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Everything posted by yikai

  1. there's already a sales thread in pasar malam. no, mirror is not much use for fairy wrasses. while it will distract the alpha male, the main importance is the one being subjected to stress. so long as the alpha male is around causing trouble, the submissive one will not come out to feed. unless the alpha male is taken out, or the alpha male decides not to chase the submissive one. even so, it will take awhile for the submissive one to re-emerge again. it's not as easy as tangs. unlike tangs, fairy wrasses will hide when stressed, and prolong stress will cause it to hide permanently, starving the fish. every fish is different, every genus is different. thus, each fish will require different approach. i could just let them fight and see if it will subside, but i won't risk my expensive marjorie wrasse against a cebu pylei. marjorie is super rare and this is singapore's debut shipment for it. so i won't take the risk anyway, it's out and about now eating very well. so i will try to get some photos of it later.
  2. Tracking number EQ018999106AU for rudie kuiter's wrasse book. Item location SEAFORD LPO, checked in and accepted! Destination, SINGAPORE! yay

  3. the one at reborn is a camarbi. liopropoma carmabi retail price is over 1k for this super rare liopropoma. i'm looking for rubre (carribean) or collettei (phillipines). they don't have carribean shipment recently so i dun think they have a rubre. will just call to check anyway. thanks
  4. rowa bac is good, so i've heard
  5. Trying my luck. if anyone have the following fish, or see them in LFS, PLEASE let me know? thanks! much appreciated. - Bellus angelfish (M)[Genicanthus bellus] - Yellow mask angelfish (M) and (F) [Genicanthus semifasciatus] - Collettei basslet [Liopropoma collettei] - Swissguard basslet [Liopropoma rubre]
  6. photo of earlei again. this was caught in last sunday's episode too. and the colour is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING. it was in a container with plenty of other fish and this one stood out like a sore thumb
  7. This fish was featured on episode 1 of the "pacific abyss" every sunday 9pm channel 407. Belonoperca pylei. ironically, in the show, richard pyle was catching it, decompressing it, and bringing it to the surface. the person the fish was named after.
  8. ah! finally know why my marjorie is so timid! the cebu pylei is harrasing it. flashing and flaring. although the cebu pylei is more beautiful compared to the marjorie, in terms of finnage and colours, i must give it up. for it is such a common and cheap fish and i won't let it kill my rare marjorie. i've removed it and the marjorie is swimming out and about now, albeit with superficial injuries like 1 or 2 missing scales, which will heal in a couple of days it's well known that cebu pyleis are aggressive, but i thought in a 183 gallon tank it would be better. obviously not. so. alpha male cebu pylei for sale. anyone interested?
  9. ouch! a thumbfull of bristle worm spikes.

    1. jem


      mutate to bristleman!

  10. very nice lipogramma. anyway, to officially describe a new species, a 3-4 page report has to be done, comparing it to closely related specimens to make sure it's different. DNA mapping, scale count, bone count, dorsal fin count etc are all important attributes. one fairy wrasse we can look forward to being officially ID-ed will be the pintail fairy wrasse. Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus. it is being described by Dr. Senou
  11. hooded wrasse is totally different from "vanuatu flame wrasse" * i will use "vanuatu flame wrasse" from now since i dunno it's true identity, and i dun like to use false common names. It is unknown if "vanuatu flame wrasse" is cirrhilabrus nahacky, or nahacky is another species from another locale. there are two very special wrasses that come from vanuatu shipments. 1 is the hooded wrasse, cirrhilabrus bathyphilus 1 is the "vanuatu flame wrasse", cirrhilabrus sp. (unknown to me for now) for the hooded wrasse, there are two variants. the one from vanuatu exhibits very clear distinction between the red and orange, giving a "hooded" impression. the other variant comes from coral sea near australia. that one has no distinction in the red and orange, and is uniform in colour. these are the photos. first 3 are from vanuatu, last is from aussy
  12. ouch...dun juice me. ok let's not off topic his thread. UPS for this beautiful fish!
  13. this is the nahacky wrasse accoding to liveaquaria, reefbuilders and GBD
  14. that's the vanuatu hooded wrasse. cirrhilabrus bathyphilus
  15. nachyaki is such an ambiguous wrasse. it look so similar to vanuatu flame wrasse. who is to say it isnt? besides. until now i still dont know what's a vanuatu flame wrasse.
  16. a tonozukai fairy wrasse. it's either a young male specimen that looks horrible, or real life specimen really looks like this. in which case, it does not look nice at all.
  17. i hope my roseafascia ends up like this beautiful male 1 day.
  18. what wrasse is this? looks like vanuatu flame wrasse. what exactly is a vanuatu flame wrasse then? since we're on this topic. isit C. nachyaki? or an undescribed species.
  19. still hiding. my bro said it was swimming around when he came home at 12pm. i came home at 7 and it was still swimming and feeding, and then it went to hide shortly after. sounds to me that it's still getting used to the tank. will take a photo tomorrow when it comes out it looks just like this photo taken from the net.
  20. i like tuxedo coz the ventral fins are very nice. and the face is rounded and cute.
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