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Everything posted by yikai

  1. this is a golden hawkfish from Japan. interested? can try to get for you. this one i want also.
  2. omg please resize your photos..
  3. Found a great lobang today.

  4. Two small Anampses neoguinaicus at iwarna today. 2.5 inch i must say this is the first time i've seen such small "china wrasse". it's actually pretty nice when this small. but being an Anampses, the survivability can be rather low. next time if see again must hand fast leg fast and buy. black and white on a wrasse is so unusual.
  5. Updates at iwarna - plenty of SPS left - Red margin males are mostly gone, left one or two small males and plenty of females - melanurus wrasse - Male marjories are all sold out. left females. Identified by full red body and a black spot on the caudal penducle - Anampses neoguinaicus aka china wrasse, came only 2, each around 2.5inch. very small size and cute, but snapped up even before 8am! - plenty of large vila wrasse. Cirrhilabrus punctatus - Fijian exquisite wrasse sold out - white pipe organs - some leftover zoas - left over bubble corals, open brain, favias, gonio
  6. flame angel mix with rusty. those pictures are a bunch of rusty flames. they look so shepardi like that i can't even tell the difference. digi, dont need to wait any much longer liao. thanks to one LFS, we will never see this fish via normal philippine shipment anymore -__- but can pull some strings to get this in
  7. got 3 variant of bathyphilus.. 1st variant is the hooded with the bicolour deep red and orange body. this is my fav. 2nd variant from vanuatu has a hood also, but not so obvious and has a red streak extending to caudal penducle. 3rd variant is from aussy with no distinct hood, just a reddish head and orangy body, with also a red streak passing through the body. 2nd vanuatu variant look similar to aussy one, but they are different. that's why sometimes LFS confuse and call it vanuatu flame wrasse. but actually all are C. bathyphilus, just different morphs. variant 2 and 3 look quite similar. my favourite is still the real hooded from vanuatu. i don't mind any of them but i want the real hooded the most. The other "hooded" lookalike from Fiji region is the undescribed "nahackyi" wrasse. this is another one i'm waiting to see pop up mysteriously one day. the bathyphilus complex is shrouded in much mystery especially from vanuatu, where there are a few undescribed species that look very similar to hooded. thus all the confusion. The three photos shown below are the "known" variants for hooded. first one from vanuatu, 2nd one also from vanuatu and 3rd one from australia. variant 2 from vanuatu looks very similar to variant 3 from aussy. last picture shows the very rare undescribed nahackyi wrasse. 1st 2 photos credit by H. Tanaka, MD.
  8. it's ok. not interested in lineatus, laboutei and scotts. too common and don't interest me. wanted the hooded but no money. so will wait for the next shipment. aussy, vanuatu, which ever one comes first
  9. Killerwhale, price seems pretty reasonable to me. then again, if it's not reasonable to you, please take it somewhere else Please don't stir up unnecessary trouble, thanks. I believe reefers can decide if it's worth it or not.
  10. hybrid? or aberrant? By Tanaka whom i think has just obtained it today.
  11. Never have australian hooded wrasse appear in such large quanties and size before. an aussy hooded coupled with the vanuatu one will surely stir up some excitement in your reef! Hooded wrasse from Vanuatu has a starck red "hood" on an orange body, but has not made it's appearance for a very long time now. With vanuatu shipment recently continuing from it's long absence, we can hope to see this gorgeous fish soon. Amazing how the same species from different location can produce variations with such vast differences.
  12. does it come in white?
  13. Chaetodon daedalma. the wrought iron butterflyfish. aptly named so for their incredible metal-like scales that resemble a shiny piece of chain mail swimming through the cool waters of japan. often swarm by the hundreds and divers call this event the "wrought iron ball".
  14. no confirm but from all the past shipments, usually will have. oh sorry for confusion. change my above post already
  15. argh... so many good things to buy this week but i'm so broke this month. have to control. Just to update on the rarities this week.... LCK - Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus (Hooded wrasse, Australian variant) - Cirrhilabrus scottorum (Scott's fairy wrasse, Australian variant) - Cirrhilabrus lineatus (Lineatus Wrasse) - Cirrhilabrus laboutei (Laboutei Wrasse) Iwarna - Walt smith SPS - LPS and softies. Hopefully xenias, yellow leather, pipe organs etc. - Cirrhilabrus marjorie (Marjorie Wrasse) - Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus (Red Margin Wrasse - Fiji Variant) - Cirrhilabrus exquisitus (Exquisite Wrasse - Fiji Variant) Reborn - Chaetodon daedalma (WROUGHT IRON BUTTERFLYFISH!!) - Centropyge interruptus (INTERRUPTUS ANGELFISH, SMALL ONES 8-12CM!!!!) this is a fantastic size and it's very difficult to obtain such small ones - Sacura margaritacea (Sakura Anthias, CHERRY ANTHIAS!) extremely beautiful and very hardy - Omobranchus elegans (Elegant blenny) COMMENCING SELF-DESTRUCT!!! NO MONEY NO MONEY!!!11 T_T
  16. The hooded from australia is so beautiful three variants of the hooded wrasse. 2 variants are from vanuatu and 1 is from australia. the aussy one is pictured above. gorgeous!
  17. bottom 1. top one is way too red and is not swalesi. it's an undescribed liopropoma sp. the bottom 1 is still very red compared to the normal swalesi which is usually a washed out orange and grey.
  18. no idea on the yasha. swalesi 4.5 red notes each. pretty standard price. beware of brightly coloured specimens though... could be cyanide caught. since liopropoma species are very difficult to catch in the wild.. but then again... there are some swalesis which are very much redder than normal naturally. so it's not confirmed.
  19. a few possum wrasses (Wetmorella tanakai) 3 liopropoma swalesi 1 liopropoma susumi plenty of golden angels big yasha gobies pseudocoris bleekeri 1 very rare juvenile Chaetodon semeion thse are the interesting things at ahbeng. not all the boxes were unopened when i was there though
  20. some starcki damsels at iwarna too. walt smith shipment saturday morning.
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