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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yup. time to ask iwarna bring in some marjorie during their next walt smith shipment liao.
  2. compressor finally up and running. takes slightly more than 1 hour to cool from 29C to 25C. the thermostat is currently programmed to chill to 25 by default. 25 is too cold IMO, and will increase it to 26 being the lowest.
  3. Walt smith's reply to Hiroyuki's marjorie. "would you like to get a male ... I have about 60 of them and some are going to Japan next week. I think they will start winding up in stores there soon and I am sure you can request your favorite store to get it from the wholesaler we ship. I love the fact that you are excited about your hobby and appreciate the rare." read the words in bold. i'm sure if iwarna ordered it from walt smith we WILL be able to finally get C. marjorie!
  4. from Dr. hiroyukia tanaka, his marjorie "One of the more colorful Cirrhilabrus species, marjorie from Fiji is shown here. It is resricted to the Fiji Islands, and very common in same areas but rare in other localities of the islands. The photo shows a male, 8cm, the largest ever I saw. I hope that the species will be more available at cheaper prices. Hiroyuki"
  5. OMG. this paragraph was extracted from Walt Smith himself. "we are now catching them in Fiji. Got two last week! Both doing well!" - for golden angels and "Yes we were quite surprised to find this but we also have a lot of rare fish from this area we just got permission to work in about a month ago. The Marjorie wrasse also is abundant there and only there. This is the wrasse that Bruce Carlson discovered and named after his wife Marj." - Marjorie wrasse. This posted in june 3rd this year. Walt Smith is already catching cirrhilabrus marjorie! Maybe we can ask iwarna to bring some in during their next walt smith shipment
  6. FOUND THE OWNER!!! yay.. the owner is rich. has 2 porche. she say will reward us... wonder with what? maybe a centropyge abei. rofl. anyway glad that the dog found it's owner. it's so cute and i wish i could have kept her longer
  7. i just printed out the posters will stick them on my neighbour hood pillars later. hope it finds its owner so poor thing it misses it's owners so much. keep seeing tears rolling down it's wrinkly skin from it's eyes. it probably seldom comes out since i've never seen her in my neighbour hood before. just fed it and gave it some water. looks so thirsty and hungry. poor thing.
  8. ahh i've ID it already nvm. it's a Shar Pei. looks so cute when puppy but grow big liao very ugly. i hope to find the owner soon. my male dog at home is going nuts. separated them for now.
  9. Anyone know what dog is this? i found it sitting by the road near my house. it belongs to someone... it's a girl and it's still a puppy. i'm making a LOST poster so if i had the ID of it, it could be better. if not i'll just post a picture... anyway do you think it's cute? it looks so cute yet very ugly at the same time.
  10. no one would want it. it's a pest. you can either kill it or discard it or... release it in the sea? or if you want, you can keep it lol. at the expense of your soft corals.
  11. aquafauna supplies is our sponsor
  12. nope. the aiptasia eating nudibranch is extremely tiny and white. there's no stock of it now and it's very unlikely you find a wild one.
  13. noo... stripey isn't a butterflyfish. there's no butterflyfish genus called Microcanthus. it belongs to a family called chubs, aka rudderfish.
  14. this is a soft coral eating nudibranch. remove it.
  15. 70ml prazi into my tank~

    1. lcf425


      How's your tank ?

    2. yikai


      it's fine. but the fishes have flukes. so the prazi is here to cure it...hopefully

    3. Terryz_


      Dun worry too much lar...

  16. rofl. it's nice lah... but i won't snatch from u. it grows to 6 inches. it looks like a butterflyfish.
  17. the black pyramid is nice. but not as nice as yellow ones. and they look freaking cui in aquarium. won't get so black.
  18. Too bad for them! Hahaha. Nicer than that ugly tahiti
  19. terryz wants a stripey.... and he bought like...5 ugly chromises yesterday. initially wanted 10 and he likes black pyramid butterflies!!! terryz!! ban you from this thread. LOL
  20. when you feed cyclopeeze you will see the anthias opening their mouths every few seconds. they are eating it. don't worry, it will be able to see it. anthias are highly specialised planktivores. they do this for a living.
  21. i'm very easy worried by nature lol. bad habit.
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