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Everything posted by yikai

  1. signal gobies are notoriously difficult to keep.
  2. sony do you know the size and price of the huang li yu?
  3. Pineapple fish at LCK, flashlight fish at iwarna, this is the perfect chance to make a dimly lit tank!
  4. Pineapple fish!! monocentris japonica. wow rare rare.
  5. Herding a group of butterflies like sheep to their ultimate demise. hmm..ornate butterfly. poor thing. 0% chance of survival. Video says for a public aquarium, so let's hope there's enough SPS for this fella to eat.
  6. And this is my favourite of all. watch the first 2 mins as he swoops up a bunch of yellow and blue assesors!
  7. Emperor angels, triggers and butterflies. Quite sad actually to see them chased into big nets and struggling.
  8. collecting lemonpeel angels. watch the 7 min mark as he catches a handful at a time including a hybrid.
  9. Watch this video as the divers collect cirrhilabrus lineatus and cirrhilabrus scottorum with the aid of a mist net from the coral sea. at the 3 min mark you can see him showing the fish through the net as he puts them in a bucket
  10. africa? i thought they are indo fishes. but i've personally not seen them in LFS before
  11. yep. flashing tilefish is ridiculously expensive there. good thing it's within our range so its cheap.
  12. ah yes heard of that chromis before. flashing tilefish has a wider colour spectrum i think.
  13. ooo very nice! and i like the homer! HAHA
  14. i wanted to reserve some for you since they came in 7. however, 2 didnt make it from shipment. 2 was put into their show tank, and i took the remaining three. could pass you one if you like, but they look good more than 1. anyway see how mine fares... they're dam timid lah was there at around 2+, then was casually watching them unpack as i was sipping my root beer. saw some purple tilefishes being unpacked then was thinking "huh. if only got flashing tilefishes" << always secretly hoped to find them in CF or iwarna. then BOOM! 7 of them unpacked and flashing like mad in the basket. according to iwarna, they came in many times before, so keep a look out in future! but its a double edged sword i guess. their flashing only increases when they are stressed.
  15. haha. thanks for the overdose of compliment ... not the best softy tank, but i do love the swaying motion in the wavebox. they are quite charming. especially xenias and their tireless pulsing.
  16. dont be suprised if there are no photos at all. tilefishes are very famous for hiding until they die. let's hope this is not the case. it's impossible for me to keep them in the betta box because they need to hide in the sand/rocks for safety. Not sure if they will come out tomorrow due to the hustle of my wrasses.
  17. thanks bro. you mean the right hand side? its not a bridge actually. from the front looks like a bridge, but when you look from the side, its actually not-connected and in the foreground. but a bridge sounds nice... maybe can play around and do an actual bridge! lol
  18. the only pictures i have of them are those in the betta box. released them and they went straight into hiding, which is very typical of tilefishes. will see if they are brave enough to come out tomorrow. super skittish fish.
  19. iwarna have some colt corals. very easy to take care, just note that they are one of the more aggressive softies. so place them at suitable location.
  20. My turn! my softy dominated tank.. some top down, side, partial and full tank shots. turned on my lights to take the FTS, thus the octo and sacrophyton ehrenbergi is not open
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