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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yes. the ones we are getting is randall. ok lah. the difference is so negligible.
  2. yup i saw. they are referring to P. pulcherrimus. yeah thinking of trying... since they are way less aggressive than bartletts.
  3. then dont spend thousands of dollars on it and just get a blotchy lol
  4. chingchai now wants a pair of personatus, a school of ventralis, a pair of dejongi, a pair of sacura... and many more.
  5. scuba rob is going to build the ultimate deepwater tank with the fishes he caught. into the tank goes this baby sanguineus hog and also the baby fuscipinnis anthias he caught awhile ago. he's planning to catch a 3cm bandit angel next.
  6. live mysis can be found in iwarna's top refugium tank. can ask aunty give you a little collection, then go home and culture.
  7. oh! flavicauda is from fiji! recently discovered in tonga.
  8. you are allowed to do whatever you want to the money you obtain from the bid. so long as the bidding itself is not altered in a negative way. happy bidding!
  9. EXACTLY LOL. I TOLD HIM. "better dun let digiman know" lol. seagrass alone is not nice. but i like all the other macroalgae.
  10. just like hoe ugly fishes and sea grass appeals to terry!!
  11. compare roseafascia with the gorgeous lanceolatus! no brainer which is nicer.
  12. lanceolatus is very different from roseafascia. the only thing in common is the rose band on the dorsal region. roseafascia has sometimes have a yellow band just below that rose band, while lanceolatus is just pure pink. also, the fins of lanceolatus are a gorgeous EMERALD green. roseafascia's ones are yellowish. the pelvic fin of roseafascia is blue while lanceolatus is clear most of the time. i love the green on lanceolatus. it's just so unique and no other fish has green colouration like this.
  13. From Koji Wada's facebook. the same lanceolatus and rubrolineatus from okinawa, @ 120m!! not sure if it's the anthias or lanceolatus or both that was found at this depth. also a juvenile tosanoides flavofasciatus.
  14. live mysis? where did you get that. u mean live brine shrimp? red ones. if so, those have almost no nutrituon but it's good for temporarily filling it up.
  15. so little photos of pseudanthias regalis. i really like this. hmm.. marquesas.
  16. ok nvm checked on fishbase. 42-60m. not that deep mah... but found in 2 islands.
  17. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. exactly how rare is lanceolatus? how deep is it? and how rare is it in japan itself.
  18. female flavicauda, randalli and pulcherrimus look so so similar.. -.-
  19. ahh lanceolatus. how much are they selling? this one will be on the list of things to get from BH. MUAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA
  20. OH yah i remember seeing them at LCK.i think i was there with you? they were in the styrofoam box right?
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