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Everything posted by yikai

  1. water flows from section 1 into section 2, flowing downwards under the pane of glass. water flows over into section 3, and flows over into 4. water flows from 4, under the glass and into 5, where the 2 returns and future coil will be placed. here's what i like about the sump. section 3 has no underflowing water, which means water flows in and out from the top. This means that it's almost a complete tank within a tank (if you get what i mean). This will be very useful for housing livestock temporarily away from all equipment and other sections. On saturday, overflow teeth will be fixed onto the top of the glass to prevent fish from swimming into other sections with the flow of water. (i hope i explained it well, it's hard to explain in words). The teeth will complete section 3 by keeping any fish from getting out, but water still flows freely. this section will allow me to train fish to feed, recuperate wounded fishes, or recovering livestock. skimmer will be placed in section 2
  2. top down view of the sump. yes. top down view. I love the flip up doors of the cabinet. Allows top down view of the sump! more arrows to show water flow direction.
  3. now pictures of the sump. I'm loving this the most and had it designed in such a way that it's 2 tanks in one. i'll explain in detail later. front view with some badly drawn errors representing the flow of water.
  4. pics of the overflow. piping in the overflow is done. two returns with a 90degree angle between both. pics of the incomplete piping from the cabinet
  5. here's the 2 return pumps in it's section in the sump. a large reservoir of water
  6. some updates for today. Sump tank arrived 2x eheim 1264 return pumps arrived overflow piping complete rest of the piping semi completed and yet to be done. will be completed on saturday 1.5HP compressor arrived (Not hooked up yet)
  7. skimmer will be optional. wavemakers and pumps must on. lights and chillers don't need. in fact, i encourage cycling without lights. save electricity, and prevent nuisance algae from growing while you cycling. also, a dark environment will be perfect for pods and other nice microlife to grow.
  8. i regularly post on RC to get second opinions. the people there are different from other forums in that they are extremely technical and post very relevant and useful tips/comments which i'm extremely fond of (not that you guys don't post relevant or useful stuff, it's just that the people on the other side of the world are very detailed and just, different views i guess). it's good to have the best of both worlds and that's why i frequent both forums thanks man.
  9. yep. very easy. but for yumas, the bright pink-red ones are difficult. all others are ok.
  10. you're welcome! glad to have you, fuel and joe over yesterday to have some expert advice sump, and piping coming today. and maybe my 2 eheim 1264.
  11. henry does not sell aioliops megastigma. so far i only see it at ahbeng at it's definiately not 1.5 red notes/fish. ahbeng sells them at a couple of dollars each. maybe 2-3? forgto the actual price.
  12. the fish i mentioned, aioliops megastigma, is available at ahbeng occasionally. very cheap and comes in 15 pieces. longnose butterfly is one of my favourite butterflyfishes. exceptionally beautiful and very very easy to feed.
  13. aioliops megastigma if you manage to keep this whole school it will be amazing. but these fishes go MIA like crazy.
  14. yup. they can order certain things but some thing cannot say dun wan or wan. it's like a quota system if i'm not wrong... for every 1 AT the supplier give you, you have to take 25 yellow tangs. for example. i'm not sure how it works also. i dont work in a lfs
  15. yumas are a kind of mushroom coral.
  16. worse. dartfishes are not schooling fishes even in nature. they don't school, only form large feeding masses. at the end of the day all will kill themselves till left about 2. haha. so brutal.. moreover the price!
  17. banggai cardinals don't really school well in our home tanks. more often than not a pair will form and bully the hell out of the outcast until die. so better to keep a pair. chromis.... well.. i never liked them. nice at first but grows fast and looks messy when they're all big. you can try some anthias... or if you're the exotic kind like me, a harem of wrasses instead of anthias. i had success with wrasse harems before and it's very nice to see. but the problem is they don't school. just swim around in loose groups.
  18. as they mature, they become darker like the ones below. smaller juvenile maroons are redder
  19. haha. come over and have a look when you pop by for the chiller lor mm...this time i'm keeping the walls free from anything. all 4 sides will not touch rocks and will have nothing growing on them. a gsp wall is very nice but i will do a gsp rock instead... have an overall idea already. will let things slowly unfold
  20. lfs sell them because they appear on the stocklist. they can't control what appears on the stocklist to a certain extent.
  21. your poison won't work on me nah. too cluttered and ugly to stack rocks at the back. my old tank was like this and i hated it.
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