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Everything posted by yikai

  1. hmm.... it's getting dark and my liverocks are in my patio sitting under the pale moonlight that should kill all the crabs by tomorrow hehe.
  2. tons of yasha gobies at pinnicle. at least 10. but all same sex so forget about pairing. plenty of golden angels left at pinnicle. look carefully, the majority of the rest are in pretty bad condition but you have to look closely. my eyes are trained for spotting soon to be dead fish. ahbeng also has 2 big golden angels. very big very cute and look very active. bigger ones usually fare poorer.
  3. thanks. i've accidently made oceanic salt to 1.030 before without precipitation in my holding tub. it was crystal clear after 5 mins. same goes for sg 1.010, 1.020 and 1.025. i don't know why it's cloudy when i do it in my big tank. anyway i've siphoned out the ppt and added washed sand. so its very cloudy now but not from the salt, but from the sand.
  4. OH lol. i tot u meant i post the kiss marry thing before in LMGTFY
  5. about 3+ lol no problem. it's looking better now dun worry.
  6. doing it now later going iwarna and ahbeng with nigel. wanna come? lol.
  7. urgh thank you. THANK YOU SO MUCH. i could kiss you and marry you. but i wont.
  8. stopped everything. the ppt is extremely fine. even more fine than dust. it will stick onto any surface incuding glass. so i will have to siphon every square inch of the tank in order to get rid of it. secondly since it's so light, majority of them will still stay suspended in water. it's more of a suspension. i've dealed with things like this in the lab many a times. especially insoluble proteins that are so fine till this extent. the only way to get them all in the bottom is if you centrifuge, which means spin at few thousand rounds per minute. otherwise it's so fine it will just stay as a suspension and will never go away. so in other words, to siphon everything out will mean siphoning all the water out.
  9. actually no. i accidently spill a big pail of saltwater and my house is flooded now. so is my kitchen. and all my rugs are drenched in saltwater. need to go find some rugs somewhere and use lol. it's nice isn't it?
  10. anyway here's the finish product today. the compressor, the trucking, and the coil.
  11. dun take my flesh. sour nia.
  12. got ppt usually means the parameter ###### up liao. otherwise won't have ppt in the first place. worse come to worst drain everything out and re-salt. PROPERLY.
  13. house is in a complete mess! i would say like a tornado has swept through, but it will be too cliche. so i'll just leave it at a complete mess! hehe
  14. right no i don't care about parameters first. get rid of the ppt first priority. besides its for cycling. as long as the basic parameters like salinity, ph within range, is fine. if calcium, mg abit high or low, i will let it slide.
  15. do not confuse bartlett anthias with evansi anthias. 1st picture bartlett, 2nd picture evansi. evansi is very difficult to sustain compared to the super easy bartlett anthias.
  16. first picture is a male dispar. 2nd picture is a male bartlett look at the difference
  17. yah torch is the most aggressive in the family. if you let it stick to your hands, you will notice a whitish film develop. this goes for the others too. it's a chemical reaction between your skin and nematocyst
  18. i did. u know how much ppt there was!? THIS MORNING. SUMP TANK 2CM THICK. and my wool SOAKING in ppt. damn man, i just cleared the sump of all the ppt.
  19. euphyllia is the genus in which all of them belong to.
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