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Everything posted by yikai

  1. this is the old carribean shipment last friday. most of the things no more liao
  2. you are welcomed to take a look at my bank account, which has a nest of spiders, cobwebs and dust. money? that's unheard of.
  3. yellow neon goby from wild shipment? wow you are extremely lucky to find one in wild shipment. probably a diff species since yellow neons are banned from harvesting if im not wrong. u most probably wont be able to see the panda goby in ur tank....
  4. define isn't expanding. give it time. low to medium flow, medium light. sometimes the pinnules (the flower like organs) may not open for the first few days-weeks. nutrients? shouldn't be a problem... they can grow well in low nutrient tanks as well.
  5. oh yah lol. forgot about that. sorry jeremy! anyway suspense lah. it's very nice and exciting. database within src.
  6. yup probably. will ask larry to fix it and it should be up by tomorrow
  7. if scraping, scrape off EVERYTHING and make sure NOTHING is left on the rock..... and make sure the bits don't go back into your tank... otherwise they will spread.. i wouldn't reccomend this method. too risky btw those aren't aiptasias. other pest anemones...
  8. that's a massive number of tangs you have in there..... 9 tangs in a 5ft tank is really pushing it. very overcrowded. in a tank that size, i won't put more than 4 tangs. maaaaaaaaybe 5.
  9. no. actually he said wrongly. he said bodianus neoperculatus. haha
  10. cannot meh? go to gallery, scroll down to click SRC marine fish database, then click it, inside you will see marine angelfish and click that
  11. yah he said mah. haha. and the tail is the neopercularis tail. wah dam rare i want it
  12. aiyah! the abei episode is NEXT week! last week they show shots of it but is only due 2 weeks from then... oh well... highlights for today's episode was the bodianus neopercularis and the photos of rhomboid wrasse and earlei wrasse
  13. i don't have the japanese swallowtail angels. i got the red sea swallowtail angel, the genicanthus caudovittatus. It's undergoing hypo so no photos. there might still be a pair of watanabei angels at CF if you want to buy. multibar was very healthy and feeding, but did not make it when i transferred it to hypo. stressed till die. colini died from cyanide and decompression loooooong ago liao.
  14. centropyge and genicanthus album is completed in the gallery section. do take a look to have a full comprehensive guide of these 2 genus. rest are WIP!
  15. start liao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Genicanthus and Centropyge folder completed. all known species posted. go take a look!

  17. Genicanthus semifasciatus Yellow-Masked Angelfish, Japanese Swallowtail Angelfish. The Yellow-Masked Angelfish is a gorgeous Swallowtail Angelfish that is found in Japan and Northern Philipines. This extremely deep dwelling Angelfish is found in 15 to 200m deep. Large males, like others in the genus, are difficult to adapt and often suffer from decompression issues. The females are yellow above and white below, with a black band over the eye, and another behind the gill cover. Males are spectacular, and are grey with black stripes coming down halfway down the body. A bright yellow mask joins the mouth to mid length of the body.

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  18. end up just buy lor since it's so nice. hope my angels don't eat. if not have to sell
  19. phymanthus crucifer long long ago many months from iwarna's carribean shipment. thanks to Joe_P for holding it for me all these months. i had 2 but one did not make it. died 2 days before i collected it. stupid right? lol
  20. Singapore's original cesptitularia colony from debut shipment. used to be 1.5ft tall now it's only a shadow of it's former glory. had this longggggg ago before i decom. nevermind, wait for it to grow.
  21. shifted the xenia to another spot. looks nicer.
  22. they had 2 pairs. first pair the male was very beautiful with trailing tail filaments. but had slight injuries and was reserved. the second pair, male also very big and beautiful. but this male is a female to male transition in the wild. because the body profile is higher. i dun like the shape and i prefer natural males whith long streamlined bodies rather than sex changed males with higher body profile.
  23. Centropyge section in gallery is completed. All documented species of dwarf angel with scientific name, photo and short description available. do check it ou!

    1. Terryz_


      Thats fast!!!

    2. yikai


      now doing genicanthus. got all 10 species photos liao.

  24. Centropyge narcosis Narcosis Angelfish. This fish gets it's name from the condition called nitrogen narcosis in which most people face while diving at deep depths. This fish is found in very deep water in excess of 100m. It is only found in the Cook Islands, but scientists speculate that the range of this fish may actually be wider, but because they live so deep, no one really knows.

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