jumping from an uncovered tank.
  13. yep. declivis having ich now but still feeding like a machine. hopefully it will pass through the ich phase and join the rest of my healthy fishes soon. hate to see it covered in spots.
  14. flame wrasse is one of the more timid member of the cirrhilabrus genus. laboutei rank one of the most fierce.
  15. the real brain corals in the sea are actually favites sp. and other genus of favias. large colonies of favia, platygyra, favites etc are all called brain corals. the fleshy trachyphyllia, wesophyllias seen in our trade are called open brain corals...... google up brain coral to see. TS is technically not wrong in calling it a brain coral. i am, however, interested in knowing where he got it. there's no such thing as acclimating a coral to room temperature (rtp). if its alive in RTP, it means it can survive in rtp and doesn't need acclimating, or it's slowly dying but not dead yet, or it's just tolerating the temperature which is not optimal for it's health. TRUE acclimating would take years of evolution and successive continuation of the species to naturally occur and survive in waters at RTP.
  16. very nice stocklist bro solo. plenty of fish, but nice fish.
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