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Everything posted by yikai

  1. wah pairing yasha easy, you can tell their sexes. pair helfrichi very difficult lol.
  2. i used to have them. in my tank the blue center never really brighten. it's more of a nice sky blue with intense red skirting. very nice/
  3. fish die in your tank should not cause ammonia spike. the whole reason of cycling is for bacteria to grow enough to handle all ammonia produce before it gets a chance to pollute your tank. a rise in ammonia after cycling simply means your biological system is failing as a result of poor cycling or lack of bacteria.
  4. i wanted one very badly and when i finally got it, i decommed few months later.
  5. goongoo, confirm not flatworms. The brown patches are just the colours of this hairy mushroom. these corals are very diverse in colours. the photo below shows you why. some of the "flowers" have only 1 or 2 petals that are brown while others are brown fully. somehow the brown is only confined to the "flowers". so not flatworms. terryz terryz where are u? haha.
  6. your liverock in your sump tank is white and green. clear signs of dead rocks.... leeching ammonia, PO4, NO3, NO2 and the works. i think it's pretty obvious what you must do now. get rid of them and tidy up your sump. 2ndly, freshwater dips can be useful but dangerous unless done properly. match the pH of your freshwater with that of your seawater. make sure it's the same then put the fish in for 5-10 minutes and remove it. it's more stressful for the fish. i rather you run hyposalinity. this method works only for ich. your fishes are dyign not from ich but from your poor water quality
  7. doesn't look like flatworms to me. i just woke up lah eye abit blurry lol. maybe get terryz to confirm with u
  8. you have a zoom out on the hairy mushroom? never seen one with brown spots before, much less on only some "flowers". they could be planaria flatworms.
  9. Update! the same colini is now feeding on mysis NLS thera A+ pellets and henry's food.. but sparingly. at least he's feeding! the other one still not yet but should follow suit soon! exciting! don't dare to put too much henry's food in QT.
  10. Yes! finally one of the colini starting to feed on live brine shrimp. but he won't eat all. but at least he is feeding. will train him on mysis the next few days
  11. ich infects at night when they are resting and immunity is lower.
  12. yes. like six-gill sharks. LOL imagine if it was sold for 1k. then someone bought it and it died on his way home. sad sad sad
  13. http://glassbox-design.com/2010/trachipterus-trachypterus/
  14. it's normal. powder series and achilles tang live in areas with very high water turnover and oxygen content. they enjoy doing this and you should give them the flow the require. the only other time they do this is when they are dying with lots of ich.
  15. well, we've given you the advice and it's up to you if you want to continue. ultimately it's your choice. It's not about wether it can be done or not. sure it can be done. but it's definitely not ethical and not healthy for the fish. True, textbooks are just guidelines. but in this case, it's about the fish's health... and it is true that it will be detrimental. Anyway, do read up on success stories if there are. The asian reefing scene is very very lenient. if this was on reefcentral, you'll be getting heavy heavy flaming. good luck!
  16. yeah confirmed the algae terryz ID-ed. you can remove them if you want. i would.
  17. hmm.. dam sian if it's fin rot. i don't have medication. furan will work for this. anyway just did another 1 pail of water change. live brine? they curious and look at it. but no eating. like i said before. these angels don't do well in QT. Need alot of liverock and they are not adapting well. that's why i want to get them out of QT ASAP. since they dont have ich anymore.
  18. Some updates on the colini pair. One of them has abit of tail that's been broken off at the side. looks very very mild but i'm suspecting very mild fin rot or ammonia burns. did a huge water change today. Anyone know how long till the symptoms go away? will do more water changes tomorrow. Both of them are still very alert and healthy. No signs of disease and i want to take them out of QT now and into normal sg water with liverocks. But due to my exam week, will do it at the end of the week. I PRAY they can tahan until the end of this week. Very very busy this week so did not do water change for 2 days, and cannot get them into another set up. Did it today, a large portion, and will do again tomorrow. Will do water change everyday until friday and slowly increase the sg back to 1.025. This friday they will be liberated into sea water with liverocks. Still no feeding response from both of them. but pecking on my sponge filter, floor and air tubes. dunno what they are pecking at... both of them seem a little fierce towards each other but not aggressive. temporarily separated them for the time being. I hope they can pull through till friday when i can give them more TLC. it's hard to juggle studies and reefing. sigh.
  19. the first picture is just way too small. please provide better pictures if you want a fast reply to your IDs. can't make out from the second picture too... provide more information. size? hard? soft? texture? difficult to help without all these details. my guess will be some kinda furry algae but who knows. no details. i'm just taking a stab in the dark
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