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Everything posted by yikai

  1. dunno what's the price. but there are 5 pieces when i was there. call to check if there's any left
  2. just tested my salinity in main tank and sump tank. sg 1.025. SPOT ON! looks like the instructions on the bucket was right afterall. 1 bucket = 200gallon of water. nice. BUT WHAT'S UP WITH THE BLIZZARD DUDE. MY TANK IS LIKE, SNOWING MAN! sigh. tomorrow see how. if not. lemonlemon will have to intervene.
  3. 1 year? u need to be caned and then hanged. colini alive 1 month i happy liao.
  4. not as bright as me lah. lol.
  5. FEEDING COLINI KEPT FOR YEARS AND HE KILLED IT! this crime, my dear terryz, punishable by law in every state.
  6. i used to make my own fish food but my mom complain that my fish food more expensive than ginseng. got alot of hao liao inside. i remember putting in crab meat and fish eggs and alot of other ridiculous things lah. that was the first and last time i made it coz i'm too indulgent but i will make again (cheapo version) for my new tank. home made fish food smeared into a clam shell or a DIY butterfly/angelfish feeder is excellent for getting butterflies and angels to eat.
  7. no lah. i'm very selective with my fish now. you saw my stocklist. 70% of the fish are unobtainable via normal shipments. must wait for the exclusive ones. sigh. dam sian day. all my colinis and golden are dead. i dunno if it's a suprise, or a stunner. i kinda knew it was coming, just didn't wanna face the reality colini died from feeding strike. golden died nicely on the bottom with no apparent damage what-so ever. used my virgin test kits bought yesterday to test the water, everything is in check. except nitrates which is abit high, but not high enough to cause death. verdict? give up on these 2 for now. lemonlemon the mass murderer. can't sleep tonight with this title hanging on my head
  8. yah dun forget terryz. with me and terryz there u cfm wun buy wrong fish 1 hehe
  9. ok. will wait till tomorrow. now late liao i dun wan get wet and do tank stuff. yep in my toyogo box. yes can keep in there why not. haha. the sponge filters are inoculated with nitrifying bacteria for over a month now, as they have been in saltwater tanks since beginning. there's a piece of cured liverock in there and a wavemaker for circulation. just do regular water changes to keep the parameters. i have 2 sailfin blennies in there that have been in holding tub for 1 month liao it's nothing much, very simple, but with proper maintenance. it will last in there. unless of course it dies from some other problem... like leak, or fish's health, etc. then... too bad lor.
  10. then it will be terryz X lemon's hybrid tank LOL!
  11. woah. you're going to have alot of problems reaching into the tank with those dimensions. 3x3 will give you a very deep tank. even with a height of 2 feet, you won't be able to reach the middle. plus you want 2.5 ft, you'r going to have alot of problems. and at 3x3x2.5, your glass needs to be 15mm which is going to be very expensive. unless you do 332, then you can do 12mm. for 332, take a look at terryz tank.
  12. wah ur carpet eating a chromis and a mandarin?
  13. well... it's been almost 6 hours since i poured the entire bucket of oceanic salt in. the tank is STILL cloudy and there's alot of undissolved "residue". hmm... i'll wait 1 or 2 days and see how it clears up. if die die the undissolved residues don't clear up, any idea what i should do? siphon them out? lol yes the butterfly from reborn. it's very stressed... just bought him straight out from shipment. so will leave him alone in the dark for 1-2 days. sure. open house once my tank finish cycling. problem is who wanna come see a bare tank! hahaha well. i've been super duper patient liao... i missed 5 lineatus shipments, 2 mitratus shipments, countless of rhomboid shipments........ it's amazing i lasted so long.
  14. explained to you in reborn liao haha. females are small, dull and have subdued fin filaments (if any). problem is most flasher wrasse females look identical. so difficult to tell, especially if there are mixed species of flashers in 1 shipment. it's easy to pair up if u have a male and female. just add in. you can create a harem too. 1 male, many females.
  15. never heard of Rox andn ever used it before so i don't know and won't comment on it, but i've been a strong user in ROWA products including ROWA phos and ROWA carbon. it's been excellent so far.
  16. thanks. by quite awhile you mean a few hours right? i need to guage the time so i can know when to wash my sand and get ready to put in. yes blowing the bottom with a few wavemakers now.
  17. anyway how long does it take for the water to clear after dumping in 1 bucket of oceanic salt? it's like super cloudy.....
  18. this fish will go into my holding tub with saltwater and liverocks this is a mitratus butterflyfish (chaetodon mitratus), which belongs to the deepwater tinkeri butterfly complex. they are supposed to be safe with LPS as they live in deep water but to be honest, none of the claims are true. they end up picking on LPS anyway. but not as dangerous as other butterflies. these are more tolerable and you can close 1 eye.
  19. lol i think you mean radiant wrasse. btw, sealife have plenty of very healthy royal gramma. the shop is very near reborn. wasted! i went there to get sand and saw. wanted to call you but didn't have your number
  20. inside my holding tub. hopefully don't die in my 1 star hotel
  21. and in goes the whole bucket of salt. woosh.. i think it will take a few hours for everything to dissolve and give a homogenous reading for salinity. the entire bottom of the tank is filled with a layer of salt. mmm. salt for sandbed. hehe. after stirring and turning on the pumps, everything is dissolving along nicely. here's the glass box with the HYPERsaline water
  22. today's shopping. 1 pail of oceanic salt and 6 bags of sand. decided not to go with the NSW. so called iwarna to cancel. but will be going down tomorrow to get my liverock.
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