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Everything posted by yikai

  1. one of my favourite but extremely rare and unobtainable anthias, is Pseudanthias regalis.
  2. 2 anthias i cannot identify. first one is a pseudanthias, 2nd one is some sailfin anthias. first one isit P. flavicauda?
  3. the bartletts will act as dither anthias for the ventralis. actually ventralis in onsies and twosies, or threesies look nicer than one giant school. hawaiiensis is GORGEOUS! but i dont think come before and it's even harder than ventralis. here's a wild photo of a female but from the looks of the background, looks like very shallow water!
  4. very blue venustus in the wild. looks like an oversized colini lol.
  5. very baby venustus angel. compare it with the size of a blood shrimp which is only one inch! i've never seen venustus angels so small before. like multibars, they do very well the smaller they are. large ones adapt poorly and often die despite feeding. which is what happened to my previous pair.
  6. baby multibar. so far so good, very active, curious and with plenty of liverocks, algae and tons of swimming space, it should begin feeding soon. it's been 3 days now. my other pair died despite feeding. Multibars do much better the smaller they are. this one's a 1 inch+ juvenile, so by theory, should adapt very well.
  7. got a pair of E. bimaculatus and E. stigmatura today. Was afraid they would fight but apparently, they did not. in fact i like itwhen 4 of them graze on algae together.
  8. dragon face pipe and banded pipe still fat and alive after all this time. here's the dragon face.
  9. Went to Ah beng that day got yasha gobies, but no pistol shrimp. so nv buy. go CF today got shrimp, but yashas @ ahbeng sold. so din buy shrimp. THEN NOW AM GOT YASHA, BUT I NO SHRIMP! ARRRRRRRRgh

    1. peacemaker


      Lol... I bought the shrimp from CF, so waiting for Yashias to come again :oP

    2. yikai


      i bought the shrimps before but they always end up MIA-ing without a goby.

    3. peacemaker


      I'm keeping it in a betta box with some hiding places till I get a Yashia. Agree on shrimps going MIA without the fish.

  10. In following order from the pictures above, E. ops, E. gravieri, E. yaeyamaensis, E. pictus, E. prooculis, E. sellifer and E. tigris.
  11. Some blennies i would like to see in Singapore, besides Ecsenius bicolor, E. bimaculatus and E. stigmatura.
  12. i like flavoguttatus but after seeing so many times at iwarna, i'm kinda contented and don't wish to keep it anymore. see too many times also sian. terryz, ur smithvansi probably need some dither fish to make it more outgoing. tuka, evansi are nice. but maybe skip them since they require tons of feeding. aurulentus never come before, too ex. guess i'll just keep a small group of bartletts... cheap and readily available. and 2-3 ventralis anthias
  13. CF rather interesting ones are.. - plenty of Ecsenius bimaculatus (Two spot blennies) very cute - plenty of Ecsenius stigmatura (Tail spot blennies) - mystery wrasse - Venustus angel - Multibar angel - Colini angel - purple tangs - a pair of red sea swallowtail angels, Genicanthus caudovittatus - indonesian red margin wrasses - blue line angels - hybrid heraldi angels - rhomboid wrasses - helfrichi firefish - Canthigaster jactator (Hawaiin white spotted toby) - yellow tangs - chevron tang Saw the workers taking alot of fish out of QT room. so there are more un-updated ones.
  14. project centropyge haven started. project paracentropyge start liao. LOL
  15. No problem, glad to help! some dither fish may help it become more outgoing. dither fishes are an arbitrary group of small, peaceful active fishes that will help to draw out timid fishes into the open environment. good dither fishes include firefishes, cardinals and chromises. best dither fishes are those that form small groups like cardinals. bear in mind that most dither fishes are common and personally for me, don't interest me at all. so if you do not like all these comon firefish, cardinals etc, then don't add them in. becuse it's going to be difficult getting all of them out in future.
  16. your mandarin seems a little skinny. is it getting enough to eat?
  17. Cirrhilabrus filamentosus aka the Whip-fin fairy wrasses are one of the most aggressive of them all. so keep an eye out for your guy and put a hood if you have not already done so. Paracheilinus filamentosus, aka the filamented flasher wrasse. peaceful, cheap and common and a great aquarium specimen! Ptereleotris hanae is an extremely extremely shy and timid dartfish. Very difficult to see unless your tank is very peaceful. I often see a bunch of them during philippine shipments at pasir ris and when dumped into the tanks, they will all huddle at the corner and seem to scare themself silly. but beautiful fish nonetheless and the tail filaments are very long and nice. In the wild, they are often seen in groups or pairs hovering above the sand bed. they occasionally "steal" the burrows of shrimp gobies and the pistol shrimps, and live together with them. but the shrimp goby and shrimp does not benefit from the hanae dartfish's visit. the dartfish however, gets shelter. here's a picture in the wild, and the second, emerging from the burrow of S. yasha and S. nematodes.
  18. tanaka said it's a pintail x lunatus hybrid. come to think of it the face does have pintail characteristics.
  19. because UV kills algae spores passing through the UV unit in the water column. you will see a decrease in most algae using UV, including diatoms.
  20. UV only destroys whatever that pass through it.. water will not carry the UV radiation so watever in your main tank should not be affected... the amount of bacteria the UV kills is very minimal since 99% of bacteria live in ur rocks, sand, filter wool etc... UV also decreases algae growth as algae spores are destroyed as they pass through the UV. including coraline algae, diatom etc. this info can be searched easily everywhere online and the forum...
  21. Digi, what fairy wrasse is this? body and everything looks like lunatus but why is the tail like that.
  22. yes you are right. i personally prefer bigger ones coz the colouration is more beautiful. but i'm not a fan of big fish, so end of the day, i'll still get smaller one. ask steven bring summore!
  23. Digi, terry, and any others who may be interested to pitch in, give me your opinions on the following anthias i plan to keep! which one will be the best to try? and why? always wanted to keep them but my old tank too small to keep a group. now i have a bigger tank, can try. - Pseudanthias smithvansi (Princess anthias) [notoriously difficult for being shy and refusing to eat.] - Pseudanthias flavoguttatus [from my past 3 experience with fresh batches from iwarna, alot to do with shipping. those that come great ALL survives and begin eating soon after. but if the shipment is bad, all will slowly die] - Pseudanthias tuka (Purple queen anthias) [famous for being "impossible" to keep, but know someone who has kept them for VERY long, so nothing is impossible!] - Pseudanthias bartlettorum (Bartlett anthias) [easy, colourful, but boring. won't mind them, just wont go crazy for them] - Pseudanthis evansi (Evan's anthias) [same as purple queen. i know someone who successfully kept evansi and purple queen for a long time. so very tempted to try]
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