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Everything posted by yikai

  1. blue clove polyps. That's the maximum size the polyp can grow to. Belongs to genus clavularia but has no species name entitled to it yet. known scientifically as Clavularia sp.
  2. thread moved to swop shop
  3. you tell me! haha! making me hooked on SPS and can't wait for my tank to come
  4. Pseudanthias aurulentus Yes, it's an anthias and it hails from the central pacific. never see in SG before. it's quite rare and even if it comes to sg, it wont be cheap.
  5. First picture Hydatina physis, feeds on polychaete worms in the sand. almost 0% chance of survival because of it's diet. Available from coral farm time to time. 2nd picture bumblebee snail. Available at marine life and coral farm. easy, requires no feeding.
  6. ahh yah yah A. tuberosus. went home that day from RB to ID it. didn't know gouldian did it already. how is it? still alive?
  7. i forgot the scientific name for this! it's rare and available elsewhere in the world too lol
  8. maybe if it's around the area they just lump everything in one shipment. java is in indo afterall.
  9. not sure. should be hand caught but he didnt specify in the thread. it's not from a collector and i believe it's private collection. yah shouldn't be too deep. i think it's a one off incident.
  10. java not very very far from us, so maybe we will be able to see this. the tail is very very nice
  11. Here's a better picture of the anthias. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! CHECK OUT THE TAIL!!!!
  12. Someone on reefcentral hand caught this Pseudanthias leucozonus off east Java! according to hiroyuki tanaka who posted in that same thread, "Unbelievable ! It is a young male of Pseudanthias leucozonus. The species is just restricted to southern Japan; Izu Peninsula to Izu Islands only ! As far as I know NO Japanese aquarist has tried it yet ! " if it's true he got it east java, maybe we could see this in future! it's spectacular and CHECK OUT THE TEETH!
  13. these are some kind of foraminiferans. colonial aminals so to speak? anyway they are harmless.
  14. phillipine shipment at iwarna tomorrow 3.30pm. centropyge colini expected to arrive. those reefers experienced enough to try this uncommon, deepwater centropyge may be interested to go.
  15. might be placed too near the surface? too much light? not sure. anyway flower pots aka goniopora are extremely difficult corals to attempt..
  16. lubbock's fairy! a very under-appreciated fish here. beautiful specimen nonetheless.
  17. green bubble algae. IMO one of the worst algae you can get. it will spread all over and very quickly. don't burst them. i'm not sure how to remove them without spreading them, control your nutrients i guess. emerald mithrax crabs are known to eat them. maybe u can kill them by removing the rock out of your tank first
  18. nth much to read. first 4 pages are some suggestions given by reefers before the start up. feel free to post suggestions. as long as the pages don't go above 10 it's fine with me.
  19. get a little cup or chicken essense bottle and put some food inside. i like to use a small piece of prawn. put it near the crab's hole and let it crawl in to eat the food. make sure the bottle is big enough for the crab to go in but not come out. good luck!
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