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Everything posted by yikai

  1. safely say, nope. but there's a reason, and there are triggers to make them go crazy for fleshy LPS. will write an article about it soon
  2. yes it was super healthy and normal just before it died. i'm sad because i lost a fish that has been with me for so long and i think it has grown so much. and very responsive too. anyways, no use crying over spilt milk.
  3. sad to say, my rhomboid didnt make it good bye old friend. i'll miss you still don't know why it died... could it be the fight? not sure. no healthy fish just dies for no reason anyway..
  4. Have pinned this topic up. Please read it. it will help answer questions like "is flame angel reef safe" or what angel reef safe. even if yes/no, just read. at least you get a rough idea.
  5. thanks guys. it's really heartening to see comments like this. i hope you understand, that my rhomboid is my pride and joy, and what keeps me happy everyday when i come back from school. it's like a dog, he greets me everyday when i go near the tank. he is handfed, and pecks on my fingers when i put my hand in the water. i got him if im not wrong, october last year from digiman, and i trained him to be an alpha male. he is now more than 4 inches, extremely fat and his colours are awesome if i do say so myself. but i dont have a good camera to capture it so i post pictures here that do it no justice. my family has grown to love it as much as i have since i make a big fuss about it everyday. i make sure it's ok when i'm not at home, and make sure he is fed at least two times a day. i know it's not good to be so attached to a fish since they die so easily. but then again, there's no point in reefing if you don't treasure your livestock like this. he has spawned for me before, first in the world i believe. there is no information on this online. has flashed for me every single evening. responded well to my offerings of female rhomboids. it's really awesome to see it flash and flare. and patrolling the tank like a shark. he's a gentle giant. never instigate any fights. always peaceful. has scared me before many times with near death experiences, but always pulls through. never let me down when i was overseas for 1 week, then 3 weeks. my rhomboid i hope you're fine and don't die on me! touch wood but if it's fated then there's nothing i can do too. no other can replace it, it's really remarkable. fishes are smarter than what we humans perceive them to be, yet they get so little recognition and we fail to make them happy, beyond what we percieve their happiness to be. Fish psychology is much deeper than a clean tank. it's also their environment. and if we fail in this, then we fail in reefing. afterall, it's all about the wellness of our livestock. Not only what they appear to be. it's more than just the surface.
  6. agreed with the above. the genuses u mentioned are all non primary coral eating groups but holacanthus and pomcanthus are famous for their itchy mouths.
  8. i'm keeping softies with some LPS, so it doesnt bother me. nice to see the declivis taking nips at sinularia and sarcophyton, then spitting out and shaking its head. probably saying YUCKS! so noxious. bo ho jiak. haha
  9. thanks guys for the nice words. It took me almost or more than half a year to get this rhomboid to the giant it is now, and it's colour is very beautiful. i dare say it is the largest living rhomboid in singapore. over 4 inch. and super fat. it's not the money, but more of a sentimental value T_T
  10. hi deardarling, please don't get us wrong. we are not saying you did take the corals from the wild, only suspect. so we would like to know where you get it from. but we are curious why you would have 3 accounts in this forum.
  11. the good thing is, most angels and butterflies will not nip on the SPS the whole day constantly. if you notice dwarf angels, or even big pomcanthus sp., they swim and take a nip or two, and then continue on their voyage. a good example will be iwarna's heavily stocked angel and SPS tank. colours are still holding up well even though there are no polyp extension. and the angels don't nip constantly.
  12. you can remove all of them with no ill effects if you want to.
  13. a large nuisence crab. - remove. a large nudibranch. - remove. various engina sp. snails perhaps?. same genus as bumblebee snails - debate. can remove if you want. can keep if you want. found them harmless
  14. potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is a very very VERY deep purple compound that will stain your clothes and cannot be removed. A good oxidising agent, and will stain water a deep purple. I don't think it can be used in reef tanks? It will make your water so purple it appears black. I use this chemical very often and it stains like crazy. The purple stains will decompose to brown potassium manganate which cannot be removed easily. Potassium permanganate induces mutation of DNA if used in large amounts for prolonged periods of time. The only place where i commonly see this is in laboratories. Not sure if you can buy it from outside. never heard of it being used in reef tanks before. maybe not in it's pure form, and in very minute amounts?
