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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Iwarna's friday shipment is here. brought forward. here's some updates. - very tiny venustus angelfish. 1 inch. smallest you can ever get from the market and anywhere else. - plenty of Pseudanthias flavoguttatus. record breaking 26 specimens - Pseudanthias lori, plenty of them. tiger queen anthias - blue face angels - multibar angels - randall's anthias - many other common philippine fish and one tang that i've never seen in the hobby before. a very unusual and unique bristletooth tang. Ctenochaetus striatus
  2. that's the remaining hair algae that haven die off yet. the rest rather ok liao.
  3. isit? if i say ugly means its really ugly in real life. coz this is my favourite toby.
  4. nope. mine pulse this fast in medium to high flow also. just that if the flow is too strong, the xenia blow in the wave then cannot see the pulsing properly. i turned off the wavemaker in this video, but does not matter. the flow in this area is really really very slow anyway, so much so that the xenias pulse very well. moreover, it's an open space surrounded by sand and water in the front of the tank so there's no dead spot despite the low flow. that's why that particular rock on the sand is just for my xenia and cespitularia. isolated rock on the sand prevents them from spread everywhere and also low flow caters to them very well.
  5. if not will just be happy with this. brought in before, so can get again next time. The hawaiian endemic, White spotted hawaiian puffer. Canthigaster jactator.
  6. i want this but so rare! used to be very very rare in the trade but now common.......in the states. wonder when will we see the Canthigaster leoparda.
  7. 1 tinkeri can almost get u a pair of declivis, and almost 8 burgess. -___-
  8. heard reborn bringing in red sea shipment soon. this means this batch might have the paucifasciatus that digi and i ordered. still thinking if i should get it... second guessing now coz pauci might be very unreefsafe for soft corals. since red sea is heavily populated with xenias, anthellias and softies.
  9. declivis the yellow one only seen at CF. sometimes will come one or two and they will put it in the big tank opposite the sharks. tinker is yes, too big. the forehead too steep also. makes it look abit funny but the colour combi is very nice. jet black and crisp white.
  10. why!? can settle for nicer ones like tinker's and declivis. burgess is so boring. unless it's a burgess hybrid.
  11. the best algae eaters from the foxface genus are those that look like the real foxface. the other rabbitfishes are too big and not suitable for aquarium. bicolour foxface, foxface, one spot foxface and magnificent foxface should be good choices. moreover, foxfaces are extremely disease resistant. the last fishes to die. my personal favourite from the group is the bicolour foxface. rare, beautiful, unique and very different. my kind of fish. endemic only to fiji.
  12. just let them grow. let everything grow until they stop growing and your tank stabalise. when the bryopsis grow until very big, rip them off from the base. sometimes it will stun their growth and they won't grow back anymore. the only things known to 100% eat bryopsis are lettuce nudibranch. all fishes in the genus Siganus (The foxfaces), sea hares, certain tangs may or may not eat bryopsis. depends on the individual. and even if they do, sometimes they just stop eating after awhile. Byropsis is a really distasteful algae. ok sorry bro hijack for....hijacking your thread! sorry pun intended! hehe.
  13. red sea is finally here!? the long awaited red sea endemic Chaetodon paucifasciatus should be in this order.
  14. it won't work. the seahare will only eat the algae but the algae will still continue growing back. this is something that cannot be avoided. but the seahares are good to lessen the uglyness while the algae period kicks in. my seahares have tripled in size and spawned, but the algae never stops growing back. PO4 is present in the rocks so have to wait for the algae to finish absorbing all. then it will stop growing and die off, or get eaten up for good. which is what's happening to me now.
  15. basabei and excelsa are so beautiful. if i had the money these 2 are something that i must have. especially basabei both EXTRAORDINARY fishes. especially the wiebli. so rare. ok i think this one holy grail. smithi come in a close 2nd. flavocoronatus is just VERY beautiful.
  16. those are just indo rocks that are branched... they are dead skeletons of acropora. the real tonga rocks are unavailable.
  17. another pic of the super rare WHITE longnose butterfly. i think this white morph is seriously one in a billion this time it's half yellow and half white. and it's a forcipiger longirostris this time. not the normal flavissimus.
  18. should pair a rusty and a flame to produce the super rare super stunning rusty-flame hybrid that looks 99% identical to a shepardi angel, which is currently mega rare and unobtainable in Singapore.
  19. interruptus costs more than 1k temp wise it has been proven that interruptus can adapt to normal reef temp of of around 26-27. not everything is expensive. interruptus and wrought iron are the most ex. the rest are affordable
  20. yes they will release sperm and eggs very near to the water surface. it wont fly out. just at the surface. you will see a cloud of sperm and tiny tiny transparent eggs. yours are on the way but not really spawning yet. most dwarf angels spawn around sunset. usually 15 mins before to 45mins after the sun set. meaning they prefer dimmer lighting. are your lights on actinics around 10-11pm? looks to me like it. the dim lighting you are providing is similar to the "dusk" effect that the angels are used to spawning in the wild. they will spawn almost everyday at the same time once they get it right. flame angels are one of the easiest, if not, easiest dwarf angels to pair up and observe spawning due to the physical difference in appearance between males and females. enjoy this! it's a lovely sight to behold
  21. UV light and UV steriliser is two completely different thing. UV lights are bulbs that produce UV rays. these rays are extremely dangerous to humans and long term exposure will cause skin cancer among other things... but UV light is very helpful in surface sterilisation, and many hospitals use UV to sterilise surgical appliance. UV sterilisers are UV bulbs that are hiddin inside a protective casing so you don't get exposed to the light. water pass through the unit and the light will shine into the water and kill microorganisms.
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