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Everything posted by yikai

  1. not spawning yet but they are practicing. males will put his nose to the female's vent and slowly swim up toward the surface. once at the surface, both will quickly release sperm and eggs and go back down.
  2. just put them anywhere. they are not choosey. they are happy growing on glass even.
  3. no. they will resume pulsing in lower flow. just dun blast them or subject them to high flow. but some xenias don't pulse even in low flow. depends on individual xenias... does not mean they're unhealthy though
  4. ah. dun put them in too high flow. xenias don't pulse if the flow is too strong. try turning off all your wavemakers and pump for 5 minutes and make the water still and current-less. see if your xenias will pulse. mine are in an area with very low, gentle flow. thus the strong pulsation. the exact reason why they pulse is unknown. no one knows why xenia pulse. but strong flow will usually stop pulsing.
  5. i don't know. these i had since my old tank! they were from reborn's first ever walt smith shipment. the one at the back with the big fluffier polyps is from iwarna's last walt smith shipment. never really did anything. they just pulse alot since day 1. the variety i think? where did you get yours from.
  6. yes fire shrimp is reef safe.....
  7. in what way? these are just nonsense that don't make sense at all. if anything, running a UV system will improve coral health. UV will to a certain extent, remove organics in the water much like carbon would.
  8. main colony all stick on rocks le. the frags i frag i just let them rest on coral chips and small rocks in a betta box. low flow so it will stick. but will melt. i try alot of methods also lol. i try the toothpick method, melt even faster. tried the mesh method also melt. maybe i put a rock next to the main stem and let it stick to that rock.
  9. yeah. softies can be so nice. here's another video. this time through the glass instead of top down.
  10. just cut the stem and put it in a low flow area full of rocks for it to stick lor... cannot. will melt after a few days. wah so many orders. i can't even find where they are now!! lol. lemme see if i can find or not... like finding a needle in a haystack
  11. i keep fragging but keep melting. i dunno how to frag properly i think.
  12. omg i just realised that other cirrhilabrus and paracheilinus in fishbase have videos too! like scott's fairy and rubricaudalis all these videos are of them in the wild and sooo amazing
  13. my guess will be female C. rubrimarginatus since the video is taken in Fiji.
  14. wow your tank background looks nice! and so is the thiellei
  15. copperbands and longnose are quite similar in appearance and are closely related. thus i refer to them as "counterparts". comparing the two, longnose butterflies are very hardy and begin feeding almost immediately. compared to the copperband butterflies which loses by a mile. copperband butterflies are difficult to feed and very often die from starvation or collection problems. so comparing the two, longnose butterflies win in terms of hardiness and make ideal aquarium specimens. cheers
  16. take the dottyback out. no question. stop putting poor shrimps in the tank for the dottyback to kill. don't add anymore fire shrimp until yours is fully recovered. fire shrimps are not as easy to pair as cleaner shrimps as you think.
  17. i think we all understand that by now...... and your reply does not have any link to what you quoted me on. UV kills microorganisms that pass through it.... including bacteria, and other parasites (white spots, velvet etc..) what i'm trying to say is you can turn on the UV 24/7 because the amount of bacteria it kills is negligible. there are far more living in the rocks and whatever the UV kills is not going to have any negative effect.
  18. in a big tank, you can keep more than 1 fire with other shrimps. i have 4 cleaner and 2 fire in my 183 gallons. fire shrimps are extremely shy and will usually hide for the 1st 1 or 2 weeks. then slowly emerge and become more brave. they are peaceful but may chase other shrimps away at times.
  19. 5 videos of Cirrhilabrus marjorie in the wild. http://www.fishbase.gr/summary/videos.php?speccode=61859 click through all 5 pages to see. amazing footage. the last video (5), shows a deepwater coral beauty also.
  20. finally decided to sell it? lol ups for a mega rare clownfish.
  21. killing good bacteria is an urban legend and you have nothing to worry about..... bacteria is mainly found living in the rocks. only a small population exist in the water. the amount you kill in the water is negligible as there are 100000x more living inside the rock, sand, filter media etc etc etc.
  22. ROB DID IT AGAIN! HE CAUGHT THE SECOND PERSONATUS ANGELFISH TODAY measuring 6.5'. all are females for now. lying flat on the boat for a brief moment while the photo is being taken.
  23. 2 beautiful pictures of Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis. first one is by Dr. Tanaka, and the 2nd one, young male in Marshall Islands.
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