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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Update on my fiji xenia's growth. i have 2 separate pieces. this is piece number 2. first picture shows before. 2nd picture shows now. you can clearly see the number of "heads" increased. crazy growth. at least 3 new "heads" on this one.
  2. baby sea hares crawling all over!

    1. ambystoma82


      can pass me some? lolx...

    2. kueytoc


      Dun forget about MOI-MOI too !!!

    3. yikai


      ok. let me try harvesting them tomorrow if i can spot them again. they appear only in the night and are very hard to spot! 1 cm only hehe.

  3. initially i thought it had quadrimaculatus blood. based on the eye bar and shape. but even then i still thought it was a quadri x tinkeri. but the elusive and ultra rare tinkeri x miliaris is still out there somewhere!!
  4. it's so hard to imagine tinkeri x miliaris. it's so omg? there are a few more weird hybridisations like this listed in my book. i must slowly go dig them out species by species. not everyday where the two parents are from totally different sub genuses.
  5. form the depth, this must be from midway atoll. the only place where personatus are found at such shallow depths. male-female ratio 5:1 video by bruce carlson. the person who identified and described marjorie wrasse, named after his wife, marj.
  6. are you crazy? semeion butterfly is very rare. aunty work at CF 8 years she only see 3 times. that time was probably the first and last time i will see semeion before i go NS.
  7. Here's some photos of my "monster clowns" from my old tank. They've since grown and outgrew their monster patterns and now, they are valentine's day clowns! notice one of them has an "i love" on the white? a heart shape! or are my eyes playing tricks on me..
  8. yah lah the hole too small. all swim out from betta box. anyway if u wan i also won't reccomend. too small waste of money. difficult to feed oso unless u have a nano tank like IQmax
  9. terry dun wan his liao coz too small so i was stuck with all 6... they appared and fed on for a few days but slowly just MIA 1 by 1. now all dissapear liao. like panda goby lah. too small, cannot keep.
  10. I know what hybrid it is liao. it's an extremely rare hybrid of Chaetodon tinkeri and Chaetodon milliaris. In Hawaii, tinkeri will VERY rarely hybridise with miliaris. I've read about this hybridisation in my angel book and on certain websites. it's very rare and no pictures so far. if you look at the photos of tinkeri and miliaris, you will see that the hybrid has both parent's features. the spots, the shape, etc. so amazing that two completely diff butterflies from diff subgenus can hybridise. there's also one featured in waikiki aquarium.
  11. getting MI to feed is actually not very difficult. it's getting it to survive despite feeding that is challenging. most waste away after many months despite feeding. but not impossible. there's many people who keep MI for years.
  12. the male is so so so so beautiful. i showed it to my mum and she instantly said SO CUTE! she doesn't really like fish so this is like very rare. then i told her it cost $10-12k. and i think you can guess her reaction.
  13. they require specific diet like most nudibranch where did you find it from? if you found it on a species of algae, most likely that is the one it eats.
  14. i never realised how small it was until i saw this photo. the occelatus on the soft dorsal is so well defined and shows no signs of fading. still a long way to adult hood. like i've said before. this is the best size to keep the multibarred angel. small enough to handle capture and decompression, and small enough to adapt well. it's a good thing your tank is very minimally stocked to allow your fish to graze on the rocks for so long and yet, not accept prepared food. Multibar is the easiest of the 4 "difficult dwarves". time to aquire the other 3
  15. BLUFF YOU!!!!! hehe. was looking through fishbase and saw this juvenile wrasse that look alot like liopropoma. dont worry you are one of the 5 ppl who fell for it.
  16. DIGI! NEW LIOPROPOMA SP FOUND IN INDO. Liopropoma melanocaudalis! discovered by Richard pyle and a group of scientist along coast of Bali. Apprently this is one of the few new species they found. so exciting!!! finally new liopropoma near our waters!
  17. thats because tanakai IS triocellata! i just checked my wrasse book and several other internet sources. tanakai is synonymous with triocellata.
  18. no you should let him buy. coz i always end up buying from him. i'm his dumping ground. which is good coz the time he gets bored with it is usually enough time for me to save money and get it from him. haha. in a way he's holding the fish for me before LFS sells it! good good.
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