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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yet another undescribed wrasse from the rubriventralis complex. Cirrhilabrus cf. morrisoni
  2. Undescribed Cirrhilabrus. placed in the rubriventralis complex.
  3. Cirrhilabrus earlei again. found in palau. the first picture a very very beautiful specimen with a slight rhomboid tail.
  4. Cirrhilabrus blatteus! another very beautiful one. red sea endemic.
  5. blood stained fairy wrasse. Cirrhilabrus sanguineus this was originally about to be described by randall. however, cornic stole the information and published it in his small book as C. sanguineus. Randall was not credited and thus, he did not have the rights to name it. cornic named it sanguineus. once a name has been placed, it cannot be changed. unless it has to be moved to a different genus etc.
  6. the REAL Cirrhilabrus temminckii, a japan endemic. male and female all others we see in our country are fakes. they are a new undescribed species lumped in the same complex
  7. one of the holy grails of flasher wrasse. Paracheilinus piscilineatus
  8. Very beautiful photo of Paracheilinus attenuatus. colour abit saturated though...
  9. some interesting things to note re wrasses. Coris gaimad (the clown wrasse)is in it's own genus now aka Allocoris. whic means all the clown wrasse complex, including C. formosa, is no longer in Coris. the australian scott's fairy wrasse is now regarded a new species. it's DNA is different from the regular scott fairy and is now not regarded as a geographical variant. it's now Cirrhilabrus cf. scottorum likely the same for all exquisite wrasse variants. however this one not confirmed yet. Cirrhilabrus temmincki is endemic to japan only. all the "temmincki" we see in LFS, is not the real one. it's an unidentified sp known as Cirrhilabrus cf. temmincki. part of the temminckii complex.
  10. alot of very rare wrasses that i've not seen and heard of before. i'm now taking the time to read and learn. can borrow if you want. very worth it IMO... the money spent on this is much better than buying some stupid fish that may die. will post pics here later
  11. Genicanthus caudovittatus!! one of the 3 genicanthus i'm looking for. i've got to say the female is absolutely stunning in real life. it's snow white and the unpaired fins are tinged in a very very pale blue. gorgeous. male is nice but i prefer the female in this case. no photos of mine but here's what my pair looks like.... from the internet.
  12. i've been waitign for the entire week!! TOMORROW! CENTROPYGE ABEI CHROMIS ABYSSUS!
  13. nope. cannot. befuran should not be dosed into the main tank. if u soak food in befuran, some will get in. and for befurun to work, it has to come in contact with the bacteria it self. it will not work if u feed the fish with befuran soaked food. and i think befuran is toxic if it gets into the fish's blood? not sure about this but do take note that whatever your fish eat, it will go into the blood
  14. Found a pair of the rare Genicanthus caudovittatus at ahbeng!!!! Talk about luck!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Terryz_


      Any photo. Told you Ah Beng would have... LOL..

    3. yikai


      Jeremy - caudovittatus at CF, male or female? there was a big female there but not nice and not healthy. i'm looking for yellow mask, caudovittatus and bellus. watanabei maybe.

      terryz - no photo lei. it's in fuel's house. but the female is GORGEOUS! snow white and very very beautiful

    4. Terryz_


      It is... I have seen 2 inch one from LCK before... It is so so white.. But that was 5-6 years ago...

  15. Found a pair of Genicanthus caudovittatus at ahbeng!!!! Talk about luck!!

  16. last one. mega beautiful and new to me, Paracheilinus nursalim.
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