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Everything posted by yikai

  1. new arrivals at dejong. what on earth is that giant yellow jawfish? and terry for you. a pail of stripeys.
  2. grilled niphonia bigeye in japan. fried naso unicorn tang by jake adams, probably in africa where he is now.
  3. Koji is sending these to U.S next week. the list is strange and consists of a baby modestus butterfly (highly desirable size), large interrupta angels, an auripes butterfly, a golden hawk. i don't know what the striped fish is and the filefish. digi, terry, care to help?
  4. AH! i have been wondering where this fish has gone to!! i remember there was one big shipment of these and then gone! so nice to c it back. more info pls, which lfs? how much?
  5. another rare japanese blenny! and a gorgeous one too! we need more exposure for shallow water japanese reef fish. only up till the recent year, the only exports from japan are the staple intteruptus and wrought iron butterflies. now the selection is better, and we can get lunatus fairy, assessor randalli, bellae goby and hopefully in future, kamohara fang blenny. but the japanese need to target more reef fish like like beautiful ecsenius, and i m sure there are many other gorgeous little fish that can appeal to the masses. our love for japan fish does not encapsule tosanoides, lanceolatus and other super deep super rare fish. the divers should be more open to shallow reef fish! it's a new era liao they must get updated. beautiful. one of my favorite liopropomas. but expensive.
  6. A semi-rare Meiacanthus that we will not likely to see soon. I have kept one before from CF tonga shipment but it refused to eat and died. M. togaensis, found in Fiji and Tonga. i spoke to matthew pederson about my kamohara's reluctance to eat, and he said that wild meiacanthus are actually not as easy as we think and can be very picky. captive breeding has made this genus more easy than it actually appears. digi, like your reticulatus, my kamohara probably needs time before it learns to eat other food besides fish eggs. my old togaensis also never ate and died.
  7. another stripey rare Meiacanthus is M. cyanopterus. i like both of them, and they have long ventral fins. interesting
  8. Long time no see, Flabelligobius. This goby has gone missing in sg and many parts of the world. one on b-box currently. what priolepis is this?
  9. wah HIDEOUS! it really looks like a small dog and the last picture is so scary! this has an ugly brown dust compared to the white papuan jaw last time. maybe the color changes according to mood.
  10. Meiacanthus anema. the only brackish water meiacanthus and can survive in low salinity
  11. Rare meiacanthus procne! a screenshot of one swimming in Fiji. the only live video/picture of one.
  12. a nice video of an alpha male filament flasher wrasse from solomon island with full yellow dorsal fin. http://footage.shutterstock.com/clip-2455667-stock-footage-male-adult-filamented-flasher-paracheilinus-filamentosus-underwater-in-solomon-islands.html
  13. Magnificent anemone? Want.

  14. juvenile kamohara blennies do not have the speckling on the fins and body. the first one has many parasites attached to it!
  15. they are unique. most meiacanthus are striped or plain, but kamohara is totally black with silvery spots and a single stripe. but they are very hard to come by outside of japan. this one was a favour from koji after repeated pestering. you would have more luck catching one for yourself in japan. here's a video of one making a glass bottle its home.
  16. CF - naoko fairy wrasse (male and females) - earlei fairy wrasse - flame fairy wrasse - carberryi anthias - 2 unusual Tomiyamichthys sp gobies. - Serranus sp. from africa - Semofasciatus yellow mask angels, males and females. multiple specimens - venustus angels - multibar angel - purple tangs - golden butterflies - sohal tang - a big rhinecanthus cinereus (Mauritius triggerfish) RVS Philippine shipment at iwarna today - cebu pylei wrasse - Belonoperca chabanaudi (arrow head soapfish) - semifasciatus angel (a brilliant male) - randall's pistol shrimp - randall's pistol shrimp + hi-fin goby pair
  17. it was labelled as Plectranthias altipinnis. but i have never seen one before so i dunno if it is it.
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