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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Wild interruptes and potteri can be found in midway atoll, where the waters of hawaii and japan intersect.
  2. wild joculator angelfish and a an indian ocean variant of lemonpeel in cocos-keeling
  3. a wild conspic D: warning! following posts are PICTURE INTENSIVE
  4. bought those damn test kits, two packet of sand, the tunze controller and wavemaker, a giant tong, the epoxy and a new book. total cost = 1 bandit angel. but worth it lah. i need these anyway.
  5. a closer look on the tunze 6105. am loving the new impeller and the super cool kick @ss anti vibration silicon stubs.
  6. new toy. Tunze 6105 and Tunze multicontroller 7096. i like the controller. can control via laptop.
  7. for this friday's rockscape o.O i lost my D&D epoxy box... sigh.
  8. TEST KITS -__- never imagine i would have to buy them again... urgh only the more essential ones....
  9. yup! no problem. thanks for the advice cedric.
  10. urgh. wrong section ._. moved for you
  11. that's good to know lol. overreacting can save lives you know!!!
  12. i study all these things so i'm a pessimist by nature. but comycus, i'm sure it's nothing to worry about. but like what goondoo and i said, it's best to just check for peace of mind
  13. LOL. oh yah that's right. always get these two mixed up mauritius is the rare 1
  14. not all LPS respond to feeding at night certain LPS like plate, elegance, torch, hammer, frogspawn etc feed during the day. others like favia, brain etc feed at night, but can be trained to feed during the day
  15. erm... as a student studying biology and to a lesser extent, disease and medicine, it's worrying to hear someone that's suffering from persistant tiredness. although stress plays a part, could be other more serious underlying medical conditions. like what peacemaker said, do consult medical doctor. is your girlfriend anemic? there's a whole myriad of conditions related to fatigue. although i'm sure it's just stress and nothing more, a doctor will definitely give you a peace of mind wish your gf well
  16. reborn bringing in mitratus butterflies this week or next week. (forgot when). they're from mauritius shipments right? maybe get to see your cb there
  17. interesting and cute story! bro bino, ray and gouldian, only crabs with "paddles" are able to swim. these are called swimming crabs. these paddles are found in flower crabs and mud crabs. our strawberry crab have no paddle feet so they can't swim, only crawl. bro gouldian, to check if they are male or female, look underside. males have a smaller triangular flap while females have a bigger rounded one. good luck!
  18. i tried using gloves before. very difficult to get the feel of the rock. each crevice, each hole. it's important to do a beautiful scape. besides, all the blisters and splinters will only make the final product more satisfactory!
  19. haiz. this is my first time also. when i look at a fish before buying. if it's active, healthy, clear eyes etc etc. i always have the feeling. aiyah easy lah! feeding it is no problem. this is true for many fish but golden angel? HA! i think if you hand carry it back from the sea in a diamond container also will die on you.
  20. i never really liked it coz the colour combi is just weird and yes the bar looks funny. but i've said this to many fish before and end up falling in love with them. lol. so i dun dare to say this is ugly. in future if it ever comes i may be the first one going head over heels for it.
  21. here are the two pics. when flashing, the pelvic fins turn bright yellow.
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