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Everything posted by yikai

  1. no need. i think you can put in styrofoam box, put some cooling packs, or no need if you don't want. put in cardboard box and label "fragile" with a this way up sign.
  2. cb x multicolor looks just like those pure white deepwater CB from indo.
  3. its so amazing to think that certain dwarf angel in the genus are just so so variable and prone to hybridisation. coral beauty flame angel lemonpeel eibli half black. whereas certain dwarf angels never even hear of variation. don't even talk about hybrid. such as colini and many others.
  4. the multicolour cb is so strange. such interesting that 2 completely diff fish can hybridize.
  5. lazy to type flame x potter. so just write flamtter lol.
  6. check it in, cannot hand carry. pack in a styrofoam box, less water, more air. then check it in. if i remember correctly 1 person allowed 30 fish or something.... there's info at AVA website.
  7. i've never liked any of the flame angel hybrids except flame x ferrugata aka the false shepardi. simply coz flame beauty and flamtter look too alike to a normal flame angel. flame beauty is rather different but too many stripes. doesn't interest me too much.
  8. some more aberrant flames, flamtter and 1 flame beauty. nothing mentioned about the colours in captivity
  9. the one at CF is very yellow tats why i like. the duskier it is the uglier it gets
  10. who say ugly! dusky heraldi so nice! if it's less than $200 i buy that flame will revert back to normal right..?
  11. you think sunglasses i think brain. haha. no wonder i found it abit gross. ok yeah now i re-think with the sunglasses image in mind and wow it's so stylish. WOOT. the old digiman is back. go buy the dusky heraldi. finally that fish will be SOLD.
  12. yah agree. dun like tricolor tang also. CF bring in some aberrant tricolour scopas before. sometimes i see it quite regularly. brown with green and dark turqoise. then red eyes. really so disgusting.
  13. the second hybrid is hideous! i've never liked this kind of mixed koi coloured fish. what more on a coral beauty which is a fish i don't even like originally. but i have to agree the 1st lemonpeel hybrid is drop dead gorgeous. 3rd orange CB is nice.
  14. i've seen the tiger flame in regular hawaii shipments before. reborn had 1 that day. dunno if still there. the bars are V shaped throughout the body. din know it's so rare... tmr go back buy! the 1st hybrid lemonpeel very nice. looks like a brain on it's head
  15. now you got your own xenia! wait for fiji. they will come in again in colonies.
  16. general rule for sandbeds is not to touch or stir it too much.. a light stirring of the surface is fine. but dun dig and overturn too much of the sand. a gravel cleaner IMO, is a bad idea. but i know of some people who do it.
  17. omg slept from 6-9

  18. if the anemone is wedge deeeeeeeeeep into a rock, it's very difficult to impossible. if the entire food is within reach and sight, use a blunt tool like a to gently "lift" the food and let it retract.
  19. 2x marjorie wrasses at LCK. 1 reserved plenty of very nice blue seafans. (dunno ID. needs to be fed) CF have plenty of very good sized juvenile and adults Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis, aka blueline angels. the number of them is astounding. juveniles are easy and hard to come by so go go go! watanabe females showsize AT declivis butterfly fish rhomboids ultra huge flame wrasse 2 pics below. not taken by me, but they show the bluelines and declivis at cf.
  20. http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=o5ak41&s=3
  21. i love this xenia. some top down shots. i will post a video of them pulsing later.
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