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Everything posted by yikai

  1. photosynthetic but don't need much light. T5 will suffice. do note these don't host clownfishes. so if you planning on getting them to host, it won't work.
  2. this website apprently lists smithi as available and cost $350-0600 HKD. i don't know if it's true but i highly doubt it.. considering when converted the max is only $100 for a smithi! which is just ridiculously cheap! FAKE! http://www.reef.hk/j/zh/aquadatabase/fishdb/butterflyfish/4-butterfly_db/detail/493-chaetodon_smithi?tmpl=component
  3. really? i think they look gorgeous! close up and far away. it's clearly one of the MOST striking of all butterflies. not to mention it's probably 100% reef safe like pyramid butterflies since it's an open water planktonic feeder just like pyramid. besides, the place where it lives in do not have much corals anyway. it was originally placed in the same genus as pyramid but was later re-shuffled to chaetodon. Smithi is such a heartbreaker. a gorgeous, locally ABUDANT, reef safe butterflyfish but sadly unobtainable because it lives at such remote places like pitcairn. i really really want a smithi butterflyfish and i think this is something i am willing to fork out money for. i hope to see it being collected one day before i die. smithi is on the 20cent postage stamp for pitcairn island. clearly one of the signature fishes there.
  4. i'm checking to him if he has a smithi or not. there's a picture of C. smithi online with his signature on it and the photo belongs to him. not sure if he owns it or just photographed is. his major is in cirrhilabrus but he often mentions and discuss butterflies and angels. especially juvenile seasonal butterflies found in miyazaki waters where he lives.
  5. oh female personatus have orange pelvic fins?? some photos online show white so i assumed they are changing. i was a fool to think they were ugly before but now i love them so much. personatus occur in shallow water at midway atoll. maybe next time if you visit hawaii u can tour around the island and sail there to catch a glimpse of personatus in the wild without having to use rebreathers. another gorgeous and ultra rare fish i would like to own is smithi like i've mentioned a million times already... to date 8 specimens have been caught. 1 to waikiki, the other 7 to japan, of which, if i'm not wrong, tanaka has one. the fate of the other 6 are unknown.
  6. nicer in real life. cannot capture the colour properly. the pink 1 is really omg. especially under actinics.
  7. Phymanthus crucifer. the most well behaved anemones one can have. Commonly called rock anemones, for good reasons. they stay on rocks and never move. the pink one is insane but i cannot capture the colour. this is the best i can but does no justice. the red tentacled one with the zebra stripes is my favourite.
  8. there is nothing rare with a blue harlequin shrimp. that is their natural colour.. the rare one is the deep purple with yellow outlined one that comes only from hawaii.
  9. two G. personatus from GBD. the first one is a female turning male as can be seen by the bright orange pelvic fins... 2nd one is either a male changing to female or vice versa. black mask is indivative of female while orange fins are male. either way, this is a very mismatched pair..
  10. ..? this is the only known photo of C. claire.. cannot tell from the poorly coloured dead specimen, but can tell there is 2 purple lines on it's face, resembling C. jordani, aka the flame wrasse.
  11. get nicer damsels lah haha! but i love your rollandi
  12. no need to be from Japan. just saying for a SPS reef so nice, the damsels do no justice throw in some fairy wrasses
  13. beautiful. the only thing missing is some beautiful wrasses or exotic fish
  14. i don't think there's anyone who does not know what a personatus angelfish is. it's super rare and well known by now. that being said, genicanthus angels are not easy especially males. reefers are already having problems with male watanabei, semifasciatus etc. owing to decompression problems and reluctance to feed. multiply the rarity by 1 million times and the cost by another few thousand, not to mention the difficulty by another 100x, you will end up with G. personatus. beautiful, GORGEOUS, but i won't spend that kind of money for something so fragile and difficult even if i had the money. now if only green chromis cost $10k+ and personatus costs $1
  15. murphy's law is afterall, based on the fact that things always happen when you don't want to. hope you fix your lights soon
  16. yikai

    Acanthurus bahianus

    Acanthurus bahianus Ocean Surgeonfish.

    © www.sgreefclub.com

  17. yikai

    Acanthurus albipectoralis

    Acanthurus albipectoralis White-fin Surgeonfish.

    © www.sgreefclub.com

  18. shud be super hardy. you know where i got it right? if it can survive there, it can survive anywhere. the book is excellent but there's one fairy wrasse that the book has no information on. Cirrhilabrus claire. endemic to Rarotonga @ Cooks Island. extremely rare, no photograph or information or live specimen has ever been documented before except for the original holotype discovered by Randall and Pyle in 2001. In the book written by rudie kuiter, it just list it as.. Cirrhilabrus claire -- N/A gives you an idea how rare this fish is. wonder what's it's real colours..
  19. longnose butterflies are extremely peaceful fishes and do not bother anyone. they will only fight with other longnose so get only one per tank, unless it's a pair which you either paired up yourself, or obtained from the wild. copperbands are peaceful too but like the longnose, will not tolerate other copperbands unless paired. they may also express aggressiveness towards longnose butterflies due to the similarity in shape. i have kept copperbands and longnose together with no problems at all. depends on your tank size too. what i reccomend is keeping the longnose butterfly separate for the time being and make sure it is feeding very well, then release it. longnose butterflies can be shy initially and in a community tank, it might not get it's share of food. so make sure it's feeding very well first. all the best.
  20. will be good if you can specify what angelfish you are looking for... -.-
  21. very typical. wah wah wah!!! XXX fish appeared! omg oomg omgo mg. then go japan another deepwater wrasse i hope to see one day in the trade is blatteus.
  22. very curious to know wat c. claire looks like. the holotype is so ugly.
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