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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by yikai

  1. thanks digiman. you know i won't leave the forum reefing is in my blood. i didn't read all those articles and learn so much for nothing haha. will definitely come back again. I really enjoy learning much about rarer fishes when i talk to you. You know i'll still go LFS and look at that red sea butterfly when it comes
  2. you're kidding. go look at jackywong's thread and you'll see.
  3. hi DA, its not only the tank and fish that's influencing me on the decomm. I just feel that the tank is not worth pumping money on for now. The condition and specs are seriously zzz. I need to decomm and take a break, come back again perhaps. The glass is only 8mm, amongst other things lah. it's more of peace of mind. And im quite unhappy with certain hobby related things going on. people, etc. but more importantly i feel that if i wanna spend so much on the hobby, might as well re-do something proper that is worth spending money on. get better tank, get some better equipment. Try some new stuff too perhaps. But for now i feel like taking a break. so sorry for the rash decision, i can't get your sea fan now it would really look good in my tank... but i will still go reborn tomorrow to look at the interruptus and lineatus
  4. honestly, i don't know. I'm quite sick of everything recently. My new fishes keep dying but old ones are surviving as though nothing happen, amongst other other things. going to take a short break lah. hopefully upgrade after awhile. maybe get a bigger tank, better equips, try SPS etc.
  5. going to decomm my tank soon. will post things for sale in pasar malam. keep a look out guys.
  6. bathyphilus aka hooded can be found in coral sea (aussy) too. but there are colour variations between the coral sea and the vanuatu ones. we'll see tomorrow. as for scott fairy, i know no one who is able to kept the colours of it yet. it always fades to very dark blue or black, but may retain very little or none of the yellow on it's fins.
  7. nice to see your girl having interest in this hobby. but you should also educate her that not every fish she might want is suitable for captivity. i always see parents in farms that buy obligate coralivorous butterflyfishes, snowflake eels, stingrays just because their children kick a fuss. disgusting to watch these poor animals dying just like that. i'm sure she will make a good decision and i'm sure you would too..
  8. wow finally moseleya! hooded wrasse from aussy? interesting. lol ahsiang why so excited over scott's fairy..?
  9. you have no idea how much reefing actually influences our daily lives. my school friends don't even udnerstand what i'm talking about half the time. things like red,blue notes, i even calculate everything based on the price of rhomboid. example, wah this shoe can buy 1 rhomboid leh. lol
  10. oh sorry to hear. hope everything turns out well ok?
  11. nxt time jio u la ahahah. btw reborn japanese interruptus coming wed ah? going down if it's on wed. wed my sch end at 10 hehe
  12. first one is a leather coral. how do you want to identify the zoas? by scientific defition, they are already identified as zoanthids. by colloquail reefeing terms, the first one is a reverse gorilla's nipple and the second one, i have no idea.
  13. its not easy for fairy wrasses to spawn in captivity, yet alone rhomboids. my case was 1st in the world to my knowledge. and it was probably a freak incident. the loss of the giant alpha male was a tragic case. tragic enough to put me off wrasses for the time being. and even more so, tragic enough for me to stop hunting rhomboids intensively for the time being. it's more of passive searching now..
  14. im 2x a yellow fruit lol. and 2x the sour
  15. sigh i never wanted to view this thread again but it's been bumped up... my male died recently.... dun wanna talk about how it died .__. left the 2 females now. sad right? unfortunately, this is how the cookie crumbles.
  16. lol joking lah. dun call ppl old! not nice.
  17. no warnings haha. handsome non-gay men don't get warnings. only old man get
  18. tomorrow iwarna shipment cant go got school lol. so sian. if u going, help me see the rhomboid mei bu mei can? then sms me 97555430 haha.
  19. lol me lah haha. lemon = yellow fruit mah.
  20. haha ray. not all handsome men are gay. unless you are, then you can PM me secretly. your secret will be safe with me muahaha yes lol! you very clever hehehe. hiding so nothing bad happens. good idea! LOL@@!#!!#!!#> yah who is the yellow fruit. didn't i ban the bananabanana already?
  21. for ahsiang, next time will be suspended liao. lol. the rest, pls control thanks.
  22. acted like a crazy person in reborn too if you noticed... holding corals and shouting hot hot becareful! and saying how it smells like crab... urgh.....
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