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Everything posted by yikai

  1. bro. i've moved your other thread liao why you make a new one? and in the wrong section summore? please stop making threads in the wrong section
  2. flasher wrasses, paracheilinus sp. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/paracheilinus.htm almost all are very commonly available and cost less than $20 or even less than $5
  3. reef depot sells them too. or you can just use a panty-hoe or stockings.
  4. bro can you please stop posting in the wrong section? i've moved 10 over threads from FOWLR section and all of them were off topic. please read before you post. thank you.
  5. this is through 1 piece of glass, a large body of water, and another piece of glass! total two pieces of glass sandwiching a large body of water. and yet it's still so clear like as if nothing's there.
  6. just to show the clarity of the crystal glass. it's very clear even with subdued lighting.
  7. thanks bro! you have a wonderful tank too. yes waiting to do my rocks
  8. hey so so so sorry jacky. i won't be able to make it on the 25th. have a school event in the evening and i don't know how long it will stretch until. will pop by if i finish early but i doubt i will be able to make it. have fun without me
  9. oo union ball valve haha. got it. i know it's a ball valve, just dunno wat kind. the glue? oops ._. nvm lah. done liao huh? the tests kit... well... expensive but important lah. i've only got the essential ones like mg, ca, kh, ph no need coz i got probe, NO3, NH4 (important since im running QT tanks as well), and that's basically it? if i remember correctly. yes the sand bed idea is very good too. i like it definitely will be adding something on the overflow to cushion the sound. wool, carbon etc can be done. no worries. and lastly, i wont do anything to the flow of the returns. i wanted strong intermittent flow thats why i did it. if not defeat the purpose. i will see how it goes with the coil. see if need to tune or not. and thank you for loving my tank!
  10. i dunno if my eheim section can support my compressor's coil or not. hopefully can bah. i hope the water level is not too low..
  11. after filling everything with FW and running it, noticed this. the 2 eheims combined are drawing water at such a fast rate that the water level in their compartment is not level with the rest. i don't foresee it to be a problem at this moment, but the force of water going down everywhere will cause alot of micro bubbles. especially from the flow of water right to left into the eheim compartment. will need to think of solutions to counter the microbubble problem as for now, everything looks good and running without leaks. peace of mind.
  12. i was going to go to lucky plaza to have ayam penyet with my family. but didnt coz vincent came to do piping. lol. blessing in disguise..
  13. yep! haha. dam excited thanks! woot!! go go go do leak test! lucky mine not leaking. will just let it run. need to put some filter wool etc at overflow. noisy like mad. thanks!! it is indeed very nice
  14. she will kill me and use my bones to hang laundry. argh the overflow sound is noisy! need to deal with it
  15. i think i'm crazy. the more i see my tank the smaller it looks. i think i'm used to it already that's why. damn should have just gone for 4.5ft x 4.5ft
  16. and like the first drop of rain on a severely dried up watering hole in the african savana, i say, LET THERE BE WATER! the flow rate for the 2 eheims combined is super fast. can drain the entire sump in seconds.
  17. i've decided to just run the full leak test lah. pipes + tank. but for now, here's the 2 valves with the "thingy". dunno what is the actual term for it. i'm quite ok when it comes to livestock but when it comes to stuff like this, i seriously CMI.
  18. i testing leak for pipes only not tank. should be ok. the glue dries quite quickly and the pipes are small.
  19. good! you do know that you can tell the sex from flame angels easily right!
  20. new updates - installed 2 ball valves for each 1264 return - installed the thingy for the future calcium reactor (dunno what's it called) - compressor and coil will be done by either tomorrow, friday or early next week! wow! much faster than i thought. - will be doing a leak test for the pipes in about 30 mins after the glue dries.
  21. wah i shud have gone! looks fun!
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