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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i'm the only boy in my class that doesn't like soccer. lol.
  2. oh! ok then. yes. i know exactly what you are talking about. this exact same thing can be commonly found in xenia and anthelias, and most other soft corals. have witnessed this first hand many times before. long feather like threads will release and retract. as to what exactly they are, i am not sure. i have been searching for an answer ever since. it's not scientifically proven that they are feeding, because they are not known to feed. especially xenias. but it's always interesting to know that mother nature never fails to amaze us! good job
  3. it's not feeding. it's shedding. leather corals periodically shed the first layer of cells to clean away detritus. they also do this to grow and keep themselves clean.. leather corals do not feed. they are photosynthetic.
  4. hahaha. you must be really really experienced then. good luck the queen should be in good hands
  5. a queen angel regardless of size should not even be in a 1.5ft tank like some of us mentioned earlier already. it's a risky decision to make. so i hope everything will turn out ok. the only advantage i would say here is that since it's a juvenile, it's aggressiveness may or may not be so developed yet. but juvenile queens can be a bit challenging depending on specimen to specimen
  6. ......... queen angels are extremely aggressive as they age. they're definitely more aggressive than damsels. your flame angel won't be bothering him for long. good luck..
  7. the mauritian CB is the only CB variant i like. rest are all sick looking
  8. not intersted wat. wat u wan me to do? you told me it was a bodianus sp anyway.
  9. most fish larvae are transparent. not only BT. in fact, some species of butterflyfishes even have large armour like bony scales during their larval stage.
  10. scott fairy from cebu...? they only from australia and fiji that area. u mean cirrhilabrus cyanopleura isit?
  11. feed blue linkia. dun feed sanfsifting. yes just give them the whole live starfish. make sure you acclimate the starfish first so it doesn't die. the shrimps will know how to eat the starfish properly and won't make a mess or kill it.
  12. tsamina mina eh eh waka waka eh eh! shakira!!
  13. Looking for daikin, mitsubishi compressor 1 horse power. Please state how long have been using etc. and offer a price. thanks!
  14. tank is officially completed! piping done overflow teeth installed sump tank fish training compartment teeth installed cycling will start end of next week when water and liverocks are all in. will use this coming week to hunt for rocks, sand, test kits, wavemakers etc etc.... lighting is being done soon. 2 x 250W MH, 10k BLV bulbs. to add blueness to the tank, will supplement with 4X 39W T5, blue. 2 at the front and 2 at the back. Sad to say, the 2nd hand compressor is too old and worn out to use. so have to hunt for a new one. but it's ok. no need chiller and lights for cycling anyway
  15. sad to hear. this is an extremely hardy fish.... it makes no sense for it to die like this. they dont suffer from internal parasites or decompression problems. they're as hardy as any other shallow water wrasse. very strange
  16. iwarna - lots of bartlett left - fisher angels - flame angels. males/females - potters angel - yellow tang - flame wrasse - lemonpeel angel - goldflake angel ahbeng - yasha gobies
  17. sad to say. we cannot control what comes in and what doesn't. like i told you before, supplier send the lfs just take.
  18. haha wah! i was impressed when i saw this lol. detective *no sarcasm i swear
  19. ok. i going str8 to iwarna after my paper. check out their declivis still there or not. if its the yellow marquesas variant i want. i let u know tmr.
  20. applied microbiology giving me damn massive headache. the number of bacteria scientific names i have to remember is like... 50+!?!? along with all the freaking antibiotics, differential tests. omg... why can't it be on fish
  21. yikai


    there's algae growing on the skeleton. it probably had a mechanical injury thus, the exposed skeleton. algae grew on it now the bubble will slowly die as the algae overgrows.
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