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Everything posted by yikai

  1. there are limited pieces in the trade. so far LiveAquaria and pacific island aquafarm has had them before. here's one from PIA i posted awhile ago on reefbuilders. being hybrids, no two pieces are the same and individual specimens will exhibit different amount of parent traits. i.e, some will look more crosshatch or some will look more blue throat. this one here has a nice mix of both parent genes and shows abit of the blue on its face. the nicest thing about this hybrid trigger is the beautiful cellophane type tail. there are 3 pieces tomorrow if i'm not wrong. all three will be different and you can select the one you find the nicest.
  2. sanguineus hogfish 4 star fuscipinnis anthias 4 star goldenback triggers!! 4 star bluethroat x crosshatch hybrid. Amazing and rare hybrid! 3 pieces summore! 4 star those who want to try healthy and small feeding bandits with higher than normal success rates please do try these. they are caught by famed deepwater diver Rufus kimura. Rufus is at the top of the game when it comes to deepwater fish collection, and he has single handedly collected some of the rarest and deepest fish like narcosis, peppermint angels, basabei and excelsa butterflies etc etc
  3. i totally forgot about guyotensis. thanks for reminding me. there is a book with a picture of a live guyotensis in it. and guezei is so unknown it's almost a myth. basabei has been so featured i that i forgot the rest. i cannot find a proper description paper nor any scientific mention of P. basabei. you are right in that is it s a colloquial term but where they got the word basabei from, i have no idea. here's a picture of guyotensis from a book. it was placed photographically with the roaps subgenus. to me, it looks neither like a roaps nor a prognathodes. looks like a griffith's angel lol.
  4. yes i always try as much as possible to not touch glass. you don't use magnet? then how do you clean your glass?
  5. indeed. the butterfly demigods, excelsa and basabei. basabei is so crazy. it's the only pacific ocean prognathods and separated so far away from all the others in the atlantic. as such you would imagine it to diverge the most and true enough, the patterns are totally different. the rest of the prognathodes have the similar plain body with black stripe on front and back whereas basabei is totally banded. liopropoma aurora is the boss. too rare.
  6. Cairns Marine australia shipment at Iwarna soon. the following rare fish are up for pre-order. please express interest if interested. Pseudocoris aequalis - A Cairns Marine exclusive wrasse, endemic to the australian coral sea. the male is an amazing aquamarine blue color. i saw one in real life in blueharbor japan and i was very impressed. interested please contact Fuel. O. velifera (Sailfin dottyback) - Rare dottyback from australia. Gorgeous sailfin with a unique lanceolate sword tail. not expensive and very beautiful but highly aggressive and a big dottyback, so plan your stocking before committing. if intereste please contact Fuel.
  7. hi, it's a valve to prevent backflow into the sump if the return pumps fail. actually don't really need, since most well designed sumps can facilitate water backflow when pumps are off.
  8. good choice of scape for a cube tank. cantered with no rocks touching any of the glass. i'm sure in time your SPS will cover the raw look and look stunning. awaiting!
  9. it's perfect for oceanic column swimming fish like pyramid butterflies. the HK tank is also beautiful, with a darker bottom to simulate deeper water. and what a lovely cabinet color. a bold statement away from the usual whites and blacks! love it.
  10. Hi Hammy, the water level is 2 inch just below the neck and body interface of the skimmy. the air intake is set at about 3/4. are you using the same model? i find the SC series fantastic.
  11. thanks vincent! i like the fuge too. but it's a double edged sword. if it's ugly and overrun with algae, it'll be an eyesore.
  12. sump tank is small and cluttered. just enough space for the skimmer, and two filter socks to receive the water from overflow. the copper coil for the compressor is here as well. aside from this compartment, just some extra live rocks and a bag of ceramic rings.
  13. sump tank There's a small section set aside for refugium. the water supply here is one way only supply from a separate pipe directly from the overflow. water from sump doesn't flow into the refugium, but water from refugium flows into sump. there's a valve to control the amount of water flowing from the overflow directly to the refugium. the cabinet has a small cut out to view the refugium from the outside. right now it's just miracle mud. i'm thinking of keeping this refugium lightly stocked with small gobies and slow moving fish. and small soft corals as decor.
  14. hi belle, thanks very much! i always liked scapes like this. isolated rock mounds separated by sand. in my previous tank i also had a scape similar to this, but more elaborate because the tank had bigger space. i don't choose the rocks to fit the scape, i just choose random rocks. but i always roughly know what i want in mind first. what i usually do is choose rocks of various sizes, and with alot of surface texture and shape. that way when stacked, there are more surfaces to join and gives it a more smooth and natural look. i try to avoid rocks that are horizontally flat or boulder types with big round sides and edges. these are useless for stacking and give alot of awkward contact points that do not look smooth when stacked. hope that helps in answering your question
  15. some pictures of the scaped tank without lights. lights should come next week. I underestimated the 2.5ft width. although difference is only 1ft from my previous tank of 3.5ft width, it makes a world of difference. I am unable to do a "3D" scape with multiple layers front and back, and instead have space for only a linear scape. just a simple double non symmetric rock mounds. should look less raw when corals grow over them.
  16. err, what medication did you dose? there is only one medication effective against ich, and that is copper. dosing it in your tank directly will kill all your corals, invertebrates and live rock. other methods for ich include hyposalinity, but that cannot be done on your main display tank. there is no other chemical proven to kill ich. only copper. herbal remedies, garlic etc only boosts immunity. i hope you did not dose any medicine in your main tank.
  17. colini angels from cairns marine @ blueharbor. how many can u see?
  18. how many narcosis and peppermints can u spot in this wild video? surprisingly, a longnosed butterflyfish at that depth!
  19. The contents of this container is worth many tens of K! A tiny juvenile Basabei butterfly, 2 adult basabeis, 2 excelsa butterflies, 1 fuscipinnis anthias, 1 TINY sanguineus hogfish and the mega rare Liopropoma aurora!!
  20. beautiful rock work. i love simple coral bommies like this instead of a tank full of rocks. great usage of 5:3 aquascaping ratio.
  21. i was just lazy la haha. no salt to mix so just use FW. hyper salinity also safer for your rocks.
  22. i was wondering if anyone was going to ask me this. Hypersalinity dip is better. i performed it once and the effect is much faster and more dramatic. worms and crabs crawl out within the first minute. i used a FW dip because i did not have salt at home to mix up a pail of extra salty water. i used NSW for my tank. as for bacteria, yes of course, with a FW dip it will kill some but definitely not much. 30 mins is not enough to destroy the rock, and not nearly enough to kill everything. even live rock that have been left out of water but covered with a damp cloth can survive.
  23. butterflyfish are white spot magnets. unfortunately very few people practice quarantine here in singapore. so expect white spots to appear now and then. stock slowly feed more keep water parameters up and buy healthy fish. in a small tank, butterflyfish will find it harder to resist white spots. they don't belong in a small tank unless you quarantine them.
  24. yes. in my previous tank i was heartbroken on a regular basis whenever my small fish disappear for no reason. when i decommed i found a 9 inch bobbit worm and a 2.5 inch hairy crab.
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