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Everything posted by yikai

  1. from aussy? the only gobies i know with red mask are green banded and red head. but both are'nt found in aussie
  2. eh typo lol. yeah flame x potteri. dunno why i type fisheri......
  3. sony any idea what is red mask goby? picture or scientific name i can search for?
  4. use a fish trap. a betta box with food may help, or a plastic bottle with a mirror inside
  5. i think this is the only photo of A.guezei alive. taken by Hughes Vitry. according to copps from RC... "Apolemeichthys guezei is by far the least known angelfish species... since a few were trawled in the late 70s by Paul Gueze, the fish has nearly been unseen, and never collected for the trade... I held the holotype specimen (the fish in the first picture) when I visited behind the scenes at the Bishop Museum a couple of years ago and took photographs... what a fish... The last photo is the one living photo of Apolemichthys guezei (that I've confirmed) in the wild... taken by well known Mauritian Hughes Vitry at about 200 feet... Copps "
  6. feel free to borrow! the only info offered on A. guezei (randall and mauge 1978) is that it is poorly known and from reunion island, which is where it got its name from, in reunion island, western indian ocean. exploration in adjacent locations, like mauritius and madagascar would probably extend the range of the fish to include these island. it has been reported from depths of 60-80m. that's the only info on guezei. this book is good otherwise. dispelled alot of queries i had regarding hybrids. alot of so called hybrids are just colour variants. like the micronesia flame, which was a flame x lemonpeel suspected hybrid. and they got give alot alot of info on behaviour in the wild, esp on paucifasciatus. did you know alot of butterflies form homosexual pairs in the wild?! all this time i tot it was heterozygous pairing. will pass u the book to read the next time i see you.
  7. haha your welcome. it's a good book and i enjoy reading it. Dr. randall explains chaetodon and pomacanthids really well and treats them with so much respect, as though they are humans with real personalities. the kingii hybrid and picasso regal is really stunning i know! ESP the regal!
  8. this thread is 1 year old. if you're looking for a fish i suggest posting in LFS update thread... it's way faster to get a response. anyway, pakistan butterfly is regularly available in coral farm and pinnacle from time to time.
  9. me too. it's really very nice fish but the adults are too big yucks! it does look fake but it's real and it's gorgeous
  10. This picture just left me speechless. picasso regal!? Certainly one of the nicest out there
  11. one of the most famous pictures of abbarant regals. apparently this is not a hybrid. It's a red sea regal variant.
  12. Coral beauties. 1st - Deepwater coral beauty 2nd - All blue morph coral beauty 3rd - Yellow variant coral beauty 4th - The same yellow variant after a few weeks in captivity. Can see it is reverting to normal colouration...
  13. Golden agent variant. SUPER RED!! and not dull red at all!
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