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Everything posted by yikai

  1. not saying u r wrong, just that very unlikely we're all here to learn so no worries
  2. dont need to sex change lah haha. i think you go as a guy also will win
  3. i like the spots on the percs but the bars are very normal.
  4. the last one looks like a horse.. i think if i wore a skirt i'll look prettier than her.
  5. i must find a wife that looks like this next time. so hot
  6. IMO, very nice. but i think quite difficult
  7. this is a huge tank located in steinhart's aquarium in the california academy of science. the place is runned by marine biologists etc if i'm not wrong. can read more on glassbox design. for all you know the tank is connected to the ocean. like most large scale aquariums. but i'm not sure, it could only be a guess.
  8. a 2ft cube is too small for a school of anthias. a few is fine but if you want the real oomph! of having a school, 2ft cube is too small. and just to be clear, most anthias are difficult to keep. the one you saw in the video is almost impossible by normal reefing standards. the purple queen anthias featured in the video requires intensive feeding of various foods, which most of us cannot provide. the easier anthias for new reefers to try would be bartlett (easiest IMO), dispar and blue eye.
  9. they are non photosynthetic and don't require light, so they can live in pitch black darkness. they tend to open up in brisk and food water movement and dim lighting. this means they open at night very well. take this as an opportunity to feed it. try to feed as many heads as possible as the individual heads are not connected. to make them open in the day, you need to train them. flood the tank with food so they can sense it and start opening. and then feed them in the day. make sure you do it regularly and consistantly and they will open up in the day. most important thing for them is flow.
  10. canon SX 210 is fasntastic digital cam for use. it's being advertised on TV right now and my family just got one. it's quite good and the video function is very good as well.
  11. very beautiful tank and nice coral! pic number 5 11 tubes of T5 is more than enough for SPS. but not sure if it's enough since it's normal output.
  12. mind if i ask why it's unusual for a tank to have high nitrates for a one month old tank? nitrates are the last product to be formed from the nitrogen cycle. only if the tank is uncycled, will there be presence of nitrites your API test kits were probably faulty.
  13. the 2nd one colours not as vibrant as the first one. plus i like the little crown on the first one. the gill and the gill spine has a nice sky blue to it too.
  14. oh yeah! ok my bad lol. forgot that they are found in indonesia. .__. then i'm wrong about what i said before. they might be caught using cyanide if your pbt comes from bali/medan. maldives PBT will be spared. however on a side note, PBTs are very fast swimmers and are found in tide zones where the currents are very strong. it is very unlikely that a squirt bottle is able to administer copious amounts of cyanide to a fast swimming fish in a fast water turnover area. they are however very commonly caught using large barrier nets. large nets are set up around the reef and the fish is chased into the net and hand scoop. but there's still a chance that PBT's are cyanide caught. though very unlikely. thanks bro for pointing this out
  15. don't feed frozen brine. get frozen mysis. it's cheap and way way better. oh dear a crocea clam. we're opening up a new can of worms here. crocea clams require the highest ligtning requirement out of all tridacnid clams. may i ask what light you are using?
  16. firefish, goby, shrimps are all fine left inside. find a good home for the tangs, mandarins and maroons. and the 2 lone harlequins.
  17. what's the first anthias in the video? the purple and red with the long tail filaments
  18. freshly hatched brine shrimp have a very high nutrient yolk sac attached to them in which they gain nutrients from. after 48 hours, the yolk sac will be depleted and the shrimp will have not much nutritional benefits. thus, the earlier you feed the brine shrimp upon hatching the bettter.
  19. it's impossible to rear harlequin shrimps. let's put it this way. it's easy for humans to give birth. but to breed harlequin shrimps, it will be equivalent of cloning a human from 1 cell. that's how difficult it is. metaphorically speaking which fish fellow cheat you? what LFS did you buy the maroon clowns from. these clowns are very fierce and are certainly not the same from normal clowns. you're welcome.
  20. careful. peppermint hogs can get really fierce.
  21. Ever wondered what's its like to have a 24/7 continuous dripping of food into your reef tank so you can keep tons of anthias and non-photosynthetic corals? check this video out. food is dripped whole day so anthias can feed continuously like in the wild. the over abundance of food is also perfect for the sun corals and gorgonians! anyone want to take up this challenge for their next tank?
  22. mysis is white, brine is brownish/orange. mysis is much more nutritious. maroon is very fierce. i suggest you read up on livestock. the reason why your linkia dies is because you just dump it in. linkia starfishes are invertibrates and are very sensitive to changes in water condition. you need to slowly acclimate them by drip method (google this up). secondly, harlequin shrimps are very territorial (again, read up read up!) a pair will chase and fight with any other that may be present. i suggest you separate the 2 that is being bullied. please read up before buying anymore livestock in future to prevent such mishaps again/
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