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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Holacanthus The big boys Holacanthus africanus SPS safe. Not sure with LPS/softies? Blue angel - Holacanthus bermudensis SPS safe. Not safe with LPS. Seen them nipping nipping nipping... Queen Angel - Holacanthus ciliaris SPS safe?, NOT safe with LPS. Summary? Best left in FOWLR tanks or with softies. NOT zoanthids. Clarion Angel - Holacanthus clarionensis SPS safe i would think, not sure about LPS. But im willing to say no. Clipperton Angel - Holacanthus limbaughi Should be SPS safe. No idea on LPS. But this is one angel i won't mind feeding LPS to. King Angel - Holacanthus passer mmm SPS safe i think. LPS most likely no Rock Beauty - Holacanthus tricolour Very difficult to sustain. Not LPS safe but okay with SPS.
  2. Genicanthus The swallowtail Angels VERY VERY safe. All are zooplanktivores and do not eat corals in the wild. Only heard of one case of them nipping on corals. That one is an isolated case. All are safe with SPS, LPS and zoas. Interesting thing to note is that this is the only genus of angelfish that express sexual dimorphism. ie, males and females look completely different. so its easy to pair them! Bellus Angel - Genicanthus bellus Zebra Swallowtail - Genicanthus caudovittatus Lamarck Angel - Genicanthus lamarck Blackspot - Genicanthus melanospilos Personatus angel - Genicanthus personatus If you can afford it or get your hands on it! Genicanthus semicinctus - rare... very rare Masked Swallowtail - Genicanthus semifasciatus Japanese Angelfish - Genicanthus takeuchii The rarest of the lot. Very rare very expensive. This fish is protected and you can only catch it while snorkeling. (i think) Watanabei angel - Genicanthus watanabei
  3. Chaetodontoplus Butterfly/angel hybrids if you ask me. I don't have much information on this genus. Hoping others will chip in. Ballina Angel - Chaetodontoplus ballinae Perhaps the RAREST angelfish in the entire world. Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus really no idea. Conspicillatus Angel - Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus Digiman, care to share? Scribbled Angel - Chaetodontoplus duboulayi Not very safe from what i hear... SPS friendly though. Black Poma Angel (Is this what they call it?) - Chaetodontoplus melanosoma No idea. Seldom see people keeping this.. Meridith Angel - Chaetodontoplus meredithi No idea. SPS safe but not sure for LPS. I'm guessing not very? Singapore Angel - Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus Not safe from the one that i kept. SPS safe. Chaetodontoplus niger Very very rare... Personifer's angel - Chaetodontoplus personifer THE angel that defines this genus IMO. SPS safe. Relativlely safe with LPS Blue Lined Angel - Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis My favourite. SPS safe, and should be safe with LPS. Seldom hear of them nipping LPS. Any information would be appreciated. Quite dry with this genus... although from what i hear, these guys are quite okay with corals. But don't go buying them just yet. will wait for more input.
  4. Centropyge Everybody's favourite little monsters. African Pygmy Angel - Centropyge acanthops Very safe with SPS, with caution with LPS and softies. Will leave most noxious softies alone like leather. Argi Angel - Centropyge argi Very safe with SPS. Have not heard of any argi angels posing a threat to LPS and softies. But as with most dwarf angels, the risk is there although extremely minimal for this species. Golden Angel - Centropyge aurantius One of my personal fav, if you can keep it alive. Difficult to chance upon feeding specimens and VERY shy and cryptic initially. Harlequin Mania had one but I have seen it nipping on his LPS. Although literature states that this is one of the safer dwarves. You decide. Flameback Angelfish - Centropyge aurantonotus Another one of my personal fav, very reef safe IMO. Ranks with flame angel. Very rarely hear of them nipping on LPS and softies. Very safe with SPS. Bicolour Angelfish - Centropyge bicolor Hmm...not very reef safe IMO. The number of accounts of it munching on corals outdo the number of accounts in which it don't. Personally kept two before, developed a taste for LPS. Safe with SPS. Coral Beauty Angel - Centropyge Bispinosa Very reef safe, kept one for many many months before. No problem with my corals. Safe with SPS. Colin's Angelfish - Centropyge colini If you can get it feeding and keep it alive...This is one species i DON'T MIND nipping on my LPS. safe with SPS. Debelius Angel - Centropyge debelius No info? But as with other dwarves, should be exercised with caution Eibli's Angelfish - Centropyge eibli NO IMO. Nipped on my LPS before and have heard similar accounts. Safe with SPS. Rusty Angelfish - Centropyge ferrugata Quite tame as far as dwarves go. Seldom hear of this species nipping on coral. Then again, seldom see people keeping this. Safe with SPS. Experiences anyone? Centropyge fisheri Centropyge Flavicauda Very similar in appearances, although the former may appear more brownish. The latter has a whitish-yellow tail. Former is a hawaiian endemic, the latter, from indonesia. Both of which i am unsure regarding their reef safeness. Anyone care to share? Safe with SPS Centropyge flavipectoralis Looks like a dark coral beauty with yellow fins. No idea on it's reefsafeness Lemonpeel Angel - Centropyge Flavissimus No experience, but the legend of the lemonpeel prevails as one of the most notoriously non-reefsafe dwarf. Safe with SPS though. Centropyge