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Everything posted by yikai

  1. my tank has water coming out from below the cabinet. checked my piping and tank but everything looks ok. not wet at all. the water is coming from somewhere thats why i say its "leaking" with the "" lol. could it be water spill out due to accident and trapped under the cabinet? and then it's slowly flowing out? anyway it's not much. but everytime i clean, it will stay dry for awhile then a little water will seep back out, then dry again then a little seep back out. each time the water come out lesser and lesser. i have a feeling i have water trapped underneath and it's only flowing out now. definitely not leaking tank or pipe otherwise will have alot more water and at a constant rate.
  2. chingchai 1 is apogon sealei? seal's cardinal fish. have kept those before. very nice but can grow quite big
  3. 2 super alpha lineatus left at iwarna. it's from LCK. price wise same i think. for those reefers staying in the east and find LCK too far.
  4. any suggestions on cardinals? most of them look very boring.
  5. if there's anything i feel very strongly about since the beginning, is only buying stuff that i like. and not be a conformist because it's rare or uncommon. there are plenty of rare and uncommon chromises out there. but the one i posted happened to be my favourite out of the bunch. same goes for anthias. i like bartletts. but i also like some of the other more uncommon ones. and since i have tried bartletts before, i'll got for the other alternative. i didn't say i wanted to buy rare and uncommon stuff coz they are rare lol. money is precious and i don't throw it away like as though i print it lol.
  6. i know i've only been reefing on my own for like 2 years, but i've grown tired of common fishes like anthias. unique fishes like that chromis will be a breath of fresh air. and even if i were to get anthias, i will probably get something that no one knows about or has bothered keeping. kena poison liao. my taste became so skewed. but it's good i guess. will be so boring if the fishes i keep are similar to every other reefers'.
  7. yes its very expensive for a chromis. but cf has big discount and it's very uncommon and worth it if you're a rare fish geek. oh copperbands very difficult to eat pellet. they're very clumsy with their long mouth. you will have better chance with flake.
  8. lemon like + terryz like is dam rare leh. your taste and my taste UNIVERSE apart
  9. they're very very beautiful but uncommon and almost no one here knows about them. coral farm has some now. enough to make a small group. but they aren't cheap/ 3 red notes before their usual 20% discount. but this is 1 fish worth every cent.
  10. have been looking for a nice schooling fish besides the common green chromis. few months ago i've settled on getting chromis vanderbilti. have been passively searching but has been always at the back of my head. today was at cf and digiman found a tank with some of them. i suddenly remembered about them. they're very beautiful but not many people know about them. imagine a school of these.
  11. still looking for nice schooling fishes wilson? get this. chromis vanderbilti
  12. this isn't dragon eel this is dragon eel. maybe it's a different species?
  13. roseafascia don't have scissor tail. but big alpha rhomboids will!
  14. ok got better photos. this time it's extremely obvious it's roseafascia without a single doubt in my bone!
  15. YAH!!!! wth.. anyway i only keeping them for 1 day. i tested my ammonia in my QT today and showed some readings... i dunno from what since i do WC so often. i think my liverock or sponge... so i'm passing all to digiman to safekeep for me tomorrow. hope my mitratus and roseafascia will be ok
  16. the roseafascia came with hawaii shipment. doesn't make sense since roseafascias don't appear in hawaii. my only guess is, in the hawaii fish holding facility, the supplier mixed up the young roseafascias as female flame wrasses and shipped them together by mistake. it makes sense since roseafascias are very common in the states but not in singapore. this is what they look like un-stressed. the very obvious blue ventral fins are tell-tale roseafascia. the finnage is also same as the ones i have, except for the undeveloped tails in mine.
  17. 2 very very very VERYYYYYYY rare wrasses. Cirrhilabrus roseafascia. both are very young males. at only 3 inch. they look like female flame wrasses now but when they grow bigger, the characteristic roseafascia appearance will take form. adult roseafascia wrasse have an extremely long tapering rhomboid tail that is almost half the length of it's body. it is also the largest fairy wrasse in the genus and can attain a maximum of 8-9 inch. but it's unlikely to grow so big in the aquarium. roseafascia is an extremely rare fish in singapore and i'm so fortunate to have found it together with digiman. they are in my holding tub only until tomorrow. i will be decomming my holding tub tomorrow and all fish will be temporarily kept with a reefer friend here. here's the picture. they are stressed now and the stress colouration of young roseafascia wrasses look VERY similar, in fact, almost identical to female flame wrasse (which is probably why many reefers over looked it). but look carefully and you will see the blue spot on their lower ventral fins that is a 100% tell tale sign of roseafascias.
  18. i had a breeding pair of banggais that spawned very regularly. the male brood the eggs until they are small enough to venture out by themselves. but never raised the baby to adult hood. no discipline. although its very easy
  19. found two Cirrhilabrus roseafascia in LCK today. the rose-band fairy wrasse what an unexpected find. super rare and was suprised to see it mixed together with all the lineatus. guess with the attention that the lineatus has been getting, no one saw the "rose" amongst the thorns. (pun intended)
  20. i was lazy to mix salt into my tank so i just poured salt into the main tank. as the salt sank, the water around the rocks became super salty and this giant worm just came out. yeah it's a bobbit. but didn't see the fangs
  21. it's green star polyps (GSP). can see from the mat it grows on and the typical GSP polyps. however this one is brown not green. it's a harmless coral that tends to grow very quickly. remove it or not up to you
  22. LCK still have plenty of lineatus wrasse. scribbles angels false personifer angels flame angel royal gramma yellow assesor misbar latezonatus clowns platinum clowns snowflake clowns and two cirrhilabrus roseafascia that i'm very suprised no one saw! but no more liao
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