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Everything posted by yikai

  1. The "true bathyphilus (*1)" comes only from Holmes Reef of Australia and Chesterfield Bank near New Caledonia, while those from Vanuatu (*2-4) are now in study by me and a friend to determine its status. The species (*5) is known from Fiji and Tonga (locally called Tonga Flame Fairy Wrasse) that is an undescribed one that will be named. The prolonged spine on the first dorsal fin cannot be seen in any bathyphilus.
  2. majority of the bacteria are found colonising your filter, sand and liverock. bacteria loss from WC is negligible. also, introducing bacteria now and then will help to increase gene pool and add new strains, new stock. bacteria reproduce in two ways - "sexually" - and asexually. the major reproduction of bacteria occurs asexually. where one cell clones and divides. in "sexual" reproduction, bacteria don't actually engage in sexual intercouse. instead, they use a special organ called a pilus, to inject other bacteria and steal their DNA. this DNA may contain a gene that a bacteria lacks, and thus, it steals it and uses it. Once stolen, the gene is integrated into the thief's DNA and then it can use it to manufacture certain products, etc. adding new bacteria culture can help to increase different strains and genes. which will enable the bacteria to integrate new genes and thus, creating better strains of bacteria. it is not compulsory to add though. i personally never dose bacteria.
  3. yes. being a fish nut, go japan dun go BH is a waste. dun worry i will take tons of photos. good thing about BH is no matter wat time of the year, have some nice things to see too. the first week of august plane ticket is dam ex because of NDP holiday. so maybe 2nd or 3rd week bah... i have 3 weeks of holiday for the YOG.
  4. yes. unfortunately, nippon is so dull. waste money only. if really so suay nothing to buy there coz too ex or dun have anything, then pictures will do lah hor?
  5. mm...i think 6am? the biggest and most beautiful angulatus is reserved... the others still can catch. don't need to rush lah. this fish is not rare. only uncommon. the only place that offers this used to be CF. today is iwarna's debut shipment for this rather common flasher wrasse. so only two places stocks this now. CF ones are not as big though. cebu pylei if you really want, you can rush to get. it's still there when i left at 6pm. or u can call iwarna to keep for you. It's not rare also. appear occasionally during phillipine shipments. can get very fierce. There are two variants of the pylei's fairy wrasse and one of them is found in cebu. the vanuatu variant, although more colourful, is currently unavailable due to the stoppage of vanuatu shipments for now. here's a picture of one. iwarna one looks exactly like this. beware though, colour will fade for cebu pylei wrasse and it will lose it's black spots if it gets bored and has nothing to pit itself against.
  6. According to Dr. tanaka, lunatus is uncommon even in Japan, but the price is not ridiculous. probably coz it's local? he lives in Miyazaki and i will try to go there. because there are LFS there too and it's very scenic. You can even catch your own butterfly and angelfishes there. juvenile ones are very common there and are easily caught by yourself. Free! and if i do go there, i do hope to meet him. Even if cannot, never mind. Because Japan is such a nice country and i've wanted to go for years but never had the chance.
  7. lanceolatus looks too much like roseafascia. if have and if the price is too exorbidant, i won't consider. unless it's affordable. lunatus i will definitely get if have. it costs about the same as a rhomboid here +-
  8. can lah. can afford some :/ the ultra rare one forget it lah. but some of the ineresting cheaper rare fish can. like multilineatum, nippon,lunatus. lunatus cost US 110 there. about the price of a rhomboid.
  9. haha half of the fishes there i cannot afford. i will go there for a short holiday and visit bluehabour and some other LFS when i'm there. and provided i have enuf money to buy, i will try to bring back the rarer ones. i'm particularly interested in lunatus wrasse.
  10. some new fishes found by richard pylei in christmas islands. a goby in the genus Coryphopterus
  11. a handful of alpha male Paracheilinus angulatus left at iwarna. These are commonly called the angular or angulatus flasher wrasse. Not as commonly seen compared to their more abundant cousins. They have very sharply angled fins (hence their name), a deep lunate tail and their dorsal fins do not contain filaments unlike other flasher wrasses. one very alpha male Cebu Pylei's fairy wrasse left at iwarna too. Black spot on tail and dorsal fin very prominant, deep blue line from nose to tail. pics attached of the angular wrasse.
  12. any rare fish nuts here want to go Japan with me? 3-4 days, will be visiting blue habour. 2nd week of august most probably..
  13. Anyone want to go Japan with me? 3-4 days, to bluehabour and to meet some famous fish people

    1. lcf425


      bro go long get your flight ticket value better at least 7days then worth it as the flight to and fro will eat 2days le

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