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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Can. My NS now is like work. I go back in the evenings.
  2. Hi everyone. Thank for all the nice comments really. For those requesting price, I'll reply PM soon. Internet is slow here in camp currently
  3. Thanks everyone! Its nice to be back. Tank maker was ah heng from iwarna. This is my first time getting them to do set up and I'm pleased with the Workmanship.
  4. Thanks! I will do a similar open style scape. I have rocks but will only start scaping and adding water this weekend.
  5. Thanks marc! I took the year off while in NS to reflect and am happy to be back, a changed character but with the same passion!
  6. Thanks everyone! I will try not to disappoint! Hi cedric! The external sump was very convenient but took up too much space. My apartment is too small for that so I decided with a smaller and more conventional set upthis time
  7. My previous set up is a mixed reef (SPS + LPS + Softies), with a mix of butterflyfish. I've always been captivated by butterflies and in my old tank, I pushed the boundaries by mixing species that range the gamut from being "reef-safe" to "moderately safe". my new tank will continue where i left off, and also feature corals with butterflies and angels. I'm posting a picture of my old set up as a reminder of my previous set up.
  8. Hi everyone. I'm back after slightly more than a year of hiatus due to my national service. I am still serving but things have slowed down quite alot and i am now able to restart again. Some of you may remember my old 3.5 x 3.5 x 2ft tank. The new tank has the same dimensions sans the width, which is reduced by 1ft. Dimensions : 3.5 x 2.5 x 2ft rimless, 3 side crystal glass.
  9. This is a moderately rare fish that appears from philippine shipments. It is moderately rare because it is seasonal. It can go missing in the trade for years but then appear one day and flood the market when in season. It has been appearing in singapore in large numbers in the past few weeks
  10. semi angels are often found close to melanospilos, and hybrids are bound to occur. here are some very ugly, but rare hybrids. these are females.
  11. beautiful semifasciatus angels in the wild. they are now flooding the market and are less hard to find than before.
  12. beautiful hotumatua angelfish photographed in the wild. It is an easter island endemic. the corresponding rare endemic butterflyfish there is the litus butterflyfish.
  13. beautiful Serranus tico. A small sized basslet that attains max size in the wild at 7-8cm. the beautiful rusty head and white stripes + small size would make this a highly desirable aquarium fish. it is endemic to the eastern pacific isla del coco. i had initially thought it was the indian ocean cocos (keeling) island where joculators are found, but it turned out to be a different cocos island. did you know there are five kinds of cocos islands? amazing. so S. tico is out of reach.
  14. wah! so that's how juvi creole wrasse look like!! i never knew. it's so deceiving. the adults r food fish!
  15. wow i have never seen anything like this before. it looks like a cirrhilabrus, but no juvenile or female cirrhilabrus has this pattern or tail. i'm stumped.
  16. another tigerpyge. this time in the states by quality marine.
  17. is your calcium and mg dosing regimes regular? for me after i started dosing calcium and mg regularly i never had this probem. in my first tank without a reactor and my lack of parameter checks due to my laziness, i was never able to keep hammer and torch corals from receding.
  18. beautiful 2 inch zanzibar butterfly at LADD. and a pair of ORA tapeinosoma dottybacks.
  19. beautiful n rare poliorus angel on LADD now. only one came to CF before and no more ever since.
  20. labelled as rusty x shepardi, but who really knows its identity anyway? it's beautiful though. very neat and regular barring.
  21. new rarities at dejong. Paracirrhites xanthus - golden hawkfish Ctenochaetus flavicauda - white tailed bristletooth tang weird blennies as well. Acanthemblemaria hancocki Acanthemblemaria balanorum
  22. you never cease to amaze me with your ridiculous choice in fish! LUMPFISH TOADFISH!!?
  23. luzonichthys waitei. lovely anthias that i remember we were all waiting to see, and we were disappointed when they eventually did appear at CF. not as colorful and v sensitive. a pail of roseafascia. only dejong can pull this kinda stunt.
  24. let's recap some of the other dottybacks that dejong also had around the same time. a pair of aberrant diadema dottybacks. and the ever sought after lubbockichthys tanakai
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