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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by yikai

  1. oh dear dancing lemon? ._> i look so ugly in that shirt. cannot wear it ever again.
  2. wow sooo....tired. lol. too much rum. i would love the photos and videos guys. to those whom took them. upload here also can lol.
  3. LCK - tank bred WHITE BAR maculosus angels. size rnaging from tiny, small and medium. the tiny ones are 1 inch and are all yellow barred. I couldn't resist and bought my first white barred maculosus angel at only 2.5 inch. - tank bred blue lined angels. all feeding very well and very small at only 2.5-3 inch! also got one Reborn - tons of flame angels. very small also got. 1 inch - alot of flame hawks. small sized ones - AT - Yellow tang - Ultra hybrid lemonpeel, along with 2 other less stunning ones. one reserved - 2 very orange lemonpeel angels. 1 reserved - 3 rhomoboids. biggest 1 reserved - at least 7 helfrichi firefishes - 4 spot butterflies - 2 colini left - potter's angel - fremblii butterfly - bartletts - thalassoma sp. - giant velvet wrasses. extreme huge. the real definition of alpha male. too bad i find them ugly - 3 flame wrasse pairs. gorgeos - 2 declivis left - tahiti butterfly pair - a handful of multicolour, 1 paired. some small sized ones too - rest i can't remember. FIji coral shipment @ reborn tonight. ETA 12-1AM.
  4. i explained to your before already. i have had a rhomboid for 8 months. super alpha, super gorgeous, super everything. but it's dead now due to my own mistake. some fishes are deliberately starved before shipping to reduce the bioload in the bag... others especially wrasses may contain internal parasites that will prevent them from absorbing nutrients........ i pmed you on this already. don't discuss it here. if you want, start a new thread in reef fishes
  5. don't want to rush. healthy den buy. no point buying then end up dying. but yeah, very lucky lessons cancelled tomorrow. can go see see
  6. my lessons cancelled tomorrow *thank god right?*. should be able to reach there latest by 1.
  7. yeah wonder if it's the white bar one too. let u know tomorrow?
  8. haha. don't worry. a brown note can get you plenty of nice angels.
  9. the damsel was aggressive to the blenny and the blenny gave it a taste of it's own medicine.
  10. ultra lemonpeel hybrid waiting for you tomorrow
  11. All favias collected by a very nice friendly reefer. sorry to the rest of the potential buyer. but bluesotong was fast! lol.
  12. reborn coming in some tomorrow. might check them out if i have the time. ISO? lol i dunno and i dont really care hehe.
  13. very nice bro. i love the valida. the before and after lols. your sps tank awaiting angels?
  14. i want to go and see. and get it! but i'm not free tomorrow. sian -.-
  15. Your leopards are not a pair. both are females... monitor them closely. sometimes they will fight until one die. if don't fight, one will turn into a male but it will take very long.
  16. borrow my uncle's camera. don't know how to use lol. some test shots. if only my rhomboid was still alive. lol. can take some better shots of it. oh well
  17. borrow my uncle's camera. don't know how to use lol. some test shots.
  18. do you have the hawaii stocklist? or are these the only fishes coming in.
  19. Wow that was fast. All three reserved by BlueSotong. Will be back up for sale if buyer backs out. thanks
  20. Last piece, green and red. $30
  21. Next is another rare colour. Black and red. Have fragged out part of it for someone, hence this is an incomplete piece. The fragged portion will heal in time, don't worry. Also there's a very small piece that dropped off, will give FOC along with the bigger piece. Both for $50. This piece is nicknamed venom favia
  22. Hello reefers. Selling off my favias because my declivis butterfly is nipping on them. I love the fish so i will be selling off the favias instead. Not really interested in LPS now anyways. So win win situation. Starting with the very rare blue and red favia. Please note that there are some injuries to this coral due to the nipping. I'll be honest with you guys, this is an open sales so everything will be stated in black and white. Damage as you can see is minimal, so with time, it will heal. Letting it go at $70/- nett. No bargaining, this piece is worth >$200 according to my last price check with members in this forum. I believe some of you might remember. Letting go at 70 due to the slight injury. this piece is nicknamed spiderman favia
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