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Everything posted by yikai

  1. fed the frozen polychaete worms from aquafauna supplies and omg. i've never seen my fishes eat like this before. look at my harem of wrasses. they swim in a pack and slowly ate the worm to shreds. not to mentioned my marginalis went crazy and literally finished two worms by itself. and even the shy blenny wanted it's fair share. in total, the fish dragged the worm which was tied to a rock, from one end to the other end of the tank. 3.5ft distance. need i say more? this is an excellent product to get fish feeding especially angels and butterflies, as they love eating worms in the wild. polychaete worms to be exact. just look at my marginalis wacking it and you will understand. even my multibar took a bite or two from it.
  2. a small bottle of praziquantal for my roseafascia. hope it works!
  3. dunno. could oso mean no one want so supplier never bother to put. eitherways i will ask reborn to check
  4. maybe it will be the same as the marginalis. i suspect it's so healthy and feeding because aussy people handle their livestock better. those indonesian copperbands are all destined to die 1 lah. 1 shipment come in hundreds all sian sian. end up all dead. but could be species also. maybe it's just easier. rubbish lah. i dont think will be more ex than marginalis. it's so brown and ugly. and it's not even on reborn's aussy stock list. must ask him to order tru supplier liao.
  5. yup. must have a tank full of imitation copperband. but none of the real ones.
  6. you should see it wack henry's food and mysis. dam fierce.... never see chelmon eat like this before. useless indonesian copperbands always eat like siao jie. so slowly. end up eat oso die. wah really CMI.
  7. sharks fin actually no taste 1. it's the soup that's nice therefore, the sharkfin is nice lol. only nice texture only. i like shark fin soup not because of the shark fin but because of the soup. therefore, i only drink those with substitute "dong fen" instead of the real deal. haha
  8. tsk... the marginalis is really very beautiful. the silvery body is very amazing and the stripes are very orange. but i so suay choose the one with the slight brown band in the middle of the body. the typical "marginalis" look. the other 1 dun have. lol. but it's feeding very aggressively so i think it's better than the other 1 bah. but after looking at it awhile...it's really dam big... i hope after corals go in etc, it will at least balance out it's size. now it looks like a giant silver coin swimmin amongst all the small fish.
  9. tsk! choy!! dun say dun say LOL!!! the rosefascia is controlling my melanomarginatus LOL. they all swarm around the roseafascia. i really hope it doesnt die. need to find medidcine fast.
  10. yes it is, but its the variant from aussy. it looks different.
  11. nice. meleagris leopard which turned male!
  12. cheer up cheese fries for the soul!
  13. lol yeah. it's very shy for now. swim very erratically. will give it time to settle down. that's why didnt wanna chase it to take a sharp photo. zzz these 3. forever swimming together. dam suprised! the multibar is 100% more active now and does not hide anymore. and the two venustus like, ignore each other completely. one of the venustus like to go near the mutibar.
  14. And at long last. One of my mini dreams in reefing is completed. For the longest time i've been searching for this fish in australia shipments. Finally got a chance to obtain one via request from reborn to bring it in for me. Introducing, the Chelmon marginalis. A very close relative of the copperband butterflyfish, but only found in Australia. I think this is the first ever specimens to reach Singapore. Pity they're so big... 2 inch ones are not available here. To many, it's an ugly, misbarred copperband. To me, the difference is night and day. This species is so much classier, hardier and more beautiful. it's feeding on all frozen food. a big suprise for a chelmon butterfly. Now if only their indonesian cousins fare this well.
  15. Just trying out the venustus angels. Harder than multibars. These two are very active and nips on everything including mysis. but won't eat it yet. suprised they completely ignore each other. either a pair, or just can't be bothered with each other. this photo showing a trio of difficult angels.