  15. I think a decent thread like this one should put ease to all the "omg my angel/butterfly is nipping my SPS. help help helpzz !!11!!one" First, let us look at the basic structure of small polyp stony corals (SPS). SPS are calcerous corals with little "holes" where the polyps are found in. These polyps are small, hence the term SPS. Polyps comprises of tentacles, more than 1 usually, to capture food particle. Will butterflyfishes and angelfishes nip on your beloved acropora colonies? Chances are, yes. At the end of the day however, damage done to the coral is minimal or negligible. Unlike damage done to LPS. There's a reason for it. I'm getting to it When angels/butterflies nip on your SPS, polyp extension will be compromised. Which is normal. However, polyps do and will extend at night when the fishes are asleep. If you're not a fan of closed polyps in the day, angels and butterflies are not for you. It's a small price to pay IMO if you are keeping these beautiful fishes. They are, the most colourful family of fishes in the sea IMO. The angels and butterflies. Polyps will also extend in areas where these fishes cannot reach. I.e, deep within the colony. SPS grow in branches and can be a hindrance to these fishes to reach the polyps within. What's the bonus for this? Many SPS harbor brilliantly coloured flesh, but when the polyps extend, the entire coral is shrouded in brown. I'm not a SPS keeper, but imagine your glorious blue millie being shrouded in long wavy BROWN polyps. Not very nice right? Angels and butterflies help keep these polyps retracted, which shows off the beautiful blue colour of the millie. This doesn't harm the SPS. Photosynthesis of zooxanthellae can and will still occur. Polyp extension occurs in areas where the fishes can't reach, and at night. How much exactly, is the coral being harmed? Truth is, not much. Take a close look the next time your dwarf angel nips at your SPS. The majority that is being nipped off is the SPS slime. Not the polyp itself. Also, even if the fish wanted to nip the polyps out, it cannot. Realise that very few fishes have to ability to actually nip the polyp out of the little "holes" in the skeleton that I mentioned earlier. Why? In order to do this, fishes must have a specialized mouth to suck out the polyps from the SPS. One example is Chaetodon ornatissimus, the ornate butterflyfish, which is an obligate coralivore. These fishes that feed on nothing but coral polyps have special jaws to remove polyps. Our run of the mill dwarf angels and most butterflies are not primary polyp feeders, and thus, are lucky to even nip part of a tentacle from a single polyp. Imagine a 5 tentacle polyp. The fish will be lucky to nip a part, of ONE tentacle of ONE polyp. That's how hard it is for them. So the next time you see your angel or butterfly nipping on your SPS, take a closer look. You will notice that not much is being removed. However there are out of the norm cases, as most of us would know by now. So take this advice with a pinch of salt and should only serve as a guideline This write up is based on the artile on GBD. reference here http://glassbox-design.com/2009/polyp-nipping-and-sps-its-only-natural/
  16. it's a galaxy coral from the looks of it. wow did it encrust to the tank floor?
  17. side note, flashlight fishes can grow to 9 inches. so please, bear that in mind. and they prefer dimly lit and peaceful tanks.
  18. deardarling. the administrator has already sent you a PM regarding your sales. Please explain to the MOD team where you get your corals from.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxuYdrUwf9I&feature=related&aia=true sign in to watch it
  20. omg my male rhomboid didn't come out today the whole day. i saw it hiding this morning and yesterday it was per normal. last night however, saw it squaring off with my pylei. both have fins extended, flashing intensively and circling each other like sharks. i turned off the lights to prevent them from fighting and both went to sleep. here's the thing. most of the large wrasses in my tank are alpha already, and the most alpha of them all is the rhomboid. had it around 6-7 months. super stable. every evening there will be a flash off between the rhomboid vs pylei, and laboutei vs rosyscale. all are 4 inch with the exception of the rosy being 3.5 inch. this morning i found my solar wrasse dead, with broken fins and tail. (i wanted to remove it to sell...) suspect the wrasses have been squaring off too intensly and the solar was a casualty of the event.. hoping my rhomboid is hiding somewhere safely and will emerge again tomorrow have temporarily trapped the pylei as of now.
  21. the scary thing is that i know all of those fishes without even using google. too obsessed with this hobby liao. would love to see a venustus and multifasciatus pair!!
  22. yes yes!! ah been looking for a female pylei for sooo long.
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