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Everything posted by yikai

  1. dwarf angels are really quite reefsafe, especially flame angel. none of the dwarf angels eat corals in the wild and certainly don't eat tridacna clams. In our tanks, they may sample corals on occasion but it's usually nothing serious as this is not their main diet. however some species tend to peck more and eventually the coral will die not because it's being eaten alive, but because of stress and damage. one good example is the lemonpeel angel which loves pecking on LPS. thus the occasional pecking will not do anyharm to corals and clams. however, if the pecking is very often on your clam, your clam will close up and eventually die. so you be the judge. isit doing it so often that the clam is very stressed and does not want to open? if so, remove the flame angel or remove the clam.
  2. YES!! finally manaed to land my hands on the new giant book of wrasses written by world famous rudie kuiter.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. lcf425


      bro just curious do you have a hood when you keep those wrasse ps if i ask a stupid question >.<

    3. yikai


      eniram, type dr hiroyuki tanaka. i will search the book for you later. i'm going out now.

      lcf - you need a hood. maed out of egg crate or some other netting.

    4. ReDDeviLs


      thanks bro, i will pm u my add just courier it over,many thanks once again!! :P

  3. I'm going Japan in August! Blue Harbor HERE I COME!! anyone wanna go with me? :D

    1. ReDDeviLs


      quickly gif me ur seat no. i wana seat beside u in the flight! must book NOW!

  4. anyway, i've spoken to victor regarding Marjorie today. he said Walt smith do offer fishes but he said alot are common ones like tomato clown (it could be the very rare fiji tomato clown look alike) anyway i just told him if he can, try to enquire about the marjorie. if everything goes well, we should be able to see this fairy wrasse for the first time in Singapore in the next few months. Marjorie wrasse is being collected by walt smith.
  5. posted 2 years ago in reefbuilders. a potentially new liopropoma sp. looks alot like swalesi but with differences.
  6. that is definitely not a mitratum. that is liopropoma sp. the species name has not been evaluated yet. liveaquaria had one for sale before together with a plethora of other liopropoma sp. not too long ago. here's a picture. they labelled it as liopropoma sp. also. here's another photo of the yellow tail basslet. liopropoma sp. i duno if the species name has been given to this fish yet as of now. maybe digiman would chime in. but i'm quite certain it's not a mitratum. this fish is common here. the one that is ultra rare and price off the scales is the red tailed one. so keep your eyes peeled.
  7. there's no difference... it's just a joke. those bandit angels are dead and preserved.
  8. no... he only has 2 left as of sunday. and both are juvenile males.. he has a tank full of carpenter's flasher wrasse, and lineopunctatus flasher wrasse. not mccosker.
  9. I hate my life

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jem


      why so sad bro? :( *pat pat*

    3. FuEl


      Why do you hate your life when fate has granted you a free, state of the art Quarantine facility?

  10. omg. i really love love love this fish. black theme tank
  11. the pintail wrasse. AKA cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus. it's being described now by dr. senou. soon it will receive it's own species name!
  12. Cirrhilabrus lunatus. pics from Dr. tanaka. i hope to see this and buy this one day! apparently there's another wrasse called cirrhilabrus bruuneus. extremely rare, named by Allen. it's endemic to a certain locale in central indonesia. it looks exactly like the dark form of lunatus. no photos at all. only one which was published in his papers.
  13. yalor. looks like a fat wrinkled pig. and it's hugging it's toy..
  14. www.sgflukesclub.com


  16. anyway the little shar pie is returned to it's rightful owner. she's such a nice person and she's so grateful for the dog. she was putting up so many posters. one on every pillar. and in colour summore. it's so nice to see the doggy reunite with the owner. she sent me a thank you card, a $50 token and 2 super cute photos of the dog when it was a little baby. It's name is rocket. now i can visit him everyday on my way back from school
  17. wth evil! i can't stand people like this. they beat the dog as if it understands. freaking cruel person.
  18. my roseafascia... the ventral fins look like lanceolatus. it's not full black/blue. only the anterior portion is black (like lanceolatus) but all other parts of it was roseafascia. it's probably still not male enough to express those colours.
  19. this should be on your list too. Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus. japan endemic. I'm planning to go to Japan either on August or end of this year. Finally i will get to go to the land of rare fish and meet my idol Dr. tanaka. I had a nice chat with him on facebook about wrasse and he say to let him know when i'm going japan. hopefully he will let me know where all the rare stuff are. and i want to visit blueharbour in osaka. Wanna go?? JAPAN~~~~~~
  20. yes expensive. but it's affordable expensive. the most expensive i've ever saw was a pair for $700 at liveaquaria. considering liveaquaria's pricing also. the cheapest was $120 at US market.. followed by $300 a pair at US also. all in USD. so if we were to get here, it will probably cost $300-400? per fish. SGD maybe abit more. which IMO, is still very affordable for such an amazing and beautiful fish. the price is only few hundred dollars more than a rhomboid which is so much more sensitive. My rhomboid came out yesterday but went into hiding and did not appear today. I don't even know if it's still alive. i'ts more worth it to spend a little more on a marjorie than on a rhomboid... considering how sensitive they are. chances are you might need to get rhomboids more than once to succeed. which should not be the case for marjorie. Marjorie is not deep water and will probably be as hardy as any other cirrhilabrus
  21. powderblue is a hell of a fierce fish... i've seen it mercelessly kill fishes before. and trust me. it's very painful to see. it will bite, chase, slash, until the fish bleeds and die.
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