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Everything posted by yikai

  1. and A. chrysocephalus! omg the male is so nice lah. TERRYZ HEARD THAT? IT'S NICE IT'S NICEE. i've only see female once and once only. iwarna brought one in during hawaii shipment last time. dunno if there were other shipments. the males are very nice and i want a pair.
  2. Currently obsessing over Anampses. I need to ask reborn or steven to bring in femininus.
  3. comparing multicolor with nahackyi is like comparing freeze dried mushroom soup to gourmet 5 star truffle soup. but i have to say the black multicolor is ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh my god. g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s
  4. debelius has the potential to look really disgusting sometimes... the spots on the chest and the face really... urgh. i still remember the first picture of debelius i saw. gorgeous blue and looked so beautiful.. compare these two photos.. if all specimens were to look like the one on the right, then i think it's hideous.
  5. yah unobtainable to us. edited* i've seen johnsoni in RC before.
  6. rubrimarginatus is very common, not to worry. the exquisite is very nice though. i like the broken pink lines on it's face compared to them normally having a solid pink face. i remember seeing this photo in your old tank thread and thinking "wow. beautiful exquisite" and now i look at it again, and i'm thinking it again. although it's common, it's the little difference in markings like this that excites me.
  7. this is a submale rubrimarginatus from philippines. philippine specimens are duller compared to fiji ones. don't have dark chest, dont have dark pelvic fins, dont have yellow spots and don't have the bright pink band on the dorsal region. that's a very beautiful exquisite wrasse btw.
  8. yes the female red margins are still present. there's a mixture of submales and females present. females look a little like males but with heavily subdued colouration and lack the bright red margin on the tail. anyway, here's a pic of two juveniles and a female. juveniles are pink with a yellow band on the head and a tail spot. female shown below with an alpha male red margin from fiji.
  9. AHH ORDER CLOSE LIAO!!?? i wan my name on the shirt
  10. pink one yes have. but those are not the alpha males. alpha males are bright yellow like the photo. but the yellow will also fade to pink/beige after awhile. pylei colour not very easy to hold. females are pink too.
  11. and that's all my fish out from QT. big big thanks to FuEl for helping me hold my fishes while my tank was fishless.
  12. Cirrhilabrus scottorum Scott's Fairy Wrasse Specimens from Fiji look similar to Cook island ones, but Cook island Scott's Fairy Wrasses have brighter yellow fins and a bigger red spot Australian ones are green entirely with bright orange fins with black markings.
  13. Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus Red Margin Fairy Wrasse Specimens from Philippines are light pink. Pelvic fins are light pink. Specimens from Fiji/Vanuatu are gorgeous with an extra bright pink band on dorsal region. Chest of males are dark blue with numerous yellow spots, pelvic fins are very dark blue.
  14. Cirrhilabrus pylei Pylei Fairy Wrasse Specimens from Cebu sport a brilliant blue line from tip of snout, running through the dorsal region to caudal penducle. Dorsal fin has a large black spot along 2/3 of the way, and tail is bordered in black. Specimens from Vanuatu are usually yellow, but fade to beige after being in captivity for awhile. A very violent species
  15. Cirrhilabrus lubbocki Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse Two variations from the Indo-pacific. One with horizontal black lines, another without.
  16. Cirrhilabrus exquisitus Exquisite Fairy Wrasse Specimens coming out from Africa and Maldives are the most beautiful, with gorgeous pink markings Fijian specimens are mostly green with some blue markings on face and fins. Vanuatu specimens closely resemble Fijian specimens, but at times, will sport yellow colouration on the dorsal region. Indonesian variants are predominantly green with red fins. Photos shown according to above mentioned locales.
  17. Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus Hooded Fairy Wrasse Specimens from Northern Vanuatu (Efate island) sport a bright red hood that dramatically separates the head from the bright orange body. Specimens from Australia sport a bright red hood that gradually mixes with the orange body. Specimens from Southern Vanuatu (Tanna island) sport a bright red hood that dramatically separates from the bright orange body. However, a red streak continues from the head to the tail. Both variations have pinkish fins.
  18. Here are some geographical variations of fairy wrasses. Some fairy wrasses coming from different locations will have different appearances. Here are some geographical variations for some of the more popular fairy wrasses
  19. venustus is not difficult to feed. ok it's difficult, but can be done. and i've seen so many feeding venustus before. the problem is they still die even after feeding. most of the time is collection problems.
  20. for under $30, Cirrhilabrus solorensis Cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura Cirrhilabrus lyukuensis Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus (bali) Cirrhilabrus filamentosus [Very aggressive] Cirrhilabrus pylei (Cebu) [Very aggressive] Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis Cirrhilabrus lubbocki Above $30, under $100 Cirrhilabrus exquisitus Cirrhilabrus naokoae Cirrhilabrus punctatus Cirrihlabrus temmincki Cirrhilabrus pylei (Vanuatu) [Very aggressive] Cirrhilabrus condei Cirrhilabrus scottorum (maybe can get less than 100) [Very Very aggressive] Cirrhilabrus balteatus [Can be quite aggressive] Cirrhilabrus luteovittatus Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis [Very aggressive] Above $100 Cirrhilabrus lineatus Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis [shy] Cirrhilabrus jordani [shy] Cirrhilabrus marjorie [Very shy] Cirrhilabrus laboutei [Very aggressive] Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus Cirrhilabrus roseafascia [Extremely aggressive] Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus Above $1500++++ Cirrhilabrus earlei (Only available if you direct import from Blueharbour) Unobtainable to us Cirrhilabrus claire Cirrhilabrus lunatus Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus Cirrhilabrus katoi Cirrhilabrus walshi Cirrhilabrus walindi Cirrhilabrus Cenderawasih Cirrhilabrus johnsoni Cirrhilabrus sanguineus Cirrhilabrus tonozukai Cirrhilabrus blatteus Cirrhilabrus katherinae Cirrhilabrus beauperryi Do a search on any of the scientific names above. sorry but when it comes to fish, i rarely, if ever, use common names. too misleading and most of the common names provided locally do not even exist in google searches, or are not accepted worldwide. Example: Scientific name : Cirrhilabrus punctatus Universally accepted common name : Fine Spotted Fairy Wrasse Local Name : Villa Wrasse (this name does not exist and is not widely accepted, no search results will appear)
  21. yeah man. long time no see, glad that you're back
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