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Everything posted by yikai

  1. comycus! SUMPLESS NO MORE! lol
  2. we must meet up for coffee again. it's been very long since we last met!
  3. KOJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES I REMEMBER YOU!! OHIO? HAHA! hey!! it's been super long since we've met. i don't have a tank now, i'm waiting for it to come around next week. when it's up and running i'll let you know! yeah sure one day you and zhi min can come by too! glad you finally got rid of the damsel haha. and good to hear about the batfish!! they are not easy to keep and i'm happy to see you have such a healthy one!
  4. more important is are the rocks cured? or at least somewhat clean? maybe not like CF standard, but like henry those kind? where it's not fresh from the sea and filled with dying stuff
  5. you don't need to feed starfish. just ensure your liverock is healthy and "live" they eat detrisus and algae films. you can target feed them if you want but it's not necessary. my fromia starfishes enjoy nori from time to time. not all starfishes will respond to food but don't worry if they don't
  6. more cute captive bred baby fishes! mandarins are so darn adorable.
  7. yes baby fishes are all super cute. baby mandarins are heck cute too! some of the angels are more reefsafe such as flame etc. but not 100% and dont get the idea that captive bred from egg, spend whole life in a glass box = reefsafe coz they've never seen a single coral in their life. this is wrong!! my captive bred maculosus angel made a bee line for corals straight away! LOL!
  8. these dwarf angels are bred from eggs and are extremely hardy and all eat prepared food. don't worry, there are some reefers here experienced enough to handle veery delicate livestock. like terryz and i :P hehe lols. jokes aside, i do agree that some livestock are very perishable when young. thanks for the reminder just a side note. All baby fishes that are TANK BRED are super hardy because they have been feeding on prepared food since baby and are extremely adapted to captive life, having lived their entire life in a glass box and not in the wild. so never hesitate to support captive breeding and buy captive bred fishes. or tank raised, for that matter, where baby fishes are captured from the wild and trained, acclimated to captive life to sellable size
  9. ah. well said.. my bad. however, i don't have the luxury of having a spare tank to treat my zoas. if my zoas are seriously heavily infested with very little to no chance of survival, i would not waste effort saving it and risk getting my other healthier zoas, with chances of survival, to get infected as well. At times like this i would sacrifice one colony for the sake of everything else. we can't be responsible all the time... just like when a fish has an uncurable disease. Some people euthanise it to prevent furthur suffering. same goes to humans and animals in real life too. well this is just my opinion...
  10. it's not a hybrid. blueface angels without spots are a kind of variation. google up blueface angelfish and you will see some of them without spots. it's not uncommon. let's not go too off topic hehe ups for you bro sony
  11. there's no such thing as better or not better. it's just the fish's body patterns. just a variation. it has nothing to do with a fish's health. personal preference. just like some people like black clowns while some like orange. both are still clownfish, just with different colour variants.
  12. newspaper my floor then masking tape the tank area. do the scape there, epoxy, then transfer in.
  13. yup don't worry! i learn to do scaping when tank is not filled or at least 1/3 or 1/2 filled. will be using epoxy and cable tie too! will most likely scape out of tank first then transfer inside.
  14. already have an idea on what i want. saved many websites with wonderful TOTM scaping
  15. can touch liverock actually if you believe me, i'm waiting for the cycling stage! will be keeping angels and butterflies so am very excitied for the cycling stage, where i will allow tons of microfauna to grow on the liverocks. am very excited to see what grows, but i'm hoping for sponges, macroalgae and tubeworms. hoping for those super fast growing white tubeworms that colonise everywhere. as for snorkeling gear, nope. :X but forsee the need when i dip my head into the huge tank.
  16. can see cannot buy no tank. you should engage lee hua jewelry to sell your gems! haha
  17. if infestation is too severe, i wont suggest using biological control. biological control like wrasses are more for preventive measures. plus, they dont always work. get ur nudi population down first.
  18. oh yeah. nudis can also lay eggs on rocks, glass and practically anywhere.
  19. remove all zoas and dip in coral rx. you can get coral rx from reefdepot. temporarily, freshwater dip your zoas for a few seconds or a few minutes. shake it to ensure the dead nudis drop out. the dangerous thing now is the nudibranch eggs. eggs won't die while freshwater dipping or coral rx. so you have to dip your zoas periodically to ensure all hatch and die. i suggest throwing away heavily infected zoas if the zoas are common and easily obtainable, like eagle eyes, radioactive etc.
  20. Since we're in a baby mood. Some baby angels to perk everyone up. let's hope they start breeding them again! i wish we get a chance to see some of the more common captive bred angels here. like bandit and colini.
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