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Everything posted by yikai

  1. digi this venustus you like right? from that video by the japanese guy.
  2. posted before but i like it so post again. emperor x chrysurus
  3. rare fish round up! starting with these bicolours. oo first one is nice.
  4. maybe LCK contacted that rob guy directly? unlikely that just when rob announce he can catch, LCK manage to get personatus at the exact same time. too rare a fish for such things to happen unless it's divine intervention. so my guess is it's coming from that guy direct.
  5. just keep doing for about a week and it should work. make sure u cover with a cloth so that it mimics night time.
  6. yes very easy to do. during the time you want it to sleep, it has to be pitch dark. cover your tank with a black cloth to simulate night time. when u want it to awake, remove the cloth when your lights are on. alot of sand digging wrasses follow their natural body clock as in the wild. what ever time they awake and sleep corresponds to the day time in the wild. they will follow your aquarium light timing by themselves but it will take awhile for them to do so. to speed up, you can use my method above. have done this for Macropharyngodon choati. the choat's leopard wrasse from Auastralia. Rare and extremely difficult species, and even harder to correspond to Singapore timing due to the time zone difference in Australia
  7. CF is the only LFS that regularly offer the hawaiin harlequin shrimp. hawaiin ones are a different species. i've seen it a few times. feed them linkia starfish. they are their fav food and offer the best nutrition.
  8. very nice bro! love the pictures of the clowns.
  9. As you all will know by now, GBD has featured the personatus collection artile on their blog. diver Rob posted on RC that he is embarassed and quite mad that GBD posted. now a frenzy of divers will start hunting for the spot and cause a personatus war! How exciting!! imagine 100 divers scouting for this secret spot. rushing for the personatus. DOG EAT DOG WORLD!
  10. The roaops butterflies. Chaetodon declivis (declivis), Chaetodon declivis (wilderi), Chaetodon mitratus, Chaetodon burgessi, Chaetodon tinkeri, Chaetodon flavocoronatus.
  11. Looking back at my old C. declivis makes me want to start my roaops collection once again.
  12. Lotilia graciliosa spotted on LA's DD! This specimen came out from Cebu and the price is $899.99 USD.
  13. There are two distinct sub-species for C. declivis. Chaetodon declivis declivis, and Chaetodon declivis wilderi. The specimen i owned, showed above, is C. declivis wilderi, as observed by the large amount of black on the back of the fish. the other subspecies, C. declivis declivis, is more yellow with no black. (shown in the photo below). Will keep a lookout for C. declivis declivis as i like the yellow more.
  14. thanks for checking by. i like non conventional reef keeping. it started even back in my old thread where i had a giant softy corner, and in that, LPS, anemones, angels and butterflies cruised my tank. conventional? nope. but so rewarding. one picture from my past. Chaetodon (Roaops) declivis. A terribly hardy species that i will keep again in the future.
  15. tanaka does not own the smithi. apparently it was for sale in japan and he took a photo of it. but these guys grow very big. to aboit 16-17cm.
  16. first one. gorgeous gorgeous! orange tail. 2nd video shows the 2 exquisite variants from indonesia. sadly IME, the colour cannot hold for long. but u had 3 terminal male exquisites inside. the colours should hold pretty well.
  17. thanks! yeah it's part of the new tank thing... i have bryopsis and hair algae everywhere too. i occasionally meet your dad at iwarna and enjoy talking with him. nice to finally meet you in person too! damn you look so young. and i'm like what, 18? haha!
  18. seriously there's nothing to FTS lol. it's just rock covered in hair algae.
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