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Everything posted by yikai

  1. omgg documentary @ ch 407. burgess butterfly!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. surprised the pylei and roseafascia did not hide immediately. the angulatus and marjorie swam straight into the rocks when i released them. anyway the roseafascia looks abit skinny again... can't be internal parasites since i prazi it for so long already. maybe not enough feeding..... i've never seen a skinny wrasse even with light feeding.
  3. released all the fishes already. the roseafascia and pylei are swimming around and feeding. the flashers are hiding, and so is the marjorie. typical wrasse behaviour. all should be swimming around by tomorrow
  4. pyleis are well known to fade colour. i hope mine retains the blue lines and the golden scrawled markings on the fin.
  5. a very expensive pail of fish. it's contents are - Cirrhilabrus pylei (cebu var.) *Cebu pylei wrasse - Cirrhilabrus marjorie - Cirrhilabrus roseafascia *Rosebanded fairy wrasse - Paracheilinus angulatus *Angulated flasher wrasse
  6. ich is really unavoidable 1. if u want a ich free system, u will have to QT everything even corals etc. it's impossible because some of the difficult angels CANNOT qt. like bandit etc. imagine hypoing and coppering a bandit.... it's already so difficult even with luxurious conditions and still want to qt. cfm die 1. so the best way is to keep it at bay. not eradicate it.
  7. Centropyge abei!

  8. yup. the elongated dottyback is quite common in ahbeng. i've attempted to pair them before and was successful. but sold both away after awhile.
  9. yah lah... lol! belenoperca chabanaudi? i didnt even know what the hell it was and u knew just by the description on the phone. amazing
  10. they are in a pail being dripped acclimated. his tank sg 1.014 mine is 1.024. anyway i heard of this product on RC. they say it's not effective. it doesn't kill ich. just improve immunity
  11. the marjorie should be settling down nicely now. mine is feeding already.
  12. OMG. drip acclimating my marjorie wrasse in a red pail. the red wrasse and the red pail looked so similar that i did not see it and thought it jumped out!!!!! scary

  13. yup. my NO3 is 2ppm only. coz i did alot of massive water change to bring it down. and my tank is fishless mah for about 1 week.. the PO4 i dunno from where. maybe from some dead stuff. anyway i just got back my wrasses from fuel. his tank tempt too high at 31. the marjorie and roseafascia looked quite stressed. marjorie is temperate water and relatively deepish so it needs cool temp. roseafascia somewhat deeper water so the high temp may stress them.
  14. diff taste lah!! alot of fish digi like i also say ugly. like personifer and personatus. ee
  15. It' still a nice fish!!! if can find another one same size same price i will get it.
  16. water parameters? tank size? we need all these details if not we cannot help you.
  17. hahaha! why would i say that? ok lah it's not the nicest dottyback... but it's cute and unique. not something i would buy for myself though. one of the most peaceful dottybacks to be kept with other fish though not my kind of fish
  18. very nice! i see your lovely pair of marjorie at the back
  19. the powder blue tangs at cf was a good buy. there was one with super deep blue, almost navy blue. incase anyone interested. all have intense colouring
  20. good buy. one of the more overlooked dottybacks.
  21. pls refrain from offtopic posts ty have hid them all already.
  22. marcellae dun need to go japan and buy. can get from LCK's africa shipment.
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