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Everything posted by yikai

  1. dogs love their owners unconditionally. i know how you feel. precious loves you as much as you loved her. i've seen lots of dogs being forcefully dragged away from their owners before. strays that belong to people were dragged by their necks till they bleed by AVA. painful to see. never thought i will lose my own dog and feel the same way.
  2. thanks must be very hard to watch 5 of your precious doggies go. and must be even harder to watch them go from sickness. my only regret is that i did not spend my last few hours with him. he's always been very loyal but i've never had much of a chance to play with him because he lived in a different house. anyway he's gone now to a better place, and i have to move on also. no use thinking about him and getting sad. back to reefing. majestic angelfish settled down very well already. fantastic size, colours and behaviour. feeding on all my sponge and tunicates! haha.
  3. he was not feeling very well on saturday didn't eat much but we decided to observe 1 more day first. afterall, he has been to the vet repeatedly for the past few months coz of skin condition and some other things... took a toll on him. then on sunday he still wasn't feeding. but the vet was not open. he ate a little in the night and drank some water. the next day (today), died liao... he died lying on his side with his 4 legs outstretched. does not look like he went away in peace. probably passed away in the middle of the night because at around 2am he was still alive. still so sad when i think of him... everytime he went to the vet he will recieve jabs and regular check up. still dunno why this happened.
  4. he's an old dog to begin with, and recently he has been very sick. hospitalised for a few weeks. he was living in my grand mother's farm in LCK. then he kept getting sick so after he was discharged, we brought him back to my house to live with us. that's why the photos you see, he looks quite thin with patchy fur. as most of his fur had dropped from the medications. after that he was apparently quite healthy... only 2 days ago he stopped feeding. today we wanted to bring him to the vet but he had already died here's a pic when he was in his healthier days..
  5. no lah i wont regret. it always looks nice now but later the detritus will make the sand whitish and greyish. so far i always see that lah. hope yours won't become like that hehe.
  6. asterina starfishes may have came from corals, etc. they reproduce very fast by splitting. that's why most of them have irregular shaped arms.
  7. i miss his cute face. sigh... was so sad when i saw him lying on my balcony and his body already under went rigor mortis. hard as a rock...
  8. it's the larval stage of a jellyfish from my guess. photo is way too blur.
  9. Now i'm only left with this fella... think he misses his friend too. sigh i really HATE mondays.
  10. my brown doggy died today i'm so sad. i woke up to find my mum crying and then i saw his dead body in my balcony. don't know how he died.. brought him back home many years ago when he was a stray puppy. i guess it was his time... strange. he was so healthy a few days ago. then stopped feeding and died. bb cookie. R.I.P
  11. Something i can aim for too should semifasciatus be impossible. G. caudovitattus. from the red sea. i've never seen one before and it might very well be harder to obtain than semifasciatus. maybe can get reborn try bringing in this along with paucifasciatus.
  12. my new aim! Genicanthus semifasciatus. will wait patiently and get contacts to obtain this fish. and hopefully me and terryz can own one soon.
  13. it is an isopod. the exact kind i dunno but it looks like a parasitic isopod. there are however many kinds and all look similar. so take it with a pinch of salt.
  14. Looking for Genicanthus semifasciatus aka yellow mask angelfish. If anyone see it pleasee let me know?
  15. venustus... should not have bought 2. they don't seem to get along very well now after settling down. although there is no fighting, the dominant one is exerting alot of dominance over the other. the submissive one looks pale and washed out because of that and confirm won't make it 1. the dominant one is still very healthy and super active. pecks on mysis but just won't eat it. it's eating my tunicates on my liverock though.... aiyah these are very difficult fishes lah like you've said. lol. They live in a 183 gallon tank with no aggression from other fishes, and with so much liverock that has such luscious growth. if they die in here then they'll probably die anywhere else.
  16. yah not the flavo of coz. the pelicieri anthias. grr. i wish i had the earlei
  18. My last fish for the time being. Will not buy anything until my next fish is in season. which will take awhile. this majestic angel is a full adult coloured. but don't be fooled. it's only slightly above 2 inches. One of the smallest majestic angels you can find in the market with this kind of colouration. it's feeding on everything from frozen to pellets. Best of all, this is one of the safest angels to house in a reef. safe with SPS.
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