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Everything posted by yikai

  1. powder blues are not caught with cyanide. don't have to worry about that. cyanide is only utilised in indonesia/phillipines, and PBTs live in the maldives/sri lanka. so the range don't overlap. plus, tangs are usually caught with large barrier or mist nets. it's quite difficult to catch fast moving fish like tangs using cyanide. but it's very easy by using a mist net.
  2. has the fish been coppered in the LFS? angels respond very badly to copper and prolonged effect could make the fish die for no reason from result of organ failure also it might be suffering from malnourishment and nutrition deficiencies at the LFS. large angels need good food with lots of spirulina. nutritional deficiencies often results in colour loss and sudden rapid death. this is especially so in rock beauties. it could also be cyanide caught but i might rule that out. large angels are easy to catch and are net caught. cyanide will be a waste on this fish. it could also be brooklynella. brook often manifest themselves as patchy white films on the body of fishes. it kills quite fast too. the above mentioned reasons are the closest i can think off. although some are quite unlikely, i'm gravitating towards brook which large angels are very prone of, copper or cyanide
  3. they shud make a little "like" icon like those in facebook. "like"
  4. thread clean up in progress. in the next few days this thread should decrease by a few pages. reefers, do not be alarmed
  5. yah vt snowman keeping SPS under T5. but need many tubes . forgot to mention that. :ThanxSmiley:
  6. omg those eagle rays are beautiful!!! and those banner fish are slow..
  7. very nice bro!! i love the last picture!!! so many fish
  8. sunlight is an extremely useful advantage for coral keepers as it covers all the par and spectrum and everything that a coral needs to grow, as per in the wild. however, you still need to suppliment with T5 or MH (if keeping SPS). do note that sunlight promotes algae growth but if your nutrients are kept in check, this shud not be a problem. it will help you if you know what kinda corals you want to keep. softies? LPS? SPS? these are the three main categories to choose from. if you intend to keep soft corals (excluding zoanthids), your current lighting is enough for most soft corals. some zoanthids need very bright lighting to retain their colours. for that, i suggest supplementing with T5s and a proper lighting fixture. supplementing with T5 enable you to keep LPS and zoanthids. For SPS, Metal halides are required. Also do note that you need a chiller if you don't have 1 already. keeping macroalgae in your sump does not encourage nuisance algae to grow there. by keeping macroalgae in the sump, the macroalgae absorbs nutrients like phosphates and nitrates as they grow. as the macroalgae uses the nutrients to grow, they starve other nuisance algae from growing in your main tank and everywhere else.
  9. get salifert. it's a good and reliable brand
  10. bicolours are one of the hardest dwarves to keep. a few years ago, bicolours were thought to be impossible to keep. only now are hand caught/net caught specimens appearing, they stand a chance. bicolours are almost always caught with cyanide a few years ago and this made it impossible to keep them as they are already difficult to begin with. will be on hunting mode for rare angels and butterflies soon. lemme know what you're interested in. i dunno about my angels now since i have not gone to iwarna, but judging from the health of the angels, they should be doing fine, if not feeding already. but dunno, they could also all be dead now waiting for the king of angels to be back! HAHAHA.
  11. doesn't look like majano anemone. looks like goniopora. And yes, you can get free gonios from liverock. jxlex, when the polyps close, does it retract into a hard calcerous skeleton? if no, then it rules out goniopora.
  12. AH!!!!! smithi! wow if dejongi and smithi appears in the same shipment i think i will just faint at the LFS.
  13. omg that's really pretty!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! the colour combo is really cool especially the pelvic fin. strange how nature can come up with such beautiful gems and just hides them everywhere awaiting to be discovered. this is something i really want to see in real life and hopefull own.
  14. this xenia not so easy to keep alive let alone overtake an entire rock. really good buy. anyway sorry bro for off topic
  16. kino also can't browse. all wrapped up! i think if you ask nicely they might open for you first
  17. do i deserve a prize? http://www.reef.org/enews/articles/bahamian-tale-two-gobies exuma goby, and lemon goby.
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