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Everything posted by yikai

  1. a submersible video in curacao showing prognathodes guyanensis in the wild. look at the conditions they live in. deep, dark, barren. 370ft
  2. some rarities at LADD recently. Prognathodes brasiliensis - Brazil longnose butterfly. I love this fish, but recently getting very rare. I hope to keep one one day. Paracheilinus rubricaudalis - Red-tailed flasher wrasse. A beautiful flasher wrasse from vanuatu and fiji. Used to be very common whenever vanuatu/walt smith shipment come. but recent lack of vanuatu shipment has made this fish absent in singapore. Festucalex gibbsi - Gibb's pipehorse. this is for the seahorse and oddball fans. Liopropoma africanum - African reef basslet. A beautiful, hardy and small basslet perfect for reef tanks. But it is rare and comes with an expensive price tag. Digiman has one.
  3. a v tiny juv colini. v rare size but will probably still die. super difficult fish
  4. a v amazing tank. a pair of golden and colini angels both feeding greedily on pellets.
  5. i saw 2 potter's angel as of last sunday. but the fish there sell out quite fast. so best to call to check.
  6. to them they probably wouldn't know about the value of AT in the trade. it's just a common food item for them. the indons eat maxima and squamosa clams too. but it's better that way. small scale fishing of AT for food would be less damaging to the wild population. imagine if every villager knew about its worth, soon all will be over fished for sale. most extinctions happen like that. hunting for food and sustenance in small scale is not usually enough to wipe out a species and it's sustainable in the long run. but when people know of the value, then over fishing and over hunting will begin. many animals today face that problem.
  7. haha, it may seem like it, but it is very normal. to us, many tangs and surgeon fish make good fish for aquariums. but to the locals, surgeon fish are one of the best foods to eat. in hawaii, achilles tangs make good food fish. in indonesia, sailfin tangs, other large surgeon fish, angels such as blue ring, koran, etc and triggerfish especially, make good food. even foxface can be eaten. at the end of the day, they are still edible fish that live in the sea and are part of the local diet. the rabbit fish we eat during CNY is from the foxface family. just that it's not colourful.
  8. yes indeed. the purple is really spectacular! but i don't know of anyone with long term success with this fish. not even overseas.
  9. hawaiian cleaner wrasse is almost impossible to keep alive. no one, in general, has success that i know of. to be frank, all other species of Labroides are very difficult. the only one with limited success is L. dimidiatus, the normal cleaner wrasse. as such, if you really desperately need to try a cleaner wrasse species, just go for the normal cleaner. i think hawaiian cleaner, if i'm not wrong, was banned at some point even, and recently only they re-appear again.
  10. Omg what a gorgeous lemonpeel! Ite.a grouchou with juv pattern but the fish looks big! Iskay is the fish new?
  11. sadly, that's the case. it's very frustrating to see a large dinner plate sized butterflyfish. tinker butterfly is a favorite fish to send at this size. i've seen numerous dinner plate tinkers that get stuck and unwanted. a shame! if they shaved off another 2-3 inches, it would be a highly desirable fish. another favorite of mine that always come in big sizes are Paucifasciatus and marginalis butterflies. juveniles are very rare, especially the former. juvenile butterflies are more secretive, preferring to live within coral and hide most of the time. that makes it difficult for collectors to catch. whereas adult butterflies often swim in pairs and are easy to target.
  12. yes i think the two african ones are diff sp. but both should stay small and look quite attractive, so it's a good catch nonetheless. i am also a serranus fan. actually, all basslets are awesome and make such good tank mates. Liopropoma epecially. Serranus chionaraia made a very fleeting appearance when reborn brought one piece in. I think if i didn't remember wrongly, CF brought in one too. But then stop appearing and never seen again. Even in the U.S and Japan, the appearances have dwindled down considerably. We need a powerful caribbean supplier and alot of pestering on our part if we wanna see chionaraia again. Our best chance is CF. they have brought in Serranus phoebe as well.
  13. you recently bought a Serranus sp. from CF right? it is from Ghana, africa, and it will color up into a beautiful fish. here's what it should look like. these are both serranus sp. from africa.
  14. yes for some reason, juvenile sized hybrid tinkers are not too rare. most of the time they come in at nice 2.5 inch. it's the pure blooded tinker, declivies and burgess that seldom come in below 3 inches. i have seen small ones before but they aren't common, especially tinker's. the supplier love sending 5 inch tinker butterflies. mitratus is the only one that is easily obtained as a juvenile.
  15. junkai's one is Suttonia suttoni. different from S. lineata from hawaii. yours is S. suttoni wat!!
  16. a beautiful hybrid tinker. the crown is black but contains traces of yellow. not too bad.
  17. a beautiful hybrid tinker. the crown is black but contains traces of yellow. not too bad.
  18. ecsenius tigris, beautiful and obtainable blenny. but expensive. digi, here's hoping we get ours soon.
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