Heraldi No experience. Should exercise caution with this one with regards to LPS. Probably a nipper. Safe with SPS. Centropyge hotumatua, Centropyge interruptus. From Japan, the former being very rare. Both should be reef-safe from the articles i read online. None here to try though. Safe with SPS Joculator Angel - Centropyge joculator Amongst one of the safest. But i have heard a tale or two of them nipping on LPS. SPS safe Flame Angelfish - Centropyge loricula How can we forget the most famous of them all. The one species that put's its mark in EVERY forum. "Is flame angel reefsafe?" the most frequently asked question. Answer? It is not 50-50. Flame angel is one of the, if not, the safest dwarf angel IMO. i will say 70-30 or 80-20. The bigger number being the reef-safeness. But as usual, there are stories of them nipping on LPS. SPS friendly. Multicolour Angel - Centropyge Multicolour Mmm... no stories of them being naughty so far. SPS friendly Centropyge nahackyi, Centropyge narcosis, Centropyge nigriocellus All of which are too rare and un-obtainable. Centropyge Nox NOx very reef safe. pun intended lol. Heard more tales of them nipping LPS than not. SPS safe. very shy. Potter's angel - Centropyge Potteri Reefsafe with limited caution. As good as a flame. Mine didn't give me any problems. SPS safe Centropyge Resplendens IF you ever get one, all your LPS are probably unworthy for it. NIP AWAY I SAY. but seriously, should be LPS safe. SPS friendly Shepard's Angel - Centropyge Shepardi No info from me. Anyone care to share? Keyhole Angel - Centropyge Tibicen Not very LPS friendly. SPS safe Pearly Angel - Centropyge vroliki Dunno? Same as eibli's i guess. Woodhead angel - Centropyge woodheadi same as heraldi i guess. To sum up, you guessed it. Most dwarf angels are ambiguous with regards to their reef-safeness. It all boils down to individual fishes personality. How to answer your question when you say is a dwarf angel reefsafe? Honestly, i don't know.. its too ambiguous and intangible. Such questions are not like math where its based on probability. I have a friend who had 5 flame angels eat his corals in a row. Go figure
  5. I think many reefers have been awaiting a thread like this, at least I hope you guys are. A thread listing all angelfish species and their behaviour towards standard reef aquaria. Please note that the information provided on this thread are based on the norm, but as we all know, exceptions do occur. Please feel free to share your experience with any angels that you have personally kept. This thread will also serve as a log towards the behaviour of these fishes. I hope that reefers will chip in their personal experiences with them and then i can add it to the existing log. So my hope for this thread will be an online diary with personal or known experiences. Hope that members participate!! First up, just a brief introduction to the family. The super Pomacanthidae, the marine angels, consist of 9 genera and about 70+ species and i do believe it is growing. They get the name from the spine at the gill covers. In latin, pom means cover, and acanthus means spine. Go figure. Not all are suitable for the reef aquaria. Some being extremely difficult to keep, or grow to large sizes, while others remain small and are easy. Introducing the 9 genera, Apolemichthys - The famous goldflake and it's cousins Centropyge - The dwarf angels Chaetodontoplus Genicanthus - The swallowtails Holacanthus Paracentropyge Pomacanthus Pygoplites Sumireyakko and the subgenus Euxiphipops This thread is about the discussion of reef-safeness, and not the level of difficulty, although that will be touched on abit. Starting with Apolemichthys Bandit Angelfish - Holacanthus Arcuatus. This fish was formerly placed in Holacanthus, but fishbase lists it under Apolemichthys and so do certain books. For now it shall be placed here. Not much success is seen with this fish locally, although it is possible. Main diet in the wild should be sponges and tunicates. Requires cool water and do better when purchased as juveniles. Not much information on reefsafeness, care to share anyone? Based on first hand experience. Bandits are very safe with SPS. Armitage Angelfish - Apolemichthys armitagei Too rare. Found only in Maldives and Seychelles. Very very unlikely to encounter it here. Griffith's Angelfish - Apolemichthys griffisi Available Occasionally. Not much information from reefers but I have seen this fish placed in Iwarna's cube tank with corals before. Reef safe for the entire duration it was there. Reunion Angelfish - Apolemichthys guezei Never made it's way to Singapore. Only found in reunion islands. Ugly fish IMO. Kingi Angelfish - Apolemichthys kingi The MOST beautiful of the genus IMO, but too rare and you can forget about seeing it here. Maybe not in the near future. The flagfin angelfish, Blue lip angel - Apolemichthys trimaculatus Relatively safe with LPS and zoas. Very safe with SPS. Goldflake Angelfish - Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus Safe with SPS and relatively safe with LPS. Caution should be taken though, for I have personally seen this fish nipping on LPS and even noxious cladiella sp. Red Sea Angelfish - Apolemichthys xanthotis Apolemichthys xanthurus Very similarly marked, the former from red sea and the latter, the indian ocean. No idea on it's reef safeness. Anyone with experience? To sum up, this genus isn't as bad as some of the other angels out there in terms of reef safeness. But do take caution with your LPS and softies if you're introducing them. SPS no problem.
