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Everything posted by yikai

  1. THE MOST STUNNING PAIR OF Cirrhilabrus roseafascia I'VE EVER SEEN! THE MALE IS OMG! this one is displaying a little. can see from the yellow anal fins which is normally white. after seeing this, mine looks so female
  2. Digi, have you seen such beautiful randall's anthias in all your reefing years before? it's so beautiful that only a few days ago then i realised that THIS is Pseudanthias randalli. all the time see ugly dull females never would i imagine the super males to look this good.
  3. And of course the world famous, beautiful, expensive and rare goby, the Lotilia graciliosa. aka white capped shrimp goby. Found naturally with it's shrimp, Alpheus rubromaculatus. the shrimp is perhaps, rarer than the goby since it's almost never collected with the goby.
  4. A very rare shrimp goby. Stonogobiops medon. The only known holotype photo. Apperently endemic to Marquesas
  5. very rare and beautiful Priolepis semidoliata, from the Red sea, Japan, Australia, Johnston Atoll and Pitcairn. it is replaced by the very similar looking Priolepis farcimen in Hawaii.
  6. Elacatinus chancei wow i think this has got to be my favourite "neon" goby. the interrupted yellow stripe is quite alluring.
  7. some rare gobies for a change... seldom post pictures of gobies. Elacatinus diguetti
  8. a healthy hammer coral will stick to mysis or seafood and eat it. it's not necessary to feed them though. as for pods, contact aqua fauna supplies. i dunno about them.
  9. yalah... but the picture of that personatus have two marks on the body. i dunno if it signs of breaking down already!? bandit angels always have these kind of patch. then slowly get worse and die. if i were him i wont even dare hold it out of water like that. wait jump back into the sea!? LOL or worse. jump on the boat and flip flip around. 10k fish like that omg.
  10. if he brings it up slowly it would take many many many days. every minute spent there is like... 15mins decompressing? something like that. they mentioned it in the pacific abyss. rob is proffessional. there is a video of him collecting and needling a juvenile bandit angel. but even then i don't think he dare to needle personatus. too risky you're right. if die, it's 10k fly away.
  11. welcome. too many rare and beautiful fish that cannot be obtained. so sian.
  12. such extensive damage to your shrimp would take more than 1 moult... can't expect it to grow back everything during it's 1st moult. be patient and get that dottyback out! haha
  13. nope. P. waltoni is found only in Raja Ampat, West Papua. P. nursalim is found on the southwestern side of Bird's Head peninsula, also in West Papua, and southeast to Triton Bay. None have been caught so far and all photos are from the wild.
  14. over kill lol. anyway, the smaller the water volume, the more helpful UV is. Bigger water volume means more water have to pass through UV to kill parasite. in very huge tanks, people more often than not run more than 1 unit simultaneously. Think of it this way. (scenario exaggerated to prove a point). it's more useful to run 10 units of 36W UV than a single unit of 100W UV. the amount of water passing through so many (10), units of UV is much better than passing through one 100W UV. increasing the wattage isn't going to kill the parasites any faster. parasites die in 36W, 55W and 100W all the same speed. just like if i shoot you in the head with a shotgun, machinegun or a bazooka. you don't die faster from each of those. you die at the same speed right? also depends on what fish you keep. in a tank full of hardy fish like fairy wrasse, damsels, anthias and/or other bullet proof fish, the reliability of the UV system is questionable since these fishes are so disease resistant, that the effect of UV is almost, if not, same, to a system without UV. Testing UV out in a tank with very disease prone fish like tangs, angels and butterflies will see more results on wether or not the UV is working or not. Also if your tank is already on the verge of crashing due to disease outbreak, installing a UV there and then probably won't be of much use. UV is good for preventing disease from reaching catastrophic levels, but is useless if the disease has already progressed to that stage. As for wether i am a believer in UV, yes i am. a firm believer at that. But UV is not as magical as everyone makes it out to be, and will not catch you every single time you fall. Just because you have a UV, does not mean you can be very liberal and throw in 5 tangs, 5 angels, 6 butterflies at one go and think that you will get away with disease outbreak. Slowly stocking your fish is important so as not to increase parasite load so quickly that UV cannot cope. you need to work with the UV, not against it
  15. two very rare flasher wrasse that i'm posting again from Raja Ampat, West Papua. Paracheilinus nursalim and Paracheilinus waltoni.
  16. he's got it!!!!!! ONE GENICANTHUS PERSONATUS CAUGHT! however, still 5-6 more for credibility! it's going to taiwan. but the 2 patches on the body concern me...
  17. my god... this should be illegal! LOL. really fantastic colours
  18. hmm.... at least 6-7? they are at the back, right side, in those floating containers. 2nd row. they used to keep them at the front LED tanks but have since gotten more common, so are now moved to the back. hurry hurry, these are very uncommon, cryptic and cute fish. but not my cup of tea.
  19. never say. but judging from all the different specimens with the same black smudge only on the rear part, i would say it's a variant. can't possibly all be hybrids since hybrids are random and will never produce so many similar looking ones. plus cannot be mulleri hybrid coz mulleri is too brown and chances are, more mulleri genes will be expressed than just a bar. and mulleri is different shape too. has a bump on the heads of large adults. quite nice actually the first one. very black. (1st and 3rd pic is same fish, just different sides).
  20. my love for this fish has never died despite so long. in fact, i love it more now.
  21. some... i won't say rare, but different looking copperbands. the black smudge at the back. probably too boring to post here but so rarely see unusual coloured chelmons.
  22. yup. my seahare spawned in my tank and i have little seahares crawling around. they're only 0.7cm and they are same colour as rock and algae. so spotting them is very hard... and they usually only come out at night. today spotted 3. i will try to harvest them for you if you really want... but you would probably be better off buying bigger ones at LFS. tiny 0.7cm seahares are lousy algae eaters.
  23. who says fish aren't affectionate or respond to human interaction? My timid butterflies have grown so accustomed to me that they nibble my fingers for fun even though there's no food.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Goondoo


      I saw a news in MY that an owner cooked and eat his 6yrs old aro because it bit him when he doing tank maintenance.

    3. yikai


      yep. read that too. stupid owner. how can you cook an arowana for biting you? it's like killing a lion for roaring. that's what they do. don't worry my fishes are too small to do any damage. it's quite nice.. their nibbling.. hehe

    4. Thexder


      When I walk pass my tank, the fishes follow me. When other people walk pass they hide...

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