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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Hello bro, could you provide a picture? Will try to help you as best as i can. From the sound of it, the anemone seems okay and in the pink of health. feeding, coloured up, stickiness are all good signs. I'm just curious to know the white strings. A picture will help. Btw to remove the anemone from a rock, use a long blunt instrument and prod at the edges of the foot, alifting it up gently and go around the circumference. the anemone should release it's grip. I like to use a long plastic spatula. I'm not sure where you can get this though, i got it from my school's lab. But any long and blunt instrument will work fine, like plastic tweezers.
  2. fantastic info! but it will void the warranty of the product right?
  3. less than 5 items to clear and all reserved! the tank is officially decommed by this weekend. THANK YOU EVERYONE for making this easy for me and thanks so much for your support!!
  4. WTS tunze nano wavebox. bought march from reefdepot. still have warranty. asking price $300.
  5. pending collection tonight.
  6. my harem of chickens kena killed by my jack russel i hatched them from baby. too sad to eat.
  7. fishes can do below 30, but there are many fishes that cannot tolerate high temperature. in fact, most fishes need at least 27 to 28 to stay comfortable. Most cooler water fishes are uncommon and do no garner interest to average hobbyist because of the price and scarcity, so generally it is safe to say that keeping tempt at 27-28 is ideal.
  8. in terms of bioload, its ok. but do remember that fishes need space to grow out. i would suggest skipping the emperor or blue face. 3ft tank is too small for these large angels. small emperors can be kept but have to be sold once they get bigger. IMO, large emperors are very nice. small ones are okay. there is no such thing as a small sized emperor with adult colours since they only morph once they attain 4-5 inches in length. if you want to keep a small one and watch it morph to an adult, you need a big tank and good food. do note that transformation from juvenile to adult phase is not 100%. many a times, the juvenile changing process will stop halfway.
  9. hope it's not becoz of ur lineatus. if it's becoz ur sad of a fish, don't decomm... but if u r doing it for an upgrade, then diff lol.
  10. just another reason to close this thread all together.
  11. shall i do the honours? can move it to kopi tiam too since its officially considered off topic.
  12. +10,000,000 on this. epoxy will intefere with uptake of oxygen, cloud water and stress corals and fish. this is proven. my corals tend to slime alot after using alot of epoxy. i don't see the need of using so much epoxy anyway. if for underwater use, a little is fine. if using ALOT, do it out of water. large quantities of epoxy is very hard to use underwater. it just falls off and creates a mess. trust me i'm an epoxy master. i have 5 empty boxes of D&D epoxy lol.
  13. i think it is. but the fins look quite different from any flasher. it should be a flasher judging from it's stress patterns.
  14. don't think miss out. first post states to freely bring family. so i guess friends and spouses are allowed
  15. hmm...the article on GBD say that carmabis can actually colour up given time and really look like those internet photos. but then again, ive seen some reefer taken photographs of earlei and the colour look quite dull. compared to these professionally taken photographs.
  16. WAHHH WHERE YOU FIND!! the blue on the dorsal is very nice wow! i think it's something like carmabi bah. really striking in real life. roseafascia used to be something i loved. but looking at the closely related complexes, it's the dullest of them all. lanceolatus body wise not much diff from roseafascia. tail and fin wise, the tail looks much more beautiful imo
  17. hi bro, seriously if you need help, post a better picture and please resize. we can't help you with that picture.
  18. me too. the shape, pattern everything is that of a pintail. only diff is it's very blue. either colour var, flashing or displaying. till then we will never know...
  19. yes i've assembled all of these "complexes" together in the previous page. still the differences is very little especially the blueish pintail and the orangey pin tail.
  20. so after seeing all these photos, i got 1 question. what is this wrasse! LOL. sian
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