  6. OMG! http://www.liveaquaria.com/diversden/ItemDisplay.cfm?c=2733+3&ddid=87483 pair bluelines feeding on pellets. wah i want.
  7. this is a green beautifully coloured majano anemone. available time to time at pasir ris.
  8. i have 100+ lady gaga songs, alot of them include remixes and dance themes. including the very rare soundtrack from her monster ball concert and fame ball concert studio versions. can dance to that it's superb. am actually darker than that.. think some of the reefers here will know. i can really be cold brutally heartless if i want to. thank god i almost never show my evil side. my friends say i can direct the next saw trilogy. but i beg to differ. i think saw is for sissys.
  9. aye heavy dose of alcohol please. especially rum if you have. have been drinking on the sly without parent's consent. and i love alcohol if i must say.... i'm a good drinker. but i'm also a good controller anyway, classes end at 6 for me on friday so i will try to rush down ASAP. i think i should be able to reach by 6.30. sorry no SRC t shirt for me. i don't wear that to school.
  10. agreed. potassium permangante very strong oxidising agent and burns brightly. never mix it with sugar or any of the carbon sugars. this stuff explodes and burns very strongly with sugar. i don't think it's suitable for use in marine aquarium.
  11. mm haha! yeah! sounds fun too.
  12. hehe. will sell off some of my wrasses. trapped my pylei but it hurt it's mouth trying to escape from the box zzzzz not feeding now.. anyway. doesn't matter i'm not sad anymore yeah i want a majorie! too bad fiji shipments rarely have fishes. and isit me? or are there very little wrasses coming in from cebu. i've not seen a cebu pylei in shops for awhile now.
  13. that venustus never fail to impress me. love his zen concept too. i HATE flavicauda!! yucks!
  14. but we all know how hard it is to get a stable rhomboid and colour differs so much from each individual species. training it from a baby to a rockstar took alot of effort and watching it grow was so rewarding. thanks everyone. no point dwelling over it they all have to go some day, and i know i did my best and i hope that it was happy while it was alive.
  15. thanks this really made my day.
  16. fish sold, thread closed. Why the sarcasm and commotion? There's already a picture of a purple tanG there. We all know what he's selling nothing to be confused about.
  17. here's what you can do. turn off all pumps and wavemaker. put some mysis or a small piece of prawn on the brain coral. in a few minutes, the tentacles should emerge. do this for a few days and it should automatically open up it's tentacles
  18. what a horrible present then..
  19. not suprising. have seen queen angels rip off large chunks of lobos and pratas, sometimes even breaking the calcium skeleton beneath. it's safe to say that holacanthus sp. and pomacanthus sp are not safe with LPS. but it's a different story with SPS. they are usually very safe and don't bother SPS much.
  20. thanks. yes i'm selling away some of my fairies except the laboutei and my female rhomboids and the small naokoe. rosyscale, pylei etc has to go. as much as i hate to do so. the rhomboid really, is my pride and joy. it never fails to impress visitors and it's always the center of attention. so sad to lose a fish that was once yours and now mine, and i think it's clear how much i loved it by my posts. the declivis is fine now. the ich is almost gone, has not resurfaced for almost a week now. like the rest of my fishes, they don't show spots at all. the declivis is still feeding strong.
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