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Everything posted by yikai

  1. in order of your naming. tanakai is very dubious. looks alot like triocellata and i dunno if it's synonymous.
  2. my possum feeding very well and likes to hover around the rocks like a spaceship. but bad thing is coz i'm using MH, it's too bright for these shade loving fish. so my mandarins and possum all hang out under one rock -.- will need to take time before it gets used to the light and comes out more. sell those u dont like bah. no use keeping fish you dont like right?
  3. i've never really seen them before. very uncommon, don't come many and always ppl buy very quickly. happen to find three that day. so buy lor. first time keeping. my favourite species of the genus.
  4. AND THE BLUE MIDAS BLENNY I POSTED!! anyway digi how's your possum wrasse? it's so cute and lovely. my new fav fish.
  5. oh my new favourite fish. can you spot it? it's very secretive. i love the way it swims. it just hovers around the live rocks like a little spaceship. flcking it's pelvic fins as it goes around really super cute. for those who can't see it, i've attached an internet picture of the same fish. it's the three spot possum wrasse. Wetmorella triocellata. Bought it with digiman at CF. a very unusual and uncommon fish. stays small, and super cute and interesting. another seldom encountered fish and seldom owned fish.
  6. Anampses twistii. Yellow bellied twist wrasse.
  7. yes terry. it's a CORAL beauty. hahahah! sorry i can't resist. hehe
  8. of coz it's nicer. but in terms of difference, not much compared to a smithi. both i like and both very hard to obtain lah.
  9. to me the holy grail is smithi. no question. is my favourite!!!!!! flavo ok lah. just a tinker with extra yellow bar.
  10. maybe will take terryz suggestion. this is the closest thing to smithi right now. will hunt for small ones.... getting rare lately.. LCK came one whole tank last time but i never buy.
  11. smithi is found in easter island also right? some sources say no but some sources say yes. the picture on fishbase where there are tons of smithi schooling around is said to be taken in easter island.
  12. yes the one i ID-ed for you previously is Balanophyllia. it's still surviving? that's nice to hear! hope you can restore it to it's former glory and then you can see why they claim superiority over all the sun corals. my fav is Dendrophyllia ramea (L). if i'm not wrong, it's from somewhere in the Atlantic. forgot the exact location. It's like a cross between sun coral and duncans. the skeletal structure is exactly like duncans. but its non photosynthetic like suns. stem is orange, polyps are snow white. What's more, it's founded by the king of taxonomy, Carl Linneus. That's why there's an (L) beside it's scientific name. just some biology, Carl Linneus invented the scientific naming system! He's one of my big bio idols and hence all species that was founded by him, has an L there as a mark of, well... i don't know... he invented the system. back to my D. ramea, can forget about obtaining it here. too rare. Unless one day we find one from some exotic atlantic shipment. OK ok dun OT here liao. sry kiko! hehe
  13. litus is so ugly. WI is so much nicer. WI is like aluminum foil swimming in water. digi yes omg. the whole world is just studded with rare fish here and there and it's so unfortunate we cannot even obtain them. i'm looking at my atlas pasted on my wall now and just tracing all the rare fishes from singapore, all the way to PNG, aus, palau, red sea, etc etc etc. it's like a big rare fish soup that's being divided by continents and islands. and i'm just a small person with big dream to see each one of them! if i was as rich as oprah i will spend money going to all these places, seeing, collecting, photographing.
  14. that's why i hate common names. like "super sun coral". the name super sun is given locally coz the sun looks superior and bigger than the normal sun. hence the "super"... it's a made up name. no such thing. like how you type prata coral and there will also show no results.. banning of supersun is not true. i don't know where you heard that from but it's not true. even if it is, it will be all over reef builders and glass box design. as for mysis, i got both my pipes feeding on mysis. must feed very very small pieces but it's very difficult anyway. write a book? lol cannot lah! please. all my knowledge is from reading and learning from everywhere. unless i discover something new or go on my own adventure, all this is just from self learning and for now, its just sharing with who ever is interested to learn. what i know is whatever that can be found on internet, books, etc. you wan to know also can. nothing exclusive.
  15. it's not possible to have pellet feeding harlequins because they obtain their nutrition from starfishes. and unless you make a starfish pellet, i'm very sure they will die. harlequin shrimps also "smell" the starfish. that's why sometimes using dead or frozen starfish might not initiate a feeding response. IME. so i don't think harlequins will eat pellets even from potential captive breeding. there's always hope though.
  16. so many extraordinarily rare fish to NOT obtain. from mauritius we have - piscilineatus flasher - debelius angel - sanguineus fairy easter island we have hotumatua and litus. pitcairn we have genicanthus spinus and the holy grail of butterflies, C. smithi. kermedec islands we have Genicanthus semicinctus, which appeared in Japan 20 years ago and Dr takana had the fortune to see one in kyoto. but unfortunately, it did not feed. from hawaii we have the personatus, and nearby marshall have the bell's flasher wrasse. even nearer we have earlei in palau where rhomboid has been found! range extension for Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis. move over to cook islands and we can find the peppermint angel, claire's fairy wrasse and narcosis angelfish. move over to far away africa and can find the hemitaeniatus flasher wrasse and kingi angel SO MANY RARE FISH AND THAT'S NOT EVEN ALL! SO MANY MORE!!
  17. i've been saving this for the last. my favourite. a very white pale looking blueface and watch how it transforms into something so weird... from pale white, to dark, to black, then it developed electric blue lines on it's black body. and it does not even have a blue face or the characteristic yellow eye mask! isit a hybrid or a variant or a very sick diseased fish? i dunno.
  18. a pair of hybrid butterflies! Ornate x meyeri and meyeri x reticulated
  19. damsels rarely get the aberrant spotlight. here's one. although ridiculously hideous.
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