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Everything posted by yikai

  1. YES! LETTER 8 RAINFORDI i love this hybrid haha it is is is is is???!! hehe. so nice this fish
  2. isit brighter than MH? dunno want to do LED or MH leh.
  3. you mean the black and white? very hard to ID like this. i'm guessing it's a juvenile thalasomma sp. one of the moon wrasses
  4. C. argentatus X C. xanthurus this one is actually quite nice.
  5. reading the butterflyfish book at coral farm, saw some nice pictures. use handfone camera take foto .__. very cheapskate lol!! Raoaps guyotensis! wah! i never see this before.
  6. last 1. but the yellow more vibrant and the orange+green swirls at the bottom is very very outstanding.
  7. wow nice amby! first fish is a two-line monocle bream butterflies are chaetodon octofasciatus, aka eight line butterfly last picture shows lemon damselfishes
  8. thanks for taking care of the favia. if you want it just go ahead and frag it for yourself. or i could just give you everything since i'm going for butterflies and angels. and i'm sure they will mince that rare piece up. just let me know who you intend to share it with (if you want to ), so i can track the lineage.
  9. CF - clarion angel is sold - plenty of peppermint shrimps - 1 inch rosyscale fairy wrasse - multicolour angels - joculator angel - argi angel - naoko fairy wrasse - dusky heraldi pygmy angel (hybrid) - red sea regals - tiny majestic angels, full adult colour - blueface angel - emperor angel - pyramid butterfly - long nose butterfly (F. flavissimus) - long long nose butterfly (F. longirostris) - Female splendid leopard wrasses (2.4 red notes only lol) - tangoroa gobies - blue tangs - dracula goby - ear spot angel - yellow tang - black footed clowns - helfrichi firefish - lemonpeel angel LCK - exquisite fairy (very red) - neon dottyback - never wear clothes clowns - platinum clowns - left over tank bred taiwan white bar maculosus - left over tank bred taiwan blue line angel - scott fairy - black tang - flame wrasse - gold heart trigger - africanas angel - red head goby - royal gramma - flame angel - lemonpeel angel - flameback angel (tiny 1 inch to 2 inch)
  10. i gave up iding the genus venustus is in. jump from here to there dam sian to follow.
  11. don't ID them by the fin. someimes fin break all that. the only way to ID them is by the ana-l fins and the mouth.
  12. cf have from time to time. cushion stars. but don't know if its the exact species you posted.
  13. did a search on St Paul's Rocks, and found this. very old... but first time i see
  14. dunno if these photos posted before. but i think they're really nice. one of the queens look like a clipperton!!
  15. longnose is nicer than copperband IMO. but copperband colour nicer. anyway this pictures are from waikiki aquarium (i think) so lucky to have all these rare angels.
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