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Everything posted by yikai

  1. ask aunty. certain tanks she doesn't like the water to be mixed.
  2. Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand

  3. and the pintail fairy wrasse. in a photo with katoi. this is one gorgeous fish and i cant wait for it's confirmed scientific name to be out. wonder what it will be.
  4. terryz poisoned me with this so must poison other ppl back. CIRRHILABRUS KATOI!!! rare new photos. one of the most stunning fairy wrasses. this picture does not show the fins which are glittered in numerous iridescent spots
  5. and the super common dottyback, P. diadema. this one with a unique colour aberration. won't mind buying this. looks weird in a cool way.
  6. the true identitity of this dottyback is this. which is very similarly mistaken for Pseudochromis diadema, which is the 2nd photo. still very boring, common looking and not worth the time. however the first one, (purple body, yellow head stripe) is abit interesting.
  7. there's very subtle difference in the purple colour and the part where the 2 colours meet. i would never bother looking through these 2. too ugly aggressive and just plain not- worth it.
  8. juvenile dragon wrasse. Novaculichthys taeniourus
  9. can you tell the difference between these 2 dottbacks? one is the very normal and very common royal dottyback, aka Pictichromis paccagnellae. the other is a very similar, relatively new species and more expensive and uncommon, Pictichromis dinar.
  10. It's amazing how much wrong and bad advice is circulating outside of this forum.

  11. mm. i dunno.. don't know much about these
  12. look like some kind of foraminiferans
  13. yep. parasiic isopods are very large and very visible. they look like little cockroaches. they have two large eyes and are usually found on fish body or in their mouth.
  14. and a large show piece emperor. i wish i had a 20000 gal tank to throw one in
  15. ok sorry for all the common fish. but they're so nice so just bear with these common ones first. pomacanthus euxiphipops sextriatus aka the six bar angel i never knew they could look so nice! the blue spots are nice
  16. another 2 pictures of some very terminal male lamarck angels. a few ways to differentiate male and female lamarck angels, since they look rather similar. males have black pelvic fins, females are white males have white tail with white borders, females have white tail with black borders males have blue pectoral base, females are white large males and large females may develop the yellow blotch on the foreheads.
  17. it's starting to develop the filament. but has not grown big yet. still have the juvenile stripes.
  18. nothing rare or special. just some giant beautiful maculosus angelfish in the wild. look at those gorgeous trailing filaments. ok i dunno why the second picture look so weird. colour very off.
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