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Everything posted by yikai

  1. centropyge fisheri...? oh my... one of the rare few who appreciates this fish. clap clap
  2. yes! you know i was shocked when i proposed to my mum about a new tank. can see that she's very happy with the idea. like wow? lol. she's abit excited about the upgrade but pretend not to be. think she doesn't want to lead me into thinking that it's a good chance to suck money from her. but i think the passion is slowly encroaching into her. my dad used to have 6 marine tanks at home and in his office and my mum used to tell me about it. she always say how much she hated helping him change water, going LFS etc, but i think she's more supportive now that i like it. yeah she's always telling me how happy she is that i'm learning about fish and corals and not spending money on games, gadgets and worst, picking up bad habits and smoking. thus, the technology retardedness i am facing now. thanks, your corals will be available for pickup this weekend. sat evening or early morning, or sunday.
  3. all of which, are SO MUCH better looking than their indonesian counterparts -__- not to mention hardier too. their red sea cousins definitely have much better colouration and "designs" lol
  4. Will definitely make these three a part of my future stock list. My goal will be a non-reef safe reef tank something that not many reefers dare to try. red sea raccoon butterfly, red sea threadfin butterfly, and red sea pearlscale butterfly
  5. it depends on the corals and type of lighting being used. there is no hard and fast rule to hours of lighting as every tank is different. type of coral, type of lighting and height of tank is important too. i would suggest a minimum photo period of 10 hours if using T5s. for MH that is supplemented with T5, the T5s could be turned on for a few hours earlier in the day, then MH turned on during midday and offed during the evening, when the T5s come back on again. this is good if you want to simulate natural daylight hours and normal light fluctuations. If using MH alone, lighting hours could be reduced.
  6. all those that's not striked out.
  7. you first have to fix the root problem so that this will not happen again. as for the flesh at the bottom, pray that they grow a new calcerous skeleton like they would in the wild. very unlikely because in the wild they do this to find favourable conditions. in your tank, it's same condition everywhere so very unlikely they will survive.
  8. gather posts properly but don't bump up old threads. instead, participate by posting in new threads, replying queries or TCSS with some of the members here in the proper threads.
  9. No ty. I'm not going to risk getting piloted again.
  10. i wish i was older -.- dunno what you all complaining about. sigh..
  11. rics reserved by hmkui. for those reefers who reserved corals, collection can be done preferably this weekend. saturday morning/evening/night, sunday whole day. Please try to make it as i want to clear everything ASAP. will sms you guys. for fishes, certain fishes can be collected this weekend. will try to trap them and let you guys know thanks!
  12. wow this is the first time i'm seeing this!! full tissue bail out from euphyllids! did the entire polyps just float out of their skeleton and land elsewhere? i've only heard of this "skeleton bailing" in elegance corals so far. The bailed out polyp can settle and grow a new skeleton. but in the tank it is highly unlikely and the chances are next to zero. in the wild they do this to escape stress. In the tank, you need to identify the stress factor first something is not right here thus this phenomenon. while there are a thousand and one reasons why it's not right, it's too much to state. so i will just identify the basic requirements of these coral so you can identify what's wrong. medium flow - the polyps should be waving around, not trashing around. random flow - no laminar flow to avoid tissue tearing medium to higher lighting - if using MH, shade it. they prefer med lighting feeding - they need to be fed lightly, like mysis. once every 2-3 weeks parameters - ensure proper calcium, magnesium and kh levels. these corals are more sensitive to these parameters temp - dont go above 28. ideally 27
  13. hi anne, the anemone has already been reserved. sorry lol! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm pepsiiiiiiiiiiiii delicious faster faster.
  14. oh my god you need to resize the photo next time. i've done it for you for now...
  15. oh my god you need to resize the photo next time. i've done it for you for now...
  16. yah the interruptus really interrupting lol? gorgeous but wow you know when you and digiman told me how big they were. i didnt expect them to be this big! change lah! from centropyge interruptus to holacanthus interruptus! or pomacanthus interruptus
  17. lol! and a hug and many other gay stuff? joking joking. hope you and bino enjoy the tank raid come back soon ray, for the purple deaths!
  18. that's the power of farms ahsiang bro. lol.
  19. larger female rhomboid reserved. ups for the other one
  20. tank maker very hesitant to do it.. it's safer to do 15mm for 3ft height. anyway im upgrading for peace of mind. i dont want another case of me worrying endlessly over safety like i am now. 8mm -.-
  21. For those interested in the female rhomboids for your potential males, both are extremely healthy and feeding like pigs on everything. one is smaller than the other, but not much difference. the smaller one in this photo is in the background so it looks smaller.
  22. and where am i going to get this crane? lol
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