  16. i got back my Cirrhilabrus roseafascia today from Digiman. aka, the roseafascia or rose-banded wrasse. Originally had 2, but one of them did not make it. Despite feeding, it just died one day. The other one is in my tank now. However, it's very thin and i suspect it might have internal parasites. I will try to obtain some prazi to rid it of it's internal parasites. Hopefully i'm not too late. Roseafascia is a relatively deep water wrasse, and most deep water wrasse often arrive riddled with such maladies. Wrasse keepers would know what i'm talking about. Often, they will just die despite feeding or end up with internal problems. Lineatus, rhomboid, flame, laboutei, roseafascia and hooded are the ones that usually arrive with such problems. The larger ones are also terrible shippers. often stressed from shipping so much so that they die few days later. Anyway here's a picture of it. feeds like a horse but does not gain weight according to digiman. will treat it with prazi.
  17. nope. they don't eat them. traditionally, boats will corner pods of pilot whales that are near shores and bring them to beaches until they are stranded. there, these men will prove their worth by slaying the whales. i've already said this is going on a few decades back what. 19th century. just showing some pictures so show how cruel this act is in the past. no need to get so worked up. i'm not an over active animal activist. i love animals but i draw the line at consumption. i don't go vegan and scream everytime i see a chicken wing lol. even if it's for food consumption for these whales (which is not), there are much more humane ways of doing it than leaving them stranded, slashing them infront of thousands of people. don't you think?
  18. 1 chelmon marginalis left in reborn. superbly beautiful specimen. feeding on brine shrimp already. plenty of labouteis and lineatus left. 2 aussy hooded left. CF - many many venustus angels in quarantine, shud be out for sale soon. - plenty of sunset anthias - red margin wrasses - rosy scale wrasse - dusky heraldy - regals - PBT - pyramid butterflies.. - lemonpeel angel - burgess butterfly - AT many more.
  19. nothing helps. female scott dont help, summore female scott's very rare. even a harem of female scott's is useless and cyclopeeze too.
  20. very nice! glad you didn't give up!
  21. i saw a black one before... reddevilz's old scott fairy was the dullest scott's i've ever seen. actually not black lah. just very very dark blueish green until looks black. but scott's is one of the nicest wrasses. when they first appear in shipment, they are mind blowing. my fav is the fiji and cook island one where they have the giant red spot on a blue body. aussy 1 is solid green body but the fins are very very nice. black, yellow and orange. but after awhile, all turn very ugly. if someone can find the secret to this fish, it will be very very amazing.
  22. see this is a picture of a ridiculously alpha male cook island scott fairy. their tale will develop a "sword" when they're very big. so far only seen 2 aussy scotts with this tail. one thing bad about scott's fairy is they will drop colour very very very jia lat in home tanks. 100% will drop. never heard of anyone retaining the colours before. will fade to a solid dark green, dark blue, or worse, very very dark almost black. usually only fins will retain some colour... this is 1 wrasse i will never buy. waste money only.
  23. yes. like a scott's fairy wrasse. blunt also. they are very closely related. compare the first pic of scott fairy with 2nd pic of a melanomarginatus flashing. body shape and fin is very similar. scott fairy will also develop a slightly diamondtail with a filament in the middle when they are very large.
  24. really? thanks! lol. i'm quite dissapointed that not many people comment when it comes to exotic or uncommon fishes... most of the time i find myself talking to myself, or with the same few people who share my interest. quite a turn off actually.... but nevermind. i'll still post regardless. to cater to those people that are interested as well hehe. anyway bro braincoral, this fish is nice in my opinion only for the tail and the fins. the body is quite dull for a fairy wrasse. but i've never seen a live specimen in video or in real life so i won't know how it will look in person. but it's a relatively common fish as far as i know in the wild i think. pity it doesn't make it's way in the industry. i believe mine were an accidental catch
  25. lol actually you want, can. they will grow bigger than scott's fairy wrasse and they're very aggressive. i throw 3 into my main tank liao. 3 more in my sump and they are resting coz i just bought them from shipping. will pass 3 to digiman when they are feeding and healthy. if you want, i can pass you one of my 3. but i dunno how you going to transform the 1inch female into a 6 inch alpha male LOL.
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