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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yes but it's difficult to hold all the colours. after awhile, some of the finer details will dissapear and won't look as colourful as before.
  2. haha. nope. still will be a sps tank. just not ready for sps yet. only have a few fish now.. still waiting for the ones on my list. all are SPS safe to a certain extent. it's my goal to create a non reef safe reef tank
  3. Rhomboid season commence!

  4. from the looks of it, you seem to have a taste for the fairy wrasses there are plenty of rare, beautiful unobtainable ones. but there are also plenty of very beautiful and very obtainable ones. some of the upper tiered fairy wrasses (the big 5!) avaialble in singapore are the rhomboid, lineatus, laboutei, flame and hooded. some of them used to be quite uncommon but nowadays appearing very frequently. like the rhomboid. it's the start of rhomboid season! time to go hunting?
  5. hmm... figured... cirrhilabrus flows through my veins. i can't help but die a little inside everytime i see a rare wrasse and realise i can't own it earlei, johnsoni, lunatus, katoi etc... these are just some of them that i wish to have.
  6. the cost of one earle's fairy is in the thousands range. not to mention is extremely difficult to obtain.... makes this species one of the holy grail of wrasses.
  7. digiman. would you want one? if one of the LFS here brought it in
  8. ok that's all. dont have that many fish to showcase. just picking my favourites.
  9. and the roseafascia wrasse. from the photos you can see it looks so much better now after the prazi treatment. It feeds very well and the prazi is definitely working. One thing i like about this wrasse is it will not overfeed itself until so obese until the stomach literally bloat up. Some wrasse like my harem of melanomarginatus, will stuff themself full until they look so ugly. speaking of them, one of the female is starting to morph. the colour is starting to change from rosy purple to dirty greenish already. within a few months it will be a male liao..
  10. The marginalis. By far the greediest fish i've ever kept in my life so far. it's so tough that it's not even affected by ich anymore. and it's a butterflyfish for goodness sakes. my favourite favourite fish! love it to the max.
  11. omg. not only will my marginalis butterfly eat from my hands, it will try to eat the food that i'm holding, which is out of water. first time in my life i see a fish eating out of water. technically. since it's beak can grab food outside of water while it's body is in it.
  12. My 1.5 inch flame hawk purposely swims into the overflow filter just because he likes it. WHAT!?

  13. it came out today. swimming around. omg it's abasolutely beautiful!!! the fin is pink and the body became a bright turqoise blue. it looks way better than those photos. by at least 20x. i've never seen such a uniquely coloured fish and was so glad i kept it in the end.
  14. It's funny how some people think we cannot check what's going on behind the scenes. Want to leave then do so. Don't appear by the backdoor and abuse the rep system. Get a life, like seriously -.-

  15. It's funny how some people think we cannot check what's going on behind the scenes. Want to leave then do so. Don't appear by the backdoor and abuse the rep system.

  16. It's funny how some people think we cannot check what's going on behind the scenes. Want to leave then do so. Don't appear by the backdoor and abuse the rep system. petty fools

  17. The true existence of pokemon is masked by the hoax that dinosaurs do exist. Scientist and their free time making up bones and stories. hehehe

  18. hahahahhahahaha!!!! hahaha omg very funny i love this comment. summore at 6am in the morning!